
MHA: Horizon (Ope-Ope No Mi)

A prodigy born with a godly quirk and forced into being a hero and living a life he despises, all for the sake of his parents. OP MC from the beginning, NO HAREM so please just don't ask. QUIRK: Hand Of God(Ope-Ope No Mi) The Art and original series don't belong to me. If you own anything here and would like it removed I'll gladly comply. Story cross-posted on scribble hub under the same title and profile name. Update Schedule: Every Weekday

keanu_eugene · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
331 Chs

CHAPTER 133(Japan's 3 Powers)

Discord: https://discord.gg/t7bHrdRY7Y

pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (Unlimited chapters ahead)


At an undisclosed location, Shigaraki was currently sitting comfortably on a couch playing on his phone.

Taking his role as the now true leader of the League Of Villains seriously, after being forced to grow up since All For One was locked away he's slowly becoming someone his master wouldn't be ashamed of.

Standing behind the couch to his left is Kurogiri, dutifully waiting for the signal for this meeting to begin.

At as his other side is Spinner, his right-hand man who was currently also playing on his phone, in a racing game with his boss.

In front of Shigaraki is a coffee table with an identical couch on the other side, and a moment later Kurogiri receives the signal that the intended guest is ready.

"Master," Kurogiri says. "Dabi has sent the signal."

"Tch, just when I was about to win," Shigaraki groans, but immediately puts his phone away.

"We can have a rematch later," Spinner says with a light chuckle, always one to enjoy time with his friend.

But as the Warp Gate opens across from them he immediately puts on his most intimidating face. As intimidating as a lanky lizard man with a 'greatsword', -which is just a collection of smaller knives stuck together-, can be.

The first out of the Warp Gate was Dabi, their resident half-burnt Elementalist.

Blue flames that are stronger than his father's, but even Endeavor doesn't know his son is alive. Only Dabi knows this truth.

His usual black leather trench coat was missing, and his body had some shallow gashes, his entire torso exposed to show all the burnt skin usually hidden away.

Ignoring his state he just lazily walks to the side of the room as the next person walks out of the Warp Gate.

Himiko Toga, their resident blonde school girl, her uniform splattered in blood and her hair loose to flow down her back instead of the usual two messy buns.

Tentatively licking her lips that were still dripping blood.

As their infiltrator she had the least combat of everyone, and made it out nearly flawlessly.

"Some of those guys were real weirdos 'Shigi!" Toga whines as she skips off to the side to stand beside Dabi.

The next person to walk out of the Warp Gate was their resident S-Class threat.

One of three in Japan's History.

By definition, an S-Class individual is someone that can overthrow a small nation singlehandedly. Being powerful helps, but what's most important is having some unquantifiable X-Factor.

This is why, even with all their power, people like Endeavor, Buakaw, Hodori, and even Gigantomachia aren't S-Class. They have the firepower but can't feasibly suppress an entire country.

All Might was S-Class simply because of his power, endurance, speed, and stamina. His powerset is simple but it's so far beyond the scope of normal that he punched his way into this list.

Star and Stripe as well as Horizon are S-Class by default, it simply comes with the territory of their Mystery Class status. And the absurd shows of power certainly clear any doubt.

But with All Might gone, Japan now only has 3, still more than the rest of the world combined.

Horizon, All For One.

And Japan's 3rd is who walks out of the portal next---

"Heyooo!" Twice saunters out cheerfully, completely unharmed.

His Quirk: Twice, allows him to copy himself or another person that he's touched and has the measurements of, these copies can make additional copies which become progressively less durable, but they can all use the Quirk of whoever they copy.

There is no numerical limit to this Quirk, a potentially infinite one-man army.

Wearing his black skin suit with white stripes he's followed by two copies of himself, holding a bloody and battered Kai Chisaki -Overhaul- by his forearms, stopping him from using his Quirk.

As the copies drop Overhaul into the seat opposite Shigaraki, the villain looks at his new associate.

Standing at 5ft10 -179cm- Overhaul was a thin man, currently wearing a battered white t-shirt and green jacket with black slacks. His brown hair was matted to his head by his own blood and the usual plague doctor mask knocked off his face, exposing his broken nose.

Even with his seemingly almighty Quirk, he barely lasted a few seconds against Shigaraki's bodyguard, against Gigantomachia.

'Kai Chisaki, Overhaul, how far you've fallen...' Shigaraki thinks, recalling how proud the man was during the meeting they had with all Yakuza heads.

"WAKE UP!" one of the copies yells and smacks Overhaul on the head, startling him awake.

"Huh!" Overhaul's eyes immediately narrow as he sees Shigaraki across from him, but he notices Spinner and Kurogiri as well.

He immediately drops down in his seat, leaning forward to slam his palm onto the floor, broken fingers and all.

One touch to the floor and he'd be able to break it apart, break the entire room apart and reassemble it however he wants, instantly killing everyone.

But the moment his hand was about to touch the ground, he stopped, saving his own life.

Directly below his palm had suddenly become a sickly grey and begun falling apart, Decay.

"How about you just settle down so we can sort out the details..." Shigaraki suggests, his tone casual and relaxed.

Overhaul's eyes follow the Decay spot, running along the trail crossing the floor between them and leading up the side of the couch, directly to where Shigaraki's arm was on the armrest.

'Since when was his control this good?' Overhaul wonders, noticing only this one part of the couch affected, control similar to his own.

But Decay is a destruction that Overhaul cannot undo, touching that spot would have been fatal.

Narrowing his eyes at Shigaraki, Overhaul widely sits back on the couch, looking around, not seeing Gigantomachia thankfully.

"Alright, what do you want?" Overhaul asks.

Shigaraki relaxes back into his seat, "the same deal as before, but...a bit steeper this time since you made my friends have to do some work. You really should have agreed like all the other villain organizations. You're the only Yakuza faction that was dumb enough to try and resist after all..."

Overhaul is angered by hearing the Yakuza openly mocked, but bites his tongue.

"Your demands?" Overhaul asks.

"You'll be transferring some of your earnings to us, and of course be acting as our eyes and ears for certain things. Compress will give you the details when he gets back.

Normally that's the extent of it, but your payments will be larger than most simply because you made us go through the hassle of teaching you where you stand in my new world order, but..."

Shigaraki opens his hands to Kurogiri, who drops a single red bullet into his palm, tipped with a needle.

Carefully holding it between his fingers to avoid the needle, Shigaraki looks past the bullet and toward Overhaul.

"These Deleter Rounds," Shigaraki says. "Somehow you figured out how to temporarily destroy Quirks, how close are you to making the effect permanent?"


Seeing Overhaul being difficult, Shigaraki leans forward and pokes the coffee table with one finger, and a slow Decay trail begins moving from his single fingertip, across the table, down the leg, to Overhaul's foot.

"A few more weeks," Overhaul cracks and answers, and Shigaraki leans back once more.

"Hmm," Shigaraki hands the bullet back to Kurogiri. "I'll send some Nomu to protect the room you keep these in, for protection, and to keep and eye on the supply. Don't want you to get any stupid ideas.

You can use the Radio Nomu we'll be sending to communicate with us if something happens, I'll also be giving you a few more for muscle since these bullets are useful. But keep them in your underground hideout, if anyone knows you have a Nomu then---"

"Horizon comes running to investigate," Overhaul says. "I get it."

"Whatever, those are your instructions, welcome to the new world order, you Yakuza thugs are much better put to use under me, you should be happy."

Overhaul furrows his brow, unable to hold his tongue, "the Yakuza is a proud organization, we're a staple in Japan's underworld. With All Might gone we could have taken over Japan."

"Then why didn't you?" Shigaraki asks, almost jokingly.

Twice and Toga can't help but chuckle at bit, desperately trying not to interrupt the meeting.


"Because you don't realize that things aren't the same as when All Might was around, even with him gone the entire structure of the country has been shaken up."

Overhaul sits back to listen, curious as the what Shigaraki was talking about.

Shigaraki raises three fingers, "Japan currently has 3 Powers controlling it. Before it was just All Might at the top, but now there isn't that one Symbol above everyone else.

The first, is the Hero Public Safety Commission. They have all the heroes and the police, their heavy hitter is Endeavor, he's too much for any villain but Machia and some of our more specialized Nomu to deal with, atleast in their current states.

The second, is the League Of Villains. We control the Nomu as produce them. We also now control all of the Yakuza and any noteworthy gang or villain in the country.

Our heavy hitter is Gigantomachia, he's too much for any one hero to handle and everyone knows it. Plus we've got Twice to cause serious problems if needed.

See how it works, All Might was so powerful he could bulldoze anyone, so Heroes ran rampant during his time. But now Endeavor acts as a counterbalance to keep the other side in check.

But Endeavor isn't really that big of a concern when we've got Machi, its the 3rd faction that I'll be using your technology against. To weaken their support network so we can crush them."

"3rd faction?" Overhaul questions. "Another villain group?"

"No, Nezu, and his champion, his favorite student, Miracle Boy, Horizon..."

Overhaul looks completely confused by that, "he isn't included with the other heroes?"

"Oh no, our sources say he only answers to Nezu, and they seem to have their own agenda that our sources say raises tension with the Commission. I'm making you aware of this because if these bullets go public too soon then both those factions will converge on you, and I'll lose my secret weapons."

"I see," Overhaul takes a second look at Shigaraki, now realizing there was more to him than just destruction, there was a method to the madness after all.

He'd never truly follow him, but for now he could atleast see use in the other villains, "but why not attack UA when Horizon is in Tokyo doing hero work, if Nezu is the true leader of that faction?"

"Hmm, how do I put this?" Shigaraki scratches his head. "The way I have to give the Nomu commands to act, Nezu has to hold onto Horizon's reigns, apparently he's a bit...excessive, and obsessive.

Having him take orders from someone more gentle is in our best interest. And the time he spends at UA opens up a few days that we can get work done within Tokyo without him suddenly detecting us...somehow."

"But if my bullets delete his Quirk, then Gigantomachia can deal with the other Heroes, and game over for them," Overhaul says.

"Those bullets won't work on him," Shigaraki says, catching Overhaul off guard. "It's one of the many experiments we ran with the blood samples my master collected during their fight in the forest.

But don't you worry about Horizon, we're working on something to deal with him, you just need to go make my bullets, and keep your head down..."

'So Shigaraki has a way to deal with Horizon, and since my bullets can't work I should just let him handle that. Then I can just delete all their Quirk and make my clean world.

I'll just need to find another way to administer my cure to Gigantomachia, since my Quirk doesn't work on him its the easiest way to deal with him.'

"Alright boss," Overhaul says, playing his part. "I'll leave Horizon to you, and I'll contact you when the first batch of permanent bullets is ready."

Shigaraki looks annoyed at that but just nods, and a moment later Kurogiri warps Overhaul away.

Spinner and Shigaraki immediately take a relaxing breath, not enjoying having to 'play tough' in these formal meetings at all.

"Are all of you ok?" he asks Dabi, Twice, and Toga.

"Doing great!" Twice cheers.

"Never better!" Toga joins him.

Dabi just rolls his eyes at them and walks out of the room.

"Hey Shigi, since when do we have something to deal with Horizon?" Toga asks. "I thought you said to stay far away from him, I mean that's why we're all the way in the countryside instead of back in Tokyo, right?"

"We don't have anything yet, atleast nothing that I'm sure has a 100% win rate, but we will."

"Really?" Twice asks.

"Gigantomachia," Shigaraki says. "Now that the final notable villain organization is under our control, Ujiko can operate on him to add the new Quirks, with those even Horizon can't stop him.

Who knows, maybe he'll even be strong enough to challenge Star and Stripe..."

"One thing at a time master," Kurogiri warns him, because nobody was ready for that fight...


Shigaraki immediately answers his phone, "Compress, what's going on?"

"I'm sorry boss, but I couldn't recover the item from I-Island, there was a villain attack while I was sneaking in and the place became a warzone."

"Are you ok?"

"Oh, yeah I'm fine, but this mission is a fail."

"There'll always be another mission, head back to the Warp Gate location, Kurogiri will meet you there..."


Buakaw and Hodori were pat.reon OCs (requested by Dante), ideally nobody could tell, feel free to contact me for more info.

And the new volume begins, please leave a review if you haven't yet :)