
MHA: Horizon (Ope-Ope No Mi)

A prodigy born with a godly quirk and forced into being a hero and living a life he despises, all for the sake of his parents. OP MC from the beginning, NO HAREM so please just don't ask. QUIRK: Hand Of God(Ope-Ope No Mi) The Art and original series don't belong to me. If you own anything here and would like it removed I'll gladly comply. Story cross-posted on scribble hub under the same title and profile name. Update Schedule: Every Weekday

keanu_eugene · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
331 Chs

CHAPTER 129(Monsters and Freaks)

Discord: https://discord.gg/t7bHrdRY7Y

pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (Unlimited chapters ahead)


"What the hell..." Horizon mutters, standing toward the far end of the room.

Dozens of heroes and politicians scattered about in their best gowns and suits, all either standing or sitting at designated tables to chat and show off to each other.

But what was on his mind was Yagi, he'd just sensed him walking onto the massive balcony, and just as he was about to go check on him, Endeavor began talking to him.

"Well I guess he can take care of him for a while," Horizon mutters, only this time someone actually heard him.

"Is something the matter?" Best Jeanist asks him, snapping him back into the moment.

Looking at Jeanist he sees him wearing a dark blue suit with the collar still reaching up to his nose.

"Sorry I was just checking the perimeter, everything is fine," Horizon says.

Jeanist takes his word for it, because why wouldn't he, everyone in the room believes in Horizon as their future #1 Hero after all.

Taking the moment to chat with Horizon he stands beside him, looking over the room, "you handled tonight well, quite tactful."

Horizon just shakes his head, "dealing with a mob of excited heroes and politicians and...rich people," he sees Rikiya -Re-Destro-, and Chitose -Curious-, chatting at a far away table.

"Yes, but don't forget that these people make our jobs possible, many individuals wouldn't be able to act as Pro Heroes without the support of society, its what keeps us ahead of the villains."

"Doesn't mean I want to be in a room with them, but this is part of the job, right? Playing nice..."

"The most important part when considering all of society," Jeanist says. "Our presence is a deterrent, especially as a top Pro. And helping people feel safe is part of that. Thankfully when you're #1 I doubt you'll need any help, considering how well you've already been making an impression for the nation."

"Hmm, is that what you wanted to remind me about?"

"Somewhat, but mostly I wanted to see how you were handling the pressure," Jeanist turns to full look at him with sympathetic eyes. "The pressure that comes with being a top 10 Pro Hero is vast, being the #1 is infinitely more so. But to be under the pressure of everyone expecting you to be the next, the stronger and even more deific version of All Might, while being a student, I dare not imagine that..."

Horizon pauses for a moment before he responds, "the weight of the world is inconsequential, compared to the standard I hold myself to, compared to who they need me to be."

Jeanist sighs, "you #1 Heroes really are odd, but I suppose that's what makes you the real super-humans."

"It's necessary," Horizon says, "normal people can't handle the weight of 300 Million lives counting on their every move."

Jeanist just rest a hand on Horizon's shoulder and shakes his head, "I do not envy you young man."

As he withdraws his hand Horizon turns toward him, "hmm, I should have asked sooner, how are your lungs?"

"Oh, that. Honestly I usually forget about that injury until someone brings it up, and it makes me quite happy knowing that you offer such a service for free at the hospital now."

"Yeah well, just doing my part."

"Yet you didn't heal everyone from that night, only a few, why is that?"

Horizon's shoulders noticeably stiffen at that, "because Hawks can take care of himself..." he says before walking off.

'What an odd response,' Jeanist thinks, keeping that in mind as he goes to catch up with Ryukyu.

Walking away from Jeanist Horizon weaves through the chattering people, ignoring a few lovely ladies trying to get his attention and some older gentlemen itching to offer him more brand deals that he'd simply ignore.

Playing along with Stain's 'True Hero' nonsense means he can't actually monetize himself as much as other heroes, but that was never his concern, he'd trade all his money to get his true goal.

'Time to make a great first impression...' Horizon thinks as he sees his future peers.

Sitting at a large round table at the front of the room, close to the stage Yagi stepped off of moments ago, Buakaw and Hodori.

Buakaw was a large man, to say the very least. Standing at 6ft6 -198cm-, packed with just as many muscles as All Might below his traditional robes.

Gold and white to show his status and reputation, light brown skin with short spiky black hair and solid golden eyes.

He looked entirely calm and collected which is an extreme contradiction to how everyone kept away from the table mostly because of him.

His immense and intense presence was unmistakable even in this room.

The man calmly running his red prayer beads through his fingers was a monster standing among the absolute strongest in the world.

The pride of Thailand, a prodigy that completely reinvigorated the nation's interest in Muay Thai, a grandmaster at The Art Of 8 Limbs, even before using his Quirk.

Born with a Quirk perfect for appearing as a guardian of his people, and even better to compliment his fighting style.

Buakaw: The Pride Of Thaliand.

And his wife sits beside him, the absolutely beautiful Lady Priestess, wearing shrine maiden robes and munching away at a salad in front of her.

A model woman to represent their nation marrying their greatest hero and the pride of the nation, it was almost too perfect to be real.

And sitting across from them chatting up Uwabami, The United Democratic Repulic of Korea's #1 Hero, the infamous skirt chaser, Hodori.

After world war 3, North Korea was destroyed and captured by China, but after world war 4 it was handed back to the Korean people to create this new nation.

Many others were formed in this manner.

And to represent this nation is their current #1 Hero, Hodori, the strongest full-beast-transformation Quirk in the world.

The youngest current #1 Hero in the world, at only 26 years old.

Standing at 7ft -213cm- but very thin compared to Heroes like Endeavor, All Might, Star and Stripe, or Buakaw.

Wearing a grey suit with no tie, and the top buttons undone he has his arm around Uwabami's shoulder as she giggles at something he said, blushing wildly.

She seemed lost in his piercing red eyes, and looking closer Horizon could see his spiky white hair almost swaying back and forth, as if it were moving on its own.

Horizon just rolls his eyes at them, 'Hodori didn't bring any of his usual girls...guess he wants to try the local fruits.'

Approaching the table he sees all the empty seats beside both couples, all reserved and all the people were present, but for one reason or another, nobody wanted to be too close to these two, much in the same way people keep a reasonable amount of space between themselves and Endeavor.

And on the other hand...nobody wants their wife at the same table with Hodori.

'Monsters and freaks', that's exactly how most knowledgeable people would describe these men.

While there is no official international Hero Ranking, every government is acutely aware of who the top 10 most powerful heroes of all the local Rank #1 heroes in the world are.

But while Star can easily defeat anyone lower than her on this ranking, that truth is not the same for the other rankings. Aside from her being a higher rank doesn't guarantee victory against a lower rank.

#1-Star and Stripe.




And eventually when he becomes a fully licensed Hero, Horizon will join the other monsters and freaks of this world.

Rising to become a god among people, among even the super-humans.

But until that, with All Might gone, Star and Stripe is no longer argued being at number 1 or 2, but is solidly at #1 in the world.

"I hope nobody here minds," Horizon says, in English, as he takes Endeavor's reserved seat at the table, having been ignored by the man in question. "But I figured I should at least introduce myself. I'm Horizon."

"Buakaw," the man says in English as he extends a hand which Horizon shakes, much more pleasant than his appearance would portray. "And this is my wife."

"Lady Priestess," Horizon says, and she gives him a pleasant smile and a nod.

Both men glance over at Hodori, only to see him completely ignoring them and focusing on chatting up Uwabami.

Buakaw and his wife give the young hero an annoyed look but quickly ignore him.

"So are you enjoying your time in Japan?"

"Absolutely," Priestess says, "your country is quite lovely, but we'll be leaving before sunrise."

"Ahh, I was curious about that," Horizon looks at Buakaw. "Its common knowledge that top Pro Heroes can't travel abroad so easily, heck I can't even leave Japan without approval from Pantu and President Bosu...so how did two #1 Pro Heroes manage to visit us so quickly?"

"In most cases that would be the case," Buakaw says. "But I owe All Might personal gratitude from some guidance he gave me very early on, the first time we worked together. They simply couldn't stop me from coming here at this ceremony to honor him."

"So they decided to just play nice instead, that makes sense," Horizon says.

"That must have been nice," Hodori cuts in, "damn Korean government told me to come and show face, some crap about Japan and Korea being neighbors so showing support being necessary."

"It's only one day for you," Buakaw says. "I'm sure you can manage spending one night in Japan. Not to mention showing international solidarity among Heroes and governments is important. All Might showed very well how important it is to have a positive international reputation.

If we ever fail then I can at least feel hopeful that powerful heroes will aid my people in my place, at least until they get back onto their feet."

"Tch," Hodori scoffs, "doesn't matter if you just never fail. But the travelling isn't the problem. I didn't spend years collecting a perfect Harem of supermodels to be pulled away from them for some stuffy ceremony."

Buakaw and his wife look slightly disgusted at that, but Horizon doesn't react.

"Well I suppose I can see that being annoying," Horizon is sure to keep things polite, "So what's Hero work like in your countries?"

"Scouting new opportunities?" Buakaw asks.

"Not at the moment at least, I was just curious about how wild things can get."

"Hmm," Buakaw things about it for a moment. "In Thaliand underground Heroes are far more effective and successful. Most of the influential villains are smart enough to adapt and avoid direct conflicts which puts a focus on tracking and infiltration, as well as stealth."

"I read about that," Horizon says. "Nobody wants to get into the ring with you, at least not after the first few years, so you forced the villain landscape to adapt and work around you."

Buakaw nods," the same would have happened in your nation, at least at the same scale. But unlike Thaliand the more flashy villains can't simply cross the border to escape All Might and do their business then return, since your country is a collection of islands."

"Sounds like you've got a lot of free time," Hodori laughs. "Makes sense that most people don't want to deal with Virya, there isn't much in this world worth taking that many punches from you at once."

"You could achieve the same result if you took things a bit more seriously," Buakaw says.

Hodori does a low growl, more annoyed than anything else. Looking at Buakaw he gives him a toothy smile, showing off some of his teeth becoming razor sharp fangs before they shift back to normal.

"I try to keep it playful because I just get too excited," Hodori chuckles, "I'm just an extremist like that, not to mention seeing me fighting like that scares the girls..."

"Well I guess that's...a reason," Horizon says.

"Oh right, speaking of women," Hodori glances to Uwabami, making sure she couldn't understand what they were saying in English. "Is bunny girl making an appearance at this thing? I was hoping to take her back to Korea with me, atleast for a few nights."

Horizon pauses for a moment, then responds, "I don't sense her around, sorry."

Hodori frowns, "how about a number for Midnight?"

"Sorry I don't have that."

"Tch, guess you're useless," he leans back and pulls Uwabami a bit closer, leaving her completely oblivious.

After talking for a short while Horizon's phone eventually goes off, along with Jeanist and Ryukyu.

They all see the alert regarding Kurogiri being spotted near Mt. Fuji, sent to specific top Pro Heroes for this capture mission.

"Sorry but, Hero work," Horizon says and everyone at the table politely nods as he gets up and walks outside.

Endeavor looks up from his phone to see Horizon approaching him and Yagi.

"Jeanist and Ryukyu are already flying off," Horizon says. "I need to take Yagi back to UA, you can ride with us in the helicopter."

Endeavor looks between Yagi and Horizon, then reluctantly nods, "alright, lets go deal with the League of Villains..."