
MHA:Concept Gear

A soldier, conscripted for world war 4, dies tragically on the battle field…not After hearing a coworker drop a large stack of papers Erin Atkinson dies of an unfortunate series of events. Just like that 4 years of army logistics work gone. Well at least she got her MagikaVR account to max level, could have died before that and died unfulfilled. With a new start and a quirk that has theoretically limitless possibilities how will she fair in a world where any random teenager could have a city leveling power hiding inside them. =================================== New fan-fic following my dissatisfaction with my previous novel. I’m hoping to increase my writing skills through this fic. A slightly upscaled and more ‘realistic’ version of MHA. Expect hero’s to have kill counts, even All Might, and for the general power level to be higher. I guess this will be technically an AU as I have not seen the more recent seasons of MHA nor read the manga. So past the sports festival arc expect the canon to diverge slightly more then normal fics. Their will be no babying of class 1-A, Erin is a soldier at the end of the day and she’s here to take names. There will be a minor psychological element, not as heavy as my previous novel but still there as I believe that reincarnation and death will always take their toll on someone. I don’t own MHA or anything else except my OC. Cover art isn’t mine either the artist can contact me if they want it taken down.

FallenVoid · Cómic
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29 Chs

Chapter 11: Now You See Her

[] Speaking English

{} Speaking German

Everything else is Japanese unless otherwise specified. (I won't be doing honorifics)


"Ayah darling, please wake up it's time for school."

Blinking my eyes to adjust to the light I slowly started to wake up. I'd fallen asleep at my desk, as evidenced by me still sitting at it. Looking up to my left I saw my dad, which was okay I guess, better then it being mom. I mean he clearly knew about it as well but at least he didn't drive me there.

Getting up and getting ready took about 20 minutes, which was very slow but I was only five I suppose. Driving to kindergarten was extremely awkward, it was obvious he wanted to say something but considering what they'd done I was well within my rights to be angry. Unfortunately I only expressed anger and discontent in one way, that's right we're back in my silent treatment arc people. Although I'm happy to being seeing Toru soon, my silent treatment has me talking to a crowd in my head…

I had gotten my hands on a considerable amount of books following the villain attack. I was looking forward to learning more advanced things as well as instructing Toru, but most importantly I was going to be away from my parents.

Pulling up in front of the kindergarten my dad got out and unbuckled me from the car seat. He was about to walk me in when I took my hand out of his and walked in by myself. If I had turned around I imagined that my dads face would have been an expression of anguish, but to be frank I was too upset to care.

… okay I have to leave the bad thoughts behind in the car. No more parental interactions till this afternoon, and I get to teach Toru. Wait! Toru's invisibility problem! I was gonna solve that for her, I completely forgot. Hmm, I was just going to make a mask that turns her quirk off and on, after all I didn't really understand how her quirk bent light.

Walking into the classroom and over to my seat I realized that I was being stared at. Every kid in the room, which due to me being early wasn't very many, was just staring at me. Normally I'd try and figure out why, but I honestly didn't care at this point. I was way to excited at meeting my first friend, which was weird because I had only known her for a day.

After about five minutes I saw a set of floating clothes walk (float?) Into the room. After seeing me, or I assume she saw me, the set of clothes ran over and hugged me. And that's when it hit me, I was essentially an adult and while my childhood wasn't… ideal, I had already been through it and was comfortable with my self. For her though I could very well be her very first friend from the way she talked about it. So I added someone else to my list of people to protect, my friend Toru.

"Ahh! Ayah, I was so scared! They said you got attacked and then you didn't show up and-and-and…"

"Shhh, calm down Toru, I'm fine. Just wait for the teacher to call role, then we can do the plan I talked about and I'll tell you all about it."

After another five minutes the teacher called role and class began. Creating my own mask on my face I watched Toru's excited posture switch to one of confusion, before focusing back on the lesson. Tapping her on the shoulder I created a mask on her face as well. Immediately her face changed to one of recognition, and wow. I figured she would be pretty, I mean she was part of the main cast despite being invisible, but she really was adorable. Her hair was ice white and her eyes where red, I suppose it made sense that she was albino, she literally reflected light after all. She was also incredibly pale, but not sickly pale more of a pretty ceramic.

(Post white-haired red-eyed anime girls here, best one gets canonized)

"Wow that was so weird I—"

As she started to speak she began to gesture with her hands, as they entered her view she paused. Her face shifted to one of extreme shock and I saw tears in the corners of her eyes.

"W-what? M-my hands… I can see them?"

Creating a mirror in my hands, I smiled and simply handed to her. She took the mirror and looked at herself, she gasped slightly and just sat there for a few seconds. After that she put the mirror on the table, revealing her pretty face covered in tears. And then she leapt across the table and hugged me.

"Waahhh! T-thank you Ayah! I-I'm so happy!!"

After around 30 seconds of that she let go of me and went back to her seat.

"H-how is this possible? What did you do? N-not that I'm complaining! I'm just curious!"

"Well, I enchanted the mask to turn off your quirk."

"Enchan… enchant… I give up what's that word?"

"Ahh sorry, en-chant-ing, basically you imbue-I mean add a prop-magical effect onto something."

God, I'd been talking to a five year old, granted a very smart five year old with a 3rd grade education, like she was an adult. I guess I'd just gotten lucky so far?

"Well whatever it was thank you! I can't wait to show my parents! T-they've never seen me before so…"

"Hmm, as the first person to see you I can confidently say that your very pretty. Your parents will be amazed I guarantee it!"

"You really think so Ayah!?"

"I know so Toru!"

And with our cliche interaction finished our study session began. Toru took to learning really well, after some subtle probing I realized the reason she was stuck at ELMN 3 was due to lack of material. She had mentioned that her parents didn't believe her combined with the innocence of five year old when her parents denied her she couldn't think of any other way to get it. Or so I thought.

After some more questioning I realized that it wasn't a lack of creativity holding her back but her morale values… as expected of a main cast character in a hero anime. She simply didn't consider disobeying her parents as that was morally wrong… I'd have to fix that.

I couldn't have my one friend be a hero complex loser who'd die for silly things like morals and justice… that'd be a waste. She doesn't need to be chaotic neutral like me but at the very least she can't be lawful good.

As the 'school' day began to end I made a necklace for Toru that was the same enchantment as the mask but could be turned off and on. Apparently she wanted to surprise her parents so she asked for it to toggle off and on, well she didn't say toggle but that was the request…

Saying good bye to her as the teacher called my name I gave him another befuddlement bracelet both to include Toru and to increase the previous suggestions effectiveness.

Walking out to the front door I saw dad standing there looking extremely worried. At first I thought it was my silent treatment but after observing him more carefully he looked to be suffering from… stress?

"Hello Ayah, how was your day?"


"Okay… come on then let's get to the car."

Walking out to the car in awkward silence I realized that the car had been washed and polished judging from the shine.

Getting into the car made it even more obvious it'd been cleaned. The inside smelled like pine and everything was clean… had the car been steamed?

"So… Ayah… your grandparents are visiting next weekend. Uhh, and while they're here I might have to go on a little business trip."

Wait that's why! He was panicking about moms parents? What happened between them for this to be his reaction?!

"So your running away?"


"*ahem* N-no sweetie I'm not running… more like dodging, yeah dodging! Like the heroes on TV I'm just dodging a villainous attack!"

Well, he can't blame me for what's going to happen now. I mean he virtually set himself up for what was coming.

Pretending to be placated by his response I stayed quiet till we got home. Walking into the house I saw mom sitting on the couch. Putting on a worried look I walked up to her.

"Mommy, daddy said that grandma and grandpa are villains that are trying to hurt him! You won't let them do that right!"

I watched my moms face twitch slightly. Slowly backing up to my room I closed the door and waited.

"Hey honey I'm home!"


"W-wait honey I can explain…!"

Ahh, feels nice to live up to the chaotic part of of chaotic neutral.

(Meanwhile far away in England)


["Yes dear?"]

["I spoke to Zara on the phone this afternoon, we are going to visit this weekend."]

["Wait! I have to go see that cretin that stole my daughter- ow, ow, ow!"]

["Listen to me Michael dear, I know you don't like him. But if you ruin my time with my granddaughter, I swear to all that is holy you'll be sleeping in the living room for months!"]

["Okay! Understood! Please let go of my ear!"]

["Good, so long as you understand."]


Just a reminder that the vote for where to place the arc is still open, and will remain open, until the USJ arc comes around. Check the bottom of Chapter: 8 for voting.

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