
Baldness or weakness


The chatty green green broccoli was without a doubt Midoriya Izuku, but different from his regular t-shirt and short outfit, today he was dressed of sportswear, like the one he'll use in the UA application exam, but much smaller.

"Don't go so fast Izuku-kun!"

Behind him, his mother was running short of breath, pretty similar to when your dog comes loose from the leash…

It was in that moment, Naoyuki knew, he fu**ed up.


"Sorry, Naoyuki-kun, since yesterday when you left, Izuku-kun has been a little exalted…" Midoriya Inko started to recover her breath, while she observed Izuku running in circles around Naoyuki like a vile husky. "This morning he woke up very early saying that he wanted to train like Might Gai, who is this Might Gai to begin with? Is he a superhero or something?"

Naoyuki couldn't help but cover the forehead with one hand… he was the responsible.

"Sounds like an All Might thing." Midoriya Inko continued saying, this time intensifying her look into Naoyuki boy.

"No, he's just a fictional character," Naoyuki clarified very honestly, while a bead of sweat grazed his forehead. "…from a fantasy story."

"A fictional character, huh? I see… well, me and Izuku-kun are planning to go to the park, do you want to join us?" Midoriya Inko asked as she took the dizzy Izuku from the head, running in circle like idiot has its consequences.

'Yes! Yes! Let's go to train Naochan! Like Gai-sensei!" Izuku enthusiastically shook his fists, but his eyes were rolling, and his body unbalanced like if he was going to fall.

"Yeah, go and play with Izuku, Nao-chan." His mother who was quiet this whole time joined the conversation too.

"Meh~ why not…" Naoyuki responded without much remedy.


The park they all talked about wasn't that far, after 10 minutes of walking and chatting, the two families stepped on their destination.

It was a place where adults and some elderly of the neighborhood come to exercise, some kids play here with their friends, and of course, people walking their dogs was not hard to see.

In a country like japan where every centimeter of ground is limited, Naoyuki found surprising to see such open place with that much vegetation, the air was clean, and close to where they are, a not really deep river flows crystal clear water.

Just after arriving the park, the two mothers sat together on a bench with the excuse of "take care of the stuffs", got rid of the kids, and started talking as if there were no tomorrow, probably about woman and adult things…

Home remedies for grease in kitchen walls using lemon peels for example.

Meanwhile, the two kids were set free to do whatever they wanted.

The little Izuku looked Naoyuki exited, to which his companion made his best effort to ignore the ardent gaze coming from the Midoriya-shounen, now he finally understands how Kakashi felt like.

"What should we do first? What Gai-sensei does as the first exercise of the day?" Izuku ask with keen interest.

'How would I know what exercises that maniac does first…' The black hair boy complained inside.

But as people always say: "reap what you sow", after the incessant petitions of Izuku, Naoyuki finally gave up, and decided to follow the game of his 'only friend'.

"Ok, first start stretching your body, follow what I do." That have said, he started to rotate his head in clockwise direction, and Izuku obediently followed his path.

After all those annoying inconveniences, Naoyuki at least had basic Physic Education knowledge, so he started teaching stretching exercises to the little Izuku, and about how they must be done before and after exercise to reduce the probabilities of a lesion.


Suddenly a familiar ring sounded.

'Oh, No!'

[Detecting host doing exercise…]

[Creating program…]

[Selecting best option…]

[New task available!]

'No!' Naoyuki scream inside.

'I'm not falling for your dirty emotional blackmail games again!'

'No matter how many points or what kind of punishments you offer me, I'm not going to yield!'

[Long term daily task: The secret to become strong!]




'Wa…it… wait a second…'

'Is this what I'm thinking it is?'

[Task: 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats and 10 km running EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!]

[Award: ???]


"Let's move those biceps! Let's get 100 push-ups done first!" Naoyuki screamed with emotion.

"Yeah! 100 push-ups… wait what?" Izuku was utterly dumbfounded, didn't Naochan just said that stretching exercises are the primordial and unchangeable thing?

"Gai-sensei does at least 400 push-ups at once, you're going to tell me that you can't even do that?" Naoyuki continued instructing him for the bad track, clearly the adrenaline was going up his head.

"Of… of course I can!" The proud side of a kid came out of Midoriya Izuku.

"Then let's go! Right here! Right now! 100 push-ups!" His finger pointed to the sky.






"Ninety-seven… ninety-eight… ninety-nine… one hundred!"

Naoyuki got up off the ground under the surprised look of every person in the park, even his own mother was in the rows.

It was an unimaginable feat to see how a four years old kid did 100 push-ups straight, especially when the kid didn't have any non-human features that could be inherited by his progenitors, so the only reasonable explanation these adults had in their mind was that the little boy was using his quirk.

And they were right, with [Partial maturation], it was a "piece of cake" to carry a four years old kid weight with teens arm muscles, without much effort, 100 push-ups were done easily…

Or… that is what Naoyuki thought at the beginning…

Midoriya gave up at 10 push-ups, and he, even with the help of an appropriate quirk, was forced to surrender at 35 push-ups…

As for now, he's sweating like a pig, and devouring air like a dog.

It was too naïve from his part to think that push-ups are just about arm strength. If an expert was there, they would laugh and then explain that pectorals, deltoids, triceps, abdominals and even the serratus anterior are all involved in this simple exercise.

Not mentioning that the rest of the body even in small scale gets exercised, so [Partial Maturation] provided help, but it didn't really make a radical change.

It was one or two parts of body that he could change, versus tens of parts that needed more strength.

Naoyuki drunk a bit of water from the bottle he brought, and then looked at Izuku, who was lying on the grass. His situation wasn't better than Naoyuki, but for this reason, he was smiling:

"So this is what Gai passed through to become strong…" Izuku muttered as he looked up the sky with his narrowed eyes.

'Hey, wake up, stop hallucinating, you just did 10 push-ups…' Naoyuki felt the impulse to deride Izuku, but then stopped.

The other main task still existing, so it's quite good if Izuku starts self-conquering and get those percentages up.

'For now, just let him be.' Naoyuki spoke to his self, and then focused on recovering his energy; maturating his lungs to process a bigger amount of air, and then the heart with its veins and arteries to transport the oxygen faster through the body.

Hopefully this quirk is as unnatural as the rest of the ones in the show, if this temporal quirk didn't have the ability to balance the matured organs with the normal ones, even a non-medical specialist like Naoyuki knows the number of diseases that these two changes he made in his body could cause.

Naoyuki took another drink to his bottle.

"Let's keep going then."


After a lot of breaks and restarts, which in time it would be like an hour, Naoyuki finally completed his three 100 goals. In the process, Izuku joined him again, and made his best effort to compete his friend, but only managed to do around 30 to 50 of each.

The time that it takes for Naoyuki to recover was shorter, and the body condition was higher due the quirk, it was reasonable to create such huge gap. But in eyes of Izuku, Naoyuki was amazing and showed resoluteness to achieve what he committed himself.

Male public would understand what I mean, but when a guy is athletic, no matter what area: sports, martial arts, extreme hobbies, etc., this guy, this person, this human being, automatically becomes the spotlight of admiration of other men, even if these people are not into sports.

Well, that's how exactly Izuku is reacting right now.

The four years old kid brain circuit was easy to comprehend, if someone can do something that I can't do, then this person is amazing, the age become irrelevant.


Even if I just said that age was irrelevant, if this person who is doing better than me is of my age, idolization should be just the lightest of the results.


"Let's go back home Izuku." Naoyuki said as he held the urge to throw up, he didn't even mention the 10 km running part of the task, his body and mind was no longer able to resist.

"Yes! Let's go back blaaaaarrrrgggghhhhh…" Rainbows came out of Izuku's mouth.

Well, he did throw up.

I apologize for an entire week of not uploading, I had a block and nothing I wrote made sense to me. Between writing and deleting, I guess I typed 10k+ words, but nothing convinced me at all, I was not satisfied.

But now I’m better and recovered.

Gstttryjbogssgfcreators' thoughts