
Do you want me to wash your back?

"When we go back to your house… remember to dry your sweat… and change clothes, if you don't want catch a cold." Naoyuki spoke to Izuku with a lack of strength that comes from the soul.

His throat hurts every time he breaths, and his oral cavity did not differ from a desert. It's been a while since his body had no excess water to activate the quirk, and it's a pure miracle that he could finish the training.

At the words of concern, Izuku nodded, but didn't respond. He was as exhausted as Naoyuki, and while walking like zombie with his numb legs, he swore that his head felt bigger than usual.

"Ara ara, what happened to you guys?" A female voice was heard from afar, to which the kids reacted looking up simultaneously.

It was Izuku's mother with two bottles of water in her hands, by the receipt deposited between her fingers, Naoyuki could say that the water was just bought.

"You're an angel! Midoriya-san!"


After being revived by the Holy Water, Midoriya Inko and the two kids came back to the apartment complex. Naoyuki's mother went to her work, and that wasn't recent, it happened when the kids were exercising, half an hour after arriving to the park.

The door was just opened, and Ms. Midoriya drove the exhausted kids to the bathroom like flock sheep. Their clothes were drenched from sweat and some parts even covered with dirt.

It was inevitable since they felt multiple times on the floor when their arms and legs couldn't resist their weight. The fact that their clothes were clean or not was not even priority for the kids, they were thinking more about the fatigue and training.

But Midoriya Inko can't put up with two mud dolls walking inside the house that she cleans day after day. So, both kids were forced into the bathroom with no chances to complain.

Well, Naoyuki wouldn't say a word, after all, there's nothing better than a hot bath after long training.

The only problem is…

"Where is the naked okasan that was supposed to wash my back?" The black hair boy complained while blowing bubbles in the water, his eyes were filled by disappointment.


"I thought I would be the ideal shota target! Come for me! I even got the perfect quirk for the occasion!"

His gaze was fixed on the opaque glass door, still expecting a silhouette or something to appear.

"The stars aligned, the sun and the moon eclipsed and the dollar prize dropped! Today is the day!"

"What are you muttering, Naochan?" Izuku who was in the other side of the bath asked.

"Nothing," Naoyuki dryly replied, but then glanced at Izuku with resentment.

'Maybe you're the reason after all…' He thought.


'Why my childhood friend with which I bath together isn't even a girl?

'The script is definitely wrong…'

He continued blowing bubbles in the water.

'Stupid reborn.'


Naoyuki left the bathroom at the end, about 10 minutes after Izuku finished. The hot water was cozier than he thought, and his muscles and tendons got relaxed enough to fell like if his body was floating between clouds.

Passing by the kitchen, he casually met Ms. Midoriya taking some things out of the fridge.

"Did Izuku-kun's clothes fit on you?" she asked smiley.

"Yeah, it fit almost tailored." Naoyuki answered with naturalness, who didn't have fantasies?

"Great," Inko said, as she took a frozen fish out of the fridge. "You two can play a bit, I'm going to prepare the meal."


Then Naoyuki walked toward Izuku's room, and opened the door:

"Hey Izuku, what do you want to do now?"

"...…..." The room was in complete silent.

Seeing that there was no response, he asked again:


Naoyuki entered the room, and walked until the bed.

Surprisingly, the green hair boy was laying over the mattress, his closed eyes and slow breathing was indicating one single thing; After the bath, Izuku ended up falling sleep due tiredness.

'Well, better for me, I don't have to tell stories.' Naoyuki thought, but opposite to his words, he carefully arranged the quilt to full cover the little and bad asleep Izuku.

And then got out of the habitation silently.

"Midoriya-san, Izuku fell asleep."

"Eh? Really, what do you want to do then? Do you want to watch TV meanwhile?"

"Can I use the computer?"

"Sure." Inko responded not thinking too much.


Naoyuki waited this moment for so long.

Him, a person who spends a least 10 hours in front of a screen every day, not using any electronic devise for so long was a personal record. But now that he has the chance, he'll clear all his doubts about this world using this wonder of humanity.

The omnipresent and omnipotent Wi-Fi.

As fast as Midoriya Inko left him alone, his hands landed on top of the keyboard, and his veteran speed said enough about his last life profession.

At the instant he touched the computer, he was no longer a human, now he was an emotionless machine that turns coffee into code.

Naoyuki opened an unknown search engine with an unknown browser, the icons are really unfamiliar to him, they definitely have nothing to do with the old companies of his world, although Naoyuki still unsure if BnHA world is supposed to be his world a century later but with quirks interference... or an alternate version of his world with the same geographic coincidences.

Because the first question he typed in the search engine was: "Which is the safest country of the world".

[Found about 27,600,000 results (in 0.46 seconds)]

[The Safest Countries in the World.]

[#1: Japan.]

"Pfffffff, bullsh**." Naoyuki hold the desire to break the screen, and then yelled: "You liar! Are you expecting me to believe that?"

Naoyuki remembered the chaos scene that this island country will experience in about 11 years, it was almost if they went back to the era when quirks just appeared, there was no order or law to stop the rampant destruction of social structure.

And all started with the retirement of the Peace Symbol— All might.

'That can only mean that…'

"Yes, I'm right, All Might is already the hero number one of Japan." Naoyuki watched the online ranking from a website with .org at the end and then at the crime rate: 3%.

"What's the age of All Might by the way?"

"Hmmmm, unkown huh?" Naoyuki checked on different biography forum, most of them just have information since when he made his debut in Japan, and some others has little pieces of details about his life in America… some people even suspect that All Might hides an American nationality.

It seems like the Japanese government cunningly covered the identity of Yagi Toshinori. Except for some "big fish" into politics and few heroes, not a lot of people can relate that student who graduated from UA with the current Peace Symbol, the difference of power was huge, and the "book cover" changed as well.

But that is not impediment for Naoyuki to be meddler.

"If I remember correctly, All Might is 3 years older than Endeavour, and if Endeavour is… oh! 36 years old right now? All Might is 39 years old then… so this means that by the moment that the story arc started… All Might was 49 years old?! Damn… that's old… wait how old would Gran Torino be then, if he was All Might's teacher… 70? Or maybe 80 years old?"

Naoyuki felt more and more curiosity about other heroes age, but he controlled himself and went back to business:

[The Safest Countries in the World

#1: Japan

#2: Iceland

#3: New Zeland

#4: Canada

#5: Singapore

#6: Switzerland ]

Naoyuki doesn't remember the exact order of the same list in his world, but more or less, the list had the alike countries on the top. Apparently, the quirk existence didn't change the global situation too much, and no matter which hero each county has, the education was still directly related to the crime rate.

Of course, geo-politics plays a huge roll as well. At least from what Naoyuki can search on the web right now, those counties with internal or external conflicts just got worse.

In some countries, the popular ideology even encourages the crime as a lifestyle, so, the hero number in those places are terribly low. And by the news and social media voices, the people that get into hero positions are extremely corrupt.

Because of that, Naoyuki ideated a black list of countries that he never would step in unless he is as strong as All Might.

And by the way, USA is in that list too, by the simple fact that it was the nation where "vigilantism" was born, you might know how fu**ed up was the country so civilian themselves had to say: "Hold my beer."

Reason number 2, why All Might became that strong?

Answer: Fighting American villain.

So yeah, that country is into serious businesses.

Naoyuki would just say: "Sorry no sorry, but USA? Out of my list."