
MHA : Hero Time

Died and strangled in the world of superpowers. How will Ray live his life when knowing that the world is destined to doom sooner or later? What can he do about it anyway? He doesn't have any power. Well, what he thought before the world gave him the means to save. Now, will he be the Hero who will save the world ? Or he will go PLUS ULTRA My Hero Academy doesn't belong to me, this story is just for fun and all that shit. Don't sue me please. Upload on :- Tuesday to Sunday. Bonus Chapter on Monday and Sunday. ******************************** (P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) LINK: patreon.com/Kamidemond ********************************* I'm planning on keeping a stockpile of at least 20 chapters there. DISCORD Discord invite: https://discord.gg/VqU83N2As4 *The Cover is not mine, tell me if you want me to remove it, just don't sue me!!!

kamidemond · Cómic
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160 Chs

Chapter 65 : Final Exam 4

After Yuta brainwashed Izuku, there was no running from there. The fight was imminent, both Yuta and Deku looked at All Might with determination. 

"One For All Full Cowling, 10%" Izuku said, not even like talking in his mind. He said so that Yuta could hear it, if Yuta had not learned about OFA and AFO or the relationship between Izuku and All Might, he might really have wondered what is this kid doing, giving away his real secret like that.

But even then so he found the sudden move from Deku dumb. Yeah, he too calls out his moves like that but he only whispers at best or mostly thinks in his head.

There was a faint green aura around Deku. Indicating that though the boy was strong in this state it was still barely a fraction of the power of One For All. 

"Ah, I see you are not holding back Young Midoriya. Good, come then." All Might Grin as he was ready to teach this hot-blooded youth some pro-hero stuff. 

"Well Midoriya, I believe I can't back down either after I spoke so much about this fight, don't mind I stole a few lines from your power. I kind of like it." Yuta said as he too was planning on doing stupid things just for the sake of matching his partner's energy. 

"One For All Full Cowling. Let's say I need more than you so how about 25%." Yuta said while barely restraining the laughter coming to his face. He was saying the truth in broad daylight but no one will be wiser here.

After saying this though, Blue Lightning started to dance around the boy as his black hair got a hint of blue and started to flutter. Just by visuals, it was pretty easy to say who was stronger. 

Even All Might look at this with daze, it was almost like he gave One for All to not one but two people. 

Sigh, he might even believe that Yuta stole his quirk without him knowing if Nezu had tested the boy before. 

Unknown to him, All Might had no idea how close to the truth he got there. 

"Hahaha, alright then young Yuta, Young Midoriya. Come at me with everything you have. Don't hold back, show me what you got. Go Plus Ultra." All Might's always plastered smile got even wider as he took a fighting stance, though still not making the first move.

Being the number 1 hero and the symbol of peace, he at least can give that much leeway to the young heroes. He would only act if either of them would have plan on running away which doesn't look like the case after Yuta's speech. 

"SORU." Yuta was the first one to move as he all but disappeared from the side, Deku couldn't even see Yuta's afterimage. 

However he wasn't as helpless as he was when Yuta used the move the first time after coming back from the internship. He was more focused on Yuta than Izuku anyway. All Might was aware of Deku's capabilities.

Though the boy was getting stronger each day but he wasn't anywhere closer to beating him or even putting him in a hard spot. 

Yuta on the other hand, it was hard to say. The boy and his quirk Hero Time was still a mystery. 

Back when he talked with him, the boy himself stated that he himself had not fully comprehended his quirk yet. And All Might have to agree seeing just how many variations of powers the boy can have, even the techniques he develops are fascinating. 

In a blink Yuta arrives near All Might, ready to deliver a mighty kick but All Might makes distance even before that. Seeing that his kick wouldn't connect Yuta didn't give up, he kicked none of the rest.

'Tempest Kick,' Yuta smirked as a compressed air pressure rushed at All Might, thought the symbol of peace noticed it but he didn't have time to dodge it. Having no other choice, he brought his hand forward to block the attack. 

But he wasn't expecting the kick to be enough to generate such powerful air pressure that even he was pushed one step back. Though it was mostly thanks to him not taking it seriously and his sense of balance disturbed by the weight he was wearing on his wrists and legs but still. 

"Haha, that really was something." All Might grinned, now that the basic pampering was over, he rushed at Yuta to deliver a punch. He in fact matches Yuta's earlier speed without using any technique like SORU.

Even Yuta was surprised by the sudden speed and not having time to dodge Yuta brought his hands up in defence. 

'Iron Body,' another technique from Navy Six Style, is a defensive technique which makes the body of the person using it as strong as Iron by compressing the muscles hard enough. Though this technique locks a person in one position while using the technique the defensive power skyrockets. 

Only below something like Armament Haki. 

"Bamm." All Might though holding back against students was still powerful enough to send Yuta 5 steps back with just one punch. The power of the punch was so strong that Yuta gritted his teeth upon the impact. 

But his Iron body was able to handle the punch. 

All Might on the side was taken aback, that punch had enough power to at least knockout Yuta until the evening. And yet the boy didn't even fly back, let alone knock out. 

He looked at his own fist, there wasn't any pain but he felt that he punched iron rather than a human.

Deku on the side gritted his teeth, both All Might and Yuta were too fast for him to track for a second. Not knowing what to do, he stopped overthinking and charged right ahead. Passing by Yuta who was still in his earlier defensive posture and rush at All Might. 

"Detroid Smash." the boy called out and swung his hand and targeted All Might's shoulder. 

All Might though was not taken aback by this attack. His long Hero experience has made him quiet used to fighting more than one villain at a time for him to not expect this sudden attack coming at him out of nowhere. 

He simply caught the boy's fist, rendering it useless before even he could deliver the punch and swung him out. 

'Damn, he is strong.' Yuta knew that this was a proper boss fight he was entering but damn. 

'SORU.' Yuta rushed out and intercepted Deku from flying out and hitting any building. He needed the boy's help here to take down All Might. Good thing that All Might didn't hit the boy but rather threw him at the building. 

Yuta masterfully caught Deku in his trajectory thanks to Sharingan and after grabbing the boy he swung him at All Might, only to follow behind right after.

"Izuku, Go," Yuta shouted. Making Deku came out of his dizzy estate as he locked on to the approaching All Might and readied his punch. 


All Might was a little surprised that Yuta was able to catch Midoriya midair but grinned right after seeing he thew the boy right at him. 

'This is interesting.' 

Ready to this time really throw an attack he got ready only to find a blue figure appearing right beside him even before Midoriya arrived. 

It was Yuta of course, thanks to Soru he overtook Deku's speed, appearing behind All Might before. But the boy didn't attack him though for some reason. Rather he took a stance. With his hands out and making fists, pointing at him. 

All Might was confused but seeing that the boy wasn't moving, he swung his fist at the upcoming Izuku as the boyu was almost upon him.


Both All Might and Izuku's punch connected and it created a wind pressure enough to half both of their movements for a few seconds. 

Seconds which were enough for Yuta to get ready. After all this technique was harder to pull off.

" Rokuogan"


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