
MHA: Incubus (18+)

Hitoshi Shinsou’s twin brother. He is tall, muscular and sexy. His quirk allows him to change a person’s perception or mentality. Read as he breaks all the women and gains pets.

Omen_of_Oblivion · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
15 Chs

First day [3/3]

Before they officially began their quirk assessment test Uraraka, the bubbly brunette from before interrupted with a question, "what about orientation?" Aizawa only looked to the group of kids as he began explaining the freedom the teachers have in teaching, "at UA you are training to become heroes, the orientation assembly is only to stroke the egos of the students, you don't need that. The hero course teachers at UA are given certain privileges in the way that we teach so as to prepare you better for life as a hero."

He turned his eyes to Akuma, Akuma felt weird being under his gaze. "Shinso Akuma, you scored highest on the entrance exam…" Aizawa pulled a ball out of his pocket and tossed it to Akuma who easily caught it. Akuma held the ball, it looking small in his hand, as he inspected it, he could see what looked like a tinted glass in a ring on a baseball. Aizawa continued "now, since your quirk is a mutation type you probably weren't able to do physical fitness tests fairly…", Akuma nodded to this, "you will throw that ball with all your strength, as far as you can, from within that circle, the results will be measured on this little thing right here" Aizawa said as he held up the little hand held screen.

Akuma made his way his way into the circle ball in hand as the other students watched, a few watched him closely. The girl known as Bakugo was grinding her teeth and clenching her fists as she was reminded someone beat her and got first. The girl with the scar named Todoroki Shoko watched him nonchalantly like he was no threat. The girl known as Midoriya was watching in awe with her fist pumped, she now knew who beat 'Kachan' and got first place, she was sure they would have an extremely powerful quirk. Akuma looked to Mr Aizawa, "you want me to go all out? I've never really tested my limits". Aizawa nodded and spoke "yes, give it your all, this is an opportunity to test your limits".

Alums nodded and drew his arm back and had the other one forward like when throwing a javelin, his throwing arm's leg was dragged back kicking up a little sand as it was. He then threw it. His body twisted as his arm swing forward at a rate that couldn't be seen. The ball escaped his grasp and flew.

The air stiffened before the blowback could be felt, the air ran through the area sweeping their hair, ruffling their clothes and lifting dust from the ground. Aizawa's eyes widened not expecting this kid to be this strong. All the other kids had their eyes wide as they gawked in silence. The wind deafened them for a moment then all the sound came rushing back. Akuma stood straight from his pro-throw stance. He raised his hand and looked at his palm, there was a little blister but it was already healing. He looked back to his new teacher awaiting his results. Aizawa didn't get the hint for a second but then he looked to the small screen. He showed the class the screen when he calmed himself down.

The screen read '2629.6 metres'.

All the kids were amazed and impressed, they began chatting and talking about how fun and exciting the tests will be. Aizawa hearing this frowned "so you think this is fun, huh? You think this is a game, that it's going to be fun, right? Well how about this, the person who comes last overall will be expelled, how's that for 'fun'?" He went on for a while longer talking about how becoming a hero requires effort and how he has authority over his class as well as who is in it. Most of the students gained nervous expressions as one in particular, Uraraka, blurted out "that's not fair, we only just got here!"

Hearing this Aizawa gained a bored expression like he has heard this many times before, "natural disasters, power hungry villains, catastrophic evens, the world is full of unfairness, it is a heroes duty to combat that unfairness…"

The children were all lined up listening to their teacher as he was explaining what the world is really like and how heroes combat the unfairness of it. How they will have to endure or they will be crushed under the weight of this unfair world. Some students gained a glint in their eyes clearly motivated, some had indifferent reactions, and most of them were nervous. Akuma stood tall hearing Aizawa's word and thinking of the future of society and his family. He was brought out of his thoughts by an uncomfortable sight, Aizawa smiling.Aizawa had a grin on his face as he looked to the class. "You do remember our school motto right? 'Plus Ultra', so try your hardest so you don't get sent home.


Akuma was now at the starting line of a fifty metre dash in a sprinting position. To his left was a girl who was squated down. They had green hair. Both her hands were on the floor as as her long tongue hung limp from her mouth. 'What that tongue do?' Akuma thought as he looked over to the girl starting to become even more horny. All of a sudden the girl leapt forward. Akuma was to distracted to hear the start. The moment he realised they started he sprinted. He quickly reached the end and stood across the finish line as he looked back at the girl, her tits bouncing quickly as she jumped. She finally crossed the line.

Akuma's score was '1.06 seconds'.


Akuma was now in the gymnasium as he held a grip strength testing machine. A few people stood around him to watch as he did it. He slowly strengthened his grip. His forearm tensed as he raised the gauge to his chest so he could see it. A tall boy, though still much shorter than Akuma, with several arms called Mezo Shoji took a look at his score.

Shoji's eyes widened in surprise as one of his hands morphed into a mouth and exclaimed in surprise "835kg!?" This alarmed all those in earshot as they looked to Akuma. Akuma rubbed the back of his neck with closed eyes and a weak smile as he began to tighten his grip. The faces of the others continued to become more and more serious as they saw how easily his score was rising. While they were looking at the score Akuma had several cleavages in view that jiggled a little every so often, this caused his smile to not only be one of nervousness but also bliss.

His final score was '2026.3 kg'.


Everyone has completed all of the tests. All the students were lined up awaiting their test results and their placement in the class. Aizawa stood in front of the class and grouchily said "you should all have an idea of your standing, it would be a waste of time to go through your scores individually so I'll just show them all together in order highest to lowest". Aizawa pulled out the small handheld screen he was using to track the results and it projected a large holographic list.

Akuma looked through the list immediately spotting his name at the top at number one. He started reviewing the list. 'So second place went to Yaoyorozu, she's the one with dark hair and big tits right? Didn't she pull a scooter out from between her tits?'

Akuma looked at Yaoyorozu as she looked back at him with a serious and inquisitive look. He just waved and then went back to looking at the list. 'Todoroki huh? She used ice, with eyes like hers I'm not surprised she has an ice quirk. I do wonder how she got that scar. I'm sure I could make that ice queen smile with my sword'. Akuma chuckle a little.

He looked through the rest of the list till his eyes landed on the unlucky student who was at the bottom. 'Midoriya… she was kind of cute, it's unfortunate that she's gonna be expelled. If she runs into my arms teary eyed I would have no choice but to accept her'. Akuma looked over to Midoriya like a few others in the class and shot her a sympathetic look. She was looking down at the floor with her fists clenched to her sides, she looked like she was about to cry. The first thought that came to his mind was to fuck her to put a smile on her face and replace her pain with pleasure.

When Akuma finished that thought Aizawa began to speak as he quickly shut off the hologram, "by the way, I lied about the expulsion, no one's going home". At this announcement most of the classes mouths were agape and eyes wide. Akuma looked around burning the faces into his mind, these faces were similar to the reactions many of his girls had when they first saw him in all his glory.

Aizawa's face gained a disturbing smile "that was just a rational deception to make sure you gave it your all during the tests". Many of the students shouted in shock. Yaoyorozu crossed her arms under her breasts and puffed out her chest as she said "of course it was a lie, it should've been obvious if you just thought it through". This drew the nervous gazes of most of the class.

After that Aizawa informed the entire class that their school curriculum handouts were in the classroom. Aizawa handed Midoriya a note for Recovery Girl, the school nurse, to treat her injuries also adding that tomorrow there will be more rigorous tests.


Everyone in class 1A were now dressed in their everyday school uniform. Akuma slowly walked out of school staring slightly downwards to make sure he doesn't bump into something. He walked but stopped as a voice called out from behind him.

"Oi! Bastard!"

Akuma turned around and looked down to where the voice came from. The one he saw, standing just outside of his shadow making little crackles and sparks in her hand was Bakugo Katsuki. She looked up at his nonchalant face with a scowl and snarled. Before Katsumi could continue her shouting Akuma spoke.

"Sup lil match stick, what d'ya want?" Akuma said slurring his words a little as he showed his lack of worry, annoyance and fear freely. His response surprised and angered Katsumi as her cheeks gained a tint of red.

She then replied with a thunderous yell "Who you calling 'lil match stick', HUH?! Just because you came first today doesn't mean you'll stay first! I'll make sure to beat your ass into the ground!"

When she finished Akuma leaned down closer to her face and said in a sultry voice with a seductive look, "you want to beat my ass~? I do like strong women, but be warned, if you try to beat my ass I'll beat yours right back, and your ass will be a lot more red than mine when we're done~ you got that 'lil match stick'?~" he let out a deep, suggestive chuckle.

Katsumi's quirk was deactivated and her face was completely red. She struggled to muster a response and only stammered. She quickly turned away, walked around him and began to quickly walk out of the school property while shouting back at him "this ain't over! You got that?! you, you, you, Big Idiot!!!(Or Big Baka)"

Akuma saw her walk of into the distance and also began to start his first walk from UA to his home. The home he shares with all his women and children. Akuma could only smile as he walked out the main gates looking at the sunset.

"I wonder what will happen tomorrow"



Sorry about long delay.

Next couple chapters will be the battle training though I don't think it'll be out soon, you guys will have to wait a while.