
MHA : A Jester’s Tale

Hey welcome to my first fanfic! Since this is my first fanfic let me know what you think and add your ideas and I will take into consideration. Also I will not being doing a harem sorry not sorry. Also I don’t own my hero academia or any of its characters.

Purppandapaladin · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
15 Chs

Chapter 6

It was the day of the entrance exam, and Dokeshi was getting ready in his apartment for it. He started to think about his months of living by himself. He tried to explore the city but a lot of the time when he left his apartment he would get glared at by all his neighbors. So he felt like he should stay in his apartment unless to get food. 'Shiozaki must have told them about my quirk.' He thought bitterly. 'I guess there's nothing more I can do about it though I will still do my best for Madam President and Keigo-san.' He continued in his head with a little bit more determination.

As he walked out of his apartment he saw that Shiozaki was also leaving hers. When she saw him she immediately started to pray with her hands together. Dokeshi couldn't hear her clearly but she said something about evil and demons. He just ignored her and started to walk down the stairs. He walked out of the building and headed to U.A.

When he got to the gate he was in awe about how big U.A. is, but his face didn't show it. As he started to walk in he saw a kid with messy green hair trip on a loose brick. Right before he face-planted a short girl with auburn hair in a bobbed cut style with two bangs on the front, touched the kid and he stopped his fall. 'She can either stop someone's gravity or stop their motion.' Dokeshi thought as he walked away. 'It's too bad that she did I would have loved to see him face plant' He continued in a sadistic way.

They ushered him to a room full of desks. He sat down at a random one and waited for more instructions. As he waited he felt a pair of eyes on the back of his head, when he turned around he saw that it was Shiozaki glaring at him. 'Great, of course, she's applying here' he thought as he turned around and waited. 'If she gets in I hope that we're not in the same classroom.' He hoped. He waited for a couple of minutes until a shabby-looking man with pale skin and long messy should length black hair walk into the room dragging a yellow sleeping bag. 'He needs a nap' everyone thought as they could see eyebags under his eyes.

"This is the written part of your exam, I will be passing around your test. Don't flip your papers over until I tell you. You will have two hours to complete it. Once you finish flip your test upside down and wait for the time to run out." The shabby-looking man said in a bored tone.

As he passed around the papers Dokeshi started to wonder if this test would be easy or hard.

When the man was done he told them to flip the papers over and get started. He then pulled a yellow sleeping bag out and got into it and started to sleep. If Dokeshi wasn't as trained as he was he would have thought he was sleeping, but he could tell that he wasn't. Dokeshi dismissed that thought and flipped over the papers. His eyes narrowed at the test, He couldn't believe what he was seeing. 'It can't be this easy can it.' he wondered as he started to answer the questions at a fast rate. He got to the last question and paused, It was a simple question and it said 'Why do you want to be a hero?' He didn't know how to answer, he never thought about why he wanted to be a hero. He was just told to be one. And so he decided to put 'I was told to be one.' He then flipped his test upside down and waited. 'Maybe I finished too early he thought as he looked at the clock on the wall. It had been only forty-five minutes since the test started. 'Well, I guess there's nothing to do about it now I guess.' He thought as he looked forward. When the two hours were up the shabby-looking man got up and took all the tests.

"You will be given a ten-minute break. Then head to the auditorium for what the physical test will be." The shabby man said as he walked out of the room.

Dokeshi walked out of the room to find a bathroom before he headed to the auditorium. But he kept feeling a pair of eyes on him as he was walking. He glanced behind him and Shiozaki still glaring at him. 'What is her problem?' he wondered as he found a bathroom. Once he was done with his business he started to walk towards the auditorium using the signs around to help. Once again he felt a pair of eyes on him. 'God what is she doing, is she stalking me now?' he exclaimed his head. 'She waited for me to come out of the bathroom!' he continued. He walked for a couple of minutes and finally found the auditorium. He walked in and sat in a seat near the back. As he waited he felt someone sit next to him, It was Shiozaki. He was so confused 'Why is she sitting next to me I thought she hated me?' He wondered. Before he could say anything she spoke.

"I'm making sure you don't do anything unholy, the innocence here doesn't know that evil is walking around them." She said in a cold tone.

"Oh" was all he said back to her.

As they waited more and more people walked in and sat down. The whole time Shiozaki glared at him. If looks could kill he would have been crucified three times over by now. It continued that way until the lights started to dim and a slim man with yellow hair stuck straight up in a tuff walk on the stage. He wore a punk-style leather jacket and pants with a pair of black boots. He had a pair of speakers around his neck, That gave away who he was. He is the voice hero: Present Mic. He started by trying to get everyone to say hey back to him but no one did. Then he started to explain what the physical exam would be. But Dokeshi was distracted but someone muttering, he didn't know who was muttering but it was very distracting. That was until a stiff-looking kid with glasses and dark blue which was flattened neatly and swept to the right raised his hand like a robot and asked about the fourth robot and went on a spiel about how if this is a mistake U.A. should be ashamed. Then he swiftly turned around and pointed at someone. When Dokeshi turned toward where he was pointing he saw it was that green-haired kid from before. The robot kid reprimanded the green-haired kid for mumbling the whole time, and Dokeshi couldn't agree more.'God, I wish I could tor-fight that green-haired kid.' he thought sadistically. But he also hoped that the robot kid would also shut up too. He wanted to get started as fast as possible. The robot kid then bowed at Present Mic and sat down. Then Present Mic continued as if nothing happened. Once he finished we started to head towards the changing room to change into a more appropert outfit for the next part. Then he found his way to the buses. He was one of the last so he didn't touch anyone, when he got to his it had a giant B painted on it. He got on the bus and saw that the only seat that was left was next to the robot kid right in the front. He sat down and immediately the robot kid turned a shoot out his hand.

"Hello my name is Tenya Ida, I went to Somei Privet Academy." He said formally

"Hello my name is Dokeshi Takami, I was home-schooled, and you can just call me Dokeshi," Dokeshi replied emotionlessly "I am sorry I can't shake your hand my quirk side effect works on skin contact." Dokeshi continued.

"Oh, what would happen if you made skin contact, Takami," Ida asked curiously

'Great now he will be freaked out and hate me' Dokeshi thought before he spoke

"Well, my quirk will start to steal your quirk energy," Dokeshi said quietly

"Oh, thank you for the warning, it would be bad for someone to get tired before the exam," Ida replied still as formally as before.

Dokeshi was shocked, this was one of the first times someone didn't get freaked out by his quirk.

"But I must ask why don't you wear gloves, that would prevent you from accidentally acting your quirk." Ida continued.

"I've tried that before my hand start to hurt for some reason, the doctors said it's probably that it's my quirk reacting to being trapped in a way or that it can't suck energy from the gloves but it still tries so it puts a strain on them," Dokeshi replied.

"What about the rest of your body, you did say that it was skin contact right?" Ida contoured.

"Well I do feel it all around my body but it's most powerful in my hands and my chest," Dokeshi replied relieved that Ida still didn't treat him badly.

They then arrived at the exam. They got off the bus and saw a giant door in front of them. They could see buildings poking above them. 'How can they afford all this' everyone thought as they spread out.

"Well, good luck Takami, I hope to see you in class when school starts," Ida said as he started to head toward the green-haired kid.

"You too Ida" Dokeshi replied as he started to get closer to the gates.

He got close enough to the gate where people wouldn't stare at him too much. He then started to come up with a plan of attack. As he thought he didn't notice the commotion behind him. It was the green-haired kid getting reprimanded again by Ida. When Dokeshi was done thinking he took off his shirt. Everyone around him that wasn't looking at the commotion behind him where now looking at Dokeshi with confusion. Some of the girls there were blush not trying to look, but some saw a large tattoo that covered his entire chest. He then proceeded to put his hand on the tattoo, and his hand suddenly disappeared into the tattoo. He muttered something under his breath that no one heard. After a couple of seconds, he started to pull his hand out with a large black sword with five-leaf clover in the center of it. It was about seven feet long but looked blunted. Everyone's eyes were wide when they saw this happen. "What kind of quirk is that," one of them said to another, "I don't know but it's scary looking." They said back. Dokeshi didn't hear any of this he was too focused on the gate now. He didn't have to wait long as Present Mic shouted "Go" and the gates started to open. Everyone was shocked and didn't go, except for Dokeshi who has years of training. didn't hesitate.

"What are you doing, There's no countdowns in the real world. Go go go!" Present Mic shouted.

Dokeshi took off on his sword flying low to the ground. He discovered this around three years ago, during a spar Daiken was hit out of his hands and landed five feet away from him. He called its name in surprise. It suddenly shot towards him. He caught it in his hand and just stared at it. He learned that he could simi control his swords. He can make them come back to him from ten feet away from him. He can somewhat make them float but he doesn't have good control and it's only a few feet away from him. But with Daiken since it's weightless to him he can control it to float under him and tell it to go forward. But since his weight is on it, it can only hover off the ground by a foot.

As Dokeshi went down the street he saw three robots. Two of them had one painted on them and the other one had two painted on it. He proceeded to hop off Daiken but kept his momentum. He shoved Daiken back into his chest and said "Kama" and started to pull out a black pole then a sharp black with a red five-leaf clover blade came out that was emitting black and red fog. He swiftly ran at them while twisting Kama in his hands to block rubber bullets coming at him. Once he got close he swung Kama to the side and pierced one of the one-pointers in the head instantly disabling it. He followed through with his swing ripping off the head of the first one-pointer and striking the other one-pointer right in the eye disabling it too. He swiftly bent forward at an almost one hundred and eighty-degree angle to doge more rubber balls being shot at him. He pulled Kama out of the one-pointer and swung it upwards from the ground, piercing its head instantly. Dokeshi proceeded to pull Kama out of the two-pointer head and started to run with Kama. People that saw what he did were shocked and a little bit fearful of him now. Most started to run in a different direction than him. Those that saw his face were filled with fear, he had a sadistic smile that went from ear to ear. His eyes were narrowed and focused on nothing but the battle ahead of him. He continued down the street destroying any robot that was in front of him.

In a dark room, there were ten people in there watching the screens of the exam. They were watching to see how everyone was doing and what their potential students would be.

"We have a lot of good lot this year," said a man with a gas mask on.

"Yes I can see that, we have a good variety of scouting, speed, and power types here today." said a dog, bear, mouse creature. "This one here is a good example of a mix of speed and power." He continued while pulling up a screen that showed Dokeshi, he was dismembering a three-pointer.

"What is his name?" Purred the only woman in the room.

"Let's see here, Ah his name is Dokeshi Takami" The chimera replied.

"Wait isn't that the same last name as Hawks?" a man said that had a block of cement for a head.

"Yes it seems he does, but it could be a coincidence." a tall muscular man with white hair replied.

"Wait if that's true then that would mean HPSC has gotten their hands on another kid." a man with no lips added.

"Well let's hope not, from what we've seen. If it's true then they have molded this one into a more sadistic hero." said the chimera as he pointed to the screen. It showed Dokeshi's face, It was one of pure joy, but in a sadistic and twisted way.

Almost everyone in the room took a big gulp. 'Let's hope that' everyone thought.

"Now, Let us get back to the exam," The shabby man said.

"Yes yes, let us get to the best part." Said the chimera.

He then proceeded to push a big red button. Back at the testing site Dokeshi just finished destroying another three-pointer. Then the ground started to shake, it threw everyone out of balance as no one was expecting it then a shadow started looming over everyone. Dokeshi looked up and saw a giant robot that loomed over the buildings. It had a zero painted on it. It brought down one of its giant fists and tore thur some of the building. Everyone was covered in dust as they tried to run away, Dokeshi included, he knew when he could and couldn't win. He saw a green blur jump past him and toward the zero-pointer. As Dokeshi turned around he saw the green-haired kid in the air in front of the zero-pointer. Then he watched the most unbelievable thing he's ever seen. The kid punched the zero-pointer and it smashed the face of the machine, which then started to fall backward. As the kid started to fall he saw the auburn-haired girl slap the kid in the face, which stopped him in midair. Just feet away from the ground. She then said something and put her fingers together which made the kid stop floating. She then turned around a threw up and the kid tried to get up. But Dekoshi saw that both of his legs were broken, and the arm that punched the robot too. 'So the backlash is too great for him' Dekoshi thought as a smile appeared on his face 'I want to face him so badly now' he continued while his smile grew and grew more sadistic.

"And the exam is over!" yelled Present Mic

As everyone started to leave an old short woman with a nurse outfit on was walking around asking if anyone was hurt. She then started to kiss them and they would glow when they did. All their injuries started to disappear. She walked towards Dokeshi.

"Are you hurt?" She asked in a grandmotherly way

"I have a couple of scraps and bruises but you can't heal me," he said emotionally as his adrenalin started to die down.

"And why is that?" She replied in the same tone.

"Well, my quirk side effect is that if I come into skin contact with anyone then it will start to steal that person's quirk energy." He said as he waited for her reaction.

"It's a good thing that my quirk doesn't have any energy then." She replied and she went to kiss his arm.

Dokeshi was stunned again for the second time this day. 'Why is she not saying I have a villain's quirk' He thought as he felt his stamina drain a little bit.

"Yes my quirk uses other people's stamina so there's no worry," She said while handing him some gummies, and then walked away to help other people.

He then started to walk towards the exit while eating the gummies. 'So I got 76 points, I hope I got first.' He wondered not noticing people moving out of the way of him. He got the bus and realized he still had Kama in his hands. 'Whoops' he thought while pushing it into his chest before putting his shirt back on. He sat in the back this time because he was one of the first to get there and waited for the bus to start moving. He still didn't notice that almost everyone was glancing at him worriedly. Then the bus started moving towards the main building. Once they got there they headed towards the changing rooms to get their regular clothes back on and head home. Dokeshi got out of the changing room and started for the entrees. When he got there he felt eyes on him again, he sighed and turned around to see Shiozaki glaring at him. 'How does she keep finding me!' he exclaimed in his head. He just turned around and started to head home as Shiozaki followed him.

A week later Dokeshi was in his room studying biology because he had nothing better to do. He Was then suddenly disturbed by someone knocking on his door. He got up from his desk and went to the door wondering who it could be. He looked through the peephole, and he saw Shiozaki looking like she wanted to be anywhere but here. 'Why is she here?' he thought as he unlocked the door and opened it.

"How can I help you Shiozaki?" Dokeshi said emotionlessly.

"This is yours, here," She said while handing him an envelope that has U.A.

She then walked away as soon as Dokeshi grabbed the letter. He walked back to his desk and opened the envelope and a metal disk popped out of it. When it hit the table and a hologram of All Might popped up saying.

"I am here as a projection!" in a loud booming voice. "Now, you may be wondering why I am here. Well if you haven't noticed I've come to Musutafu not just to be a hero but to be the newest teacher at U.A.!" He exclaimed.

'Wow that's unexpected, I wonder if Madam President knows' Dokeshi thought.

"You passed the written exam with perfect scores! You tied with one other student from the recommended exam." He continued "Now onto the practical, as you can see here you got second place with 76 villain points!" He said excitedly "There was a second part of the test, it was rescue points. But you didn't get any, hero work isn't all about figh-"

Dokeshi slammed his fist on the projector, breaking it instantly. He glared at the projector while breathing heavily.

"How did I not get first!" He yelled to no one. "I have to be first I can't disappoint Madam President." He said while tears started to fall down his cheeks. "I will beat you Bakugo Katsuki." He declared with a sinister smile on his face. "I promise."