

An explosion ends the life of a young university student, but fate had other plans for the young man as he's brought to life once again but NOT on his world. Follow the adventures of the Demon King as he struggles to the road of heroes.

Shadow_Wolf13 · Cómic
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10 Chs

Festival Mood

For the next two weeks, Shiki trained with Ochako and his friends preparing for the festival. They also trained as a class, Bakugo, Shiki, and Todoroki had made a declaration to the rest of the first years to come to the top, not only as individuals but also as a class, even Bakugo who was more determent to win the whole festival and prove that he was the best got fired up and joined his classmates at training, even if it was rarely, now he didn't only want to win by himself, he wanted to prove that his whole class was consistent of powerful individuals who fought for the #1 spot but also stood together and were the best together as a class and by themselves. Everyone knew that the last challenge was one-to-one battles, he would fight them then and prove that even in his class he was #1, but for now, he would fight alongside them.

The first thing to do was to scout the 'enemy' for powerful quirks and the most threatening individuals from the other classes, without making it obvious, they decided to choose the best people for scouts while the rest would focus on the first round and simultaneously help the scouts to finish in time. They decided on four scouts, the first one being Tsu with her quirk frog she could jump high combining it with her observant nature she made a great first choice, Toru was the next one, her watch which made her visible wasn't allowed in the main challenges since it was considered as a support item, her invisibility made her the perfect candidate, then it was Koji Koda who would use the birds to scout, some people suggesting using insects as well, both Shiki and Koda shivered at the idea, and it was decided it was best not to -Ochako laughed at him for still being afraid of bugs- lastly, Shiki was the last scout, he would fly with his quirk but unlike the others, he had to keep a good placement mostly to make him less suspicious to both the teachers and the students who had seen his strength at the entrance exam.

Finally, the day had arrived, they were all nervous some more than the others and some wanted to prove a point but in the end, all of the people in their class were targeting the number one place, to win, they would work together but they would also compete with each other to reach their goal, even if they had to turn against friends, they all made sure to make things clear at where they stand without breaking the bonds they started creating. But no one made an official declaration, at least not until now.

Todoroki sighed and got up, walking at the green-haired boy, eyes filled with determination while he himself was hiding his nervousness behind a neutral and cold expression.

Before he could reach him though, the door swung open and their class representative entered, making Todoroki flinch something that went unnoticed by most.

"Everyone get ready, it's time," Ida said, before anyone could move Todoroki called out first.

"Midoriya" the greenate lifted his head to look at the heterochromatic boy in front of him with both a nervous and confused expression, "Looking things objectively, I think I'm stronger than you, but for whatever reason, All Might have his eye on you," he said even though he knew why All Might was closer with Midoriya than with any other student "I'm not going to pry about that, but I am going to beat you," he said making everyone widen their eyes at him.

'Why fucking Deku? what? am I not good enough for you, half n half bastard?' The explosive teen of class 1-a thought while glaring daggers at the bipolar boy, slowly though his eyes slipped at the calm raven-haired teenager with onyx eyes who just looked at the scene with intrigue. "Someone else to hold the title Symbol of Peace" his own words from USJ echoed in his head, in his eyes, Shiki was currently the strongest in the class and if anyone was to be a symbol he thought it would be him, 'but not Peace' he thought 'Maybe hope' he remembered when he saw Shiki sending the Nomu flying with just one punch even though at the time he had a demonic appearance his strength gave him hope, hope that they could make it out alive, making him determined to fight and to stand side by side with the only person he could not think as competition but as a goal, someone powerful enough that made him want to become stronger and stronger until they are at the same level of strength and can stand on equal ground. Over the course of a few months, his goal for #1 didn't change but became secondary as now his first goal was to stand on equal ground with someone he admired. He turned back to Todoroki and Midoriya as Kirishima walked over to the heterochromatic boy, he couldn't be number 1 but he could be number 2, 'Deku... half n half is right, All Might has his eyes on you' he thought as he realized the reason behind the declaration 'All Might has already decided on a successor, that's the reason behind your declaration, you want to beat the successor and prove yourself. Well, you're not the only one.'

"We stand as a class but also as individuals," Shiki said before Todoroki could reply to Kirishima. "We made plans as a class but when we reach one-on-one battles then we're enemies, we have to fight each other, no one made official declarations but we always knew. Stand against the other classes but also stand against classmates when the time comes... Everyone wants to win and making a declaration now is actually avoiding confrontation later. So everyone get ready because when the time comes I'm also going to aim to win"

Midoriya lost his nervous look at turned to the boy that made the first declaration "Tsukiyama is right, all the other classes will aim for us and the first place, and when they made their declaration you stood your ground alongside Kachaan and Tsukiyama, we all want to progress as a class but also to stand out and win, so I'm also going to fight for first place and I'll be going for it with everything I've got" Todoroki looked at Midoriya's determined expression and nodded, then his eyes slid on Bakugo and send a nod to him too, making his silent declaration to him as well.


Walking down the tunnel, everyone's expression was determined instead of nervous, they were right they were comrades but also competitors as well, and seeing three of the most promising students in their class making their declarations lit a fire to everyone. They could already hear the chaos that was coming from the studio but their resolve was steeled.

"The stars of this year's sports festival, the ones you've all been waiting for. The miraculous new stars who overcame enemy attacks with their hearts of steel! Hero course, class 1-A, right?" The studio filled with cheers as their class walked out at the studio. Their faces even though they were full of determination sips of anxiety could be seen.

"Will we be able to give our best performance being watched by so many people?" Iida questioned. "This is also a part of the training required to become a pro!"

"They haven't been getting as much airtime, but this class is also full of talent! Hero course, class 1-B! Next up, general studies classes C, D, and E! Support course, classes F, G, and H are here too! And business course, classes I, J, and K! All of U.A.'s first years are here now!"

"Wow, he just brushed off the other classes" Toru whispered beside Shiki

"Every year the main focus is the hero courses, it's not unusual for the other classes to be brushed off," Shiki told her in a low voice so only she could hear him.

"Still, it's not nice"

"never said it was"

As they reached the podium they saw Midnight waving her black whip.

'Is she really the best person for this?' Shiki questioned the school's choice while trying to hide his slight blush at his teacher's outfit.

"It's time for the student pledge," The R-Rated hero said.

"Is it okay for her to be at a high school even though she's R-Rated?" Tokoyami thought aloud, not noticing his outside thoughts gaining some of his classmates' attention.

"That's a good question," Todoroki told him while Mineta told everyone to shut up.

"Representing the students is Shiki Tsukiyama from Class 1-A!" Everyone turned and looked at Shiki who didn't seem surprised at that and just walked forward to the podium.

"It must be because he finished first in the exam," Midoriya said, while a girl from General Studies reminded him that he finished first in the hero course. Yaoyorozu looked at her wanting to point out that he didn't need to take the academic studies but hold back, in the time she spent with Shiki she found out that he didn't really like the attention and preferred to avoid it if possible.

"Every year at the sports festival everyone aims to be number one. Students from other courses aim to beat the hero course in order to gain a place in the heroics while a heroic student will lose his place. I'm standing here right now to remind those students, that we, at the hero course are not planning to make things easy for them. We earned our place and we're planning on keeping it. They made their declaration at us and now we make ours 'It doesn't matter, not as long as you rise to the top, Holding your position and proving to everyone that you belong to the hero course'" he repeated his, Todoroki's and Bakugo's words from two weeks ago. "We will all going to give everything we got, so I would advise you to do the same, that is if you wish to knock us down, but a fair warning IT'S NOT GOING TO BE EASY." He finished his speech by giving fume to the heroic students' determination while simultaneously firing up and pissing off the other courses' students and making the crowd cheer even louder. As Shiki got off the stage the rest of the first years glared daggers at him, his speech made him the main focus and target, precisely what he wanted.

"Now, let's get started right away!" Midnight once again gained the attention of the crowd and the students alike. "The first game is what you would call a qualifier! Every year, many drink their tears here! Now, here is the fateful first game!" She said as a screen appeared behind her showing everyone the spinning "The first challenge is..." She said as it slowed down and finally showed everyone the results "Obstacle Race!"

"This is really convenient," Shiki said with a low voice making it possible for only his class to hear him. "Our plan is perfect for this... Tsu stays close to Yaoyorozu and Tokoyami, Toru stays with Iida, and Koda stays close to Kaminari and Kirishima, Jirou keep your ears open, and stay close to Kaminari as well, pretty sure class 1-B is planning something similar. I'll stay ahead and scout, Bakugo, Todoroki keep your positions as closest to the top as possible, after all, we three gained the most attention. The rest give everything you got and make sure you back the rest of us, after we finish we assemble and discuss our findings and the next course of action." Everyone nodded at him.

"All 11 classes will participate in this race. The course will be the outer circumference of this stadium -- about four kilometers!" a Robotic voice explained.

"Our school's selling point is Freedom!" Midnight said linking her lips. "As long as you stay on the course, what you do doesn't matter! Now, everyone take your places!"

"I'll freeze the path at the beginning I'm expecting you all to get out of the trap," Todoroki said to his class.

As the green light lightened up the mess of students ran forward blocking the entry and making the first obstacle obvious, and just like Todoroki promised he froze the path and trapped many students but just as was expected most if not all of his classmates escaped.

Shiki flew over his competition and just as he reached the first obstacle he slowed down allowing his friend to stop beside him.

"Are those the robots you faced at the entrance exam?" Todoroki asked.

"Yeap, they are easy to deal with," Shiki said as he and Shoto dodged a big metallic fist. Shoto nodded and proceeded to freeze the robots while simultaneously trapping Shiki, who just looked at him with a deadpan expression.

"Sorry, but this is still a competition"

"The betrayal..." Shiki said as he faked a hurt expression while Shoto ignored him and run forward.

Of course, the ice didn't last for long as he released a big amount of ether energy and broke the ice, simultaneously cracking the ground. Once released he dodged the multiple robots, but unlike before he opted to keep his feet on the ground. At least until he reached the third obstacle, the Fall of Doom... or just the fall. Shiki didn't hesitate to jump off the cliff, while many spectators thought he was out, Shiki made his appearance again as he flew with great speed upwards to the other side of the fall, Bakugo right on his heels.

Shiki for his part didn't want first place on the obstacle course, he remembered it had consequences on the second round. What were those consequences? he didn't remember. Therefore he kept a very slow pace -slow for him- that matched Bakugo's. Soon he, Shoto, and Bakugo were fighting for number one, at least that's how it seemed to everyone else.

"Why aren't you running ahead?" Bakugo questioned him, trying to take even breaths.

"Don't want first place"

"Why?" Todoroki gasped out

"Think about it... This is U.A. The second round is meant to take down the people to the top and give a chance to the people in lower ranks" Shiki said completely unaffected

"Just like the whole sports festival fiasco" Bakugo greeted "So what? if you can't keep the top spot then you don't deserve it"

"That's one way to think about it" Shoto commented "but you will also be made a target, everyone will be after you"

Even though none of the three had noticed their hushed conversation had made them slow down a little allowing the rest of the competitors to catch up.

"Aren't we already a target? the only difference is you have your placement to protect in the second round" Bakugo countered him. Shiki considered their arguments, being in the spotlight definitely had its disadvantages but he would be able to keep the spotlight on him making his classmates more invisible, plus he did make a declaration so he should try harder. As he was considering going ahead he heard an explosion and he immediately knew what it meant.

His Ether marks gained a bluish glow instead of its usual green, the ground under him breaking causing both of his classmates to fall. If anything it was pure spite that made him decide to win, he truly disliked Midoriya and he would do anything to spite him.

As he started to fly a loud boom echoed in the stadium insinuating that he broke the sound barrier, a second later he was back at the stadium. the crowd went quiet as they stared at him, even the competitors slowed down most of them even stopped in their tracks. But as Midoriya landed the spell broke off as the first to revive were Todoroki and Bakugo who started running again with renowned energy. The three now competing for second place, while Present Mic yelled about the 'impossibility' that was Shiki's speed.