
MHA : A Jester’s Tale

Hey welcome to my first fanfic! Since this is my first fanfic let me know what you think and add your ideas and I will take into consideration. Also I will not being doing a harem sorry not sorry. Also I don’t own my hero academia or any of its characters.

Purppandapaladin · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
15 Chs

Chapter 2

I open my eyes and sit up form my bed. I see that I am in a bland looking room with only a bed, desk ,night stand, a mirror and closet. The walls are a eggshell white with some of the paint coming off. I look out of the window to see people walking around outside of the orphanage I live at. I look down and see I'm wearing a white t-shirt and black shorts with purple shoes on. I look into the mirror and I see a child with pale skin, red-pinkish hair that defies gravity and light amber eyes. (Basically hisoka)

"Dokeshi are your ready to see what your quirk is?"

A tall middle age woman with long brown hair with hazelnut eyes asked.

Her name is Ayana and she is my care take at the orphanage. I look at her excitedly and said.

"Yep I hope I have a powerful quirk so I can become a hero! I exclaimed with a big toothy smile.

"Yes yes you will be the best hero ever." She said gently as she patted my head.

"so let's get a move on." She said calmly as she grabbed my hand lead me outside me room.

So we went to the quirk specialist with some of the other children from the orphanage. We waited in the waiting room and went in one by one to see what are quirks are. I waited excitedly for my turn, I just imagined what it could be. Maybe I could punch as hard as all might or I could produce fire as hot as endeavor. The possibility are endless!

"Dokeshi it's your turn." Ayana called.

I hoped out of my seat and went into the room where Ayana was in. There was a fancy looking machine with a bowl looking device with a strap attached to it and a doctor in a lab coat sitting on a chair. He black short hair with some white one the roots of them. He had orange soft eyes, and very long pointy ears. But the most prevalent thing about him was that he was short, like as tall as me and I'm only a 4 year old.

"Hello my name is doctor Aoki and I will be seeing what your quirk is today." He said in a deeper voice than what you would expect from someone his size.

"I can't wait, I hope it's a super powerful quirk!" I exclaimed excitedly.

"I sure hope so to kid, well hop on that chair and put on the helmet so we can get started" the doctor said.

I hop onto a chair that was under the machine and put on the helmet like he told me to. He the comes over and straps the helmet to my head and goes the machine and starts pressing on a screen.

"So you will feel a little jolt on your head but I need you to sit still okay?" The doctor asked

I nodded at him and waited. Then he started messing with the screen and suddenly I feel a jolt on my head and I feel it go thur my body. It hurts a little bit I stay still like the doctor told be to. After a minute or so the jolt stopped and the doctor undid the strap and took the helmet off my head.

"So what I can see is that you have a interest quirk kid, from what I can tell it collects a special type of energy" the doctor explained.

"What kind of energy?" I asked.

"Well from what I can tell it's a type of nullifying energy." He replied

"Like a quirk nullifying energy?" Ayana asked. A little bit shakily.

"Yes from what I can tell it seems like that, but I can't tell what it use that energy for." the doctor explained.

"What is nullifying?" I asked confused.

"It means that this energy can cancel out people's quirks." The doctor replied.

"So I need you to feel out for this energy source, we need to see what this energy can do" the doctor continued.

"How do I do that?" I replied

"Well close your eyes and just imagine a source of swirling energy just waiting to come out, when you do try and use that energy" the doctor said

"Okay I will try" I said

I closed my eyes and started imagining what the doctor said. I start to feel something on my chest. Then I feel pain on my chest that feels like I'm being poke by tiny little needles in rapid succession. I feel out of my chair and started to scream in pain. Tears started flowing out uncontrollably.

"Oh no, what's wrong!" Anaya asked panicking as she bent down to see what's wrong.

"My chest hurts." is all I could whimper out, the pain was too much for me. I started to see black spots in my vision.

"Help me put him on the gurney and take off his shirt!" the doctor exclaimed looking at Anaya.

They put me on the gurney and took off my shirt. I heard a loud gasp from both of the adults. Looked down at my chest only to see a red and black clover to appear over the center of my chest. I kept looking at it and saw that the clover had five leaves on it for some reason. After what felt like hours but was probably was only a couple of minutes the pains started to fade away.

"Dokeshi how are you feeling, dose it hurt any more?" Anaya asked softly while looking into my eyes.

I only nodded, throat felt soar from my screaming.

"Well that was unexpected, let's hope that's the only painful part of your day". The doctor said looking at me with concern.

I sat up from the gurney and my right hand on my new symbol on my chest for it to start to sink into it. I panicked and yanked it out but I accidentally grabbed something that felt like cold metal. Everyone's eyes grew big as I pulled out a long and black metal rod that ended in a red with black corrosion on some parts scythe. It was two times the size of me. Black and red fog came off of the blade, it gave it an ominous look. Everyone just stared at it for a couple of minutes before everyone started to freak out in different ways.

"Oh my god why did a scythe come out of you?" Anaya exclaimed, look from me to the scythe.

" I don't know." I whimpered almost teary eyed, as I dealt with a mix of exhaustion and fear.

But on the other side the doctor looked like he had stars in his eyes.

"Wow I've never seen a quirk like this before!" He exclaimed almost vibrating with excitement. "May I touch it" he asked but his hands was already heading towards it. But when he touched it he recoiled instantly. Waving his hands like he just got burned.

"Are you okay doctor?" I asked worriedly

"Yes yes I'm fine it's just that when I touched the handle it felt so cold that it burnt me" he explained

"I wonder why." he muttered "maybe it's to prevent other people from touching it or to use it?" He continued.

"Well can you put it away?" Ayana asked still worry on her face.

"I can try" I said shakily.

I thought of how to make it disappear, then blade started go towards my chest faster than I could react. Before anyone knew what happened the scythe was gone only a little bit of black and red fog was left.

"Well that's a relief." Anaya sighed, as she put her hand on my shoulder.

But then she yanked her shoulder off of me with yelp.

"What was that!" See exclaimed as she looked fearfully at me.

"What happened miss Tanaka?" The doctor asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't know but it felt like my energy was getting sucked away when I touched him" she said flabbergasted.

"Hmm that might be how he gets most of his energy, but he must also get it passively too. Other wise he wouldn't have been able to feel his energy." The doctor explained.

"Is there a way to shut it off" she almost spat.

I've never seen her this way before I had tears in my eyes from it.

"No I don't think so it seems to be a passive ability." He said in a sad tone.

"B-but that m-means that I-I can't touch a-anyone." I said with tears in my eyes.

"I'm sorry kid but life is unfair like that sometimes." He said with a downtrodden tone.

"Well you can leave now Dokeshi" Ayana said in a cold tone.

"But w-what if the doctor has m-more to s-say" I said stuttering form the look she was giving me.

"I told you to leave villain." She spat with venom one the word 'villain'.

I grab my shirt and hurried out of the office as fast as I could with tears running down my face.

'Why is she being so mean to me. I didn't do anything wrong.' I thought as put on my shirt on a sat in the corner crying trying not to be so loud. The other kids looked worried about me until Ayana came out and told them not to touch me or I would steel there energy. All the kid looked at me with disgust and fearfulness on the faces. I sat in the corner crying until we left.

An hour later and we where all back at the orphanage. Every one form the group was keeping away from me in fear that would steel there energy. It spread like wildfire across the orphanage about my quirk and what it could do. I sat in my room cry my eyes out not wanting to do anything.

'Why did I have to get a villains quirk.' It was all I could think as I cried myself to sleep.

~in doctors office~

'Well that was a interesting quirk' the doctor mused 'I wonder if they will be interested in him.' He thought with a full smile on his face.

(Thank you for read this chapter, I hope you liked it and could follow along I'm worried it sounds more like rambling the actual story tell. So tell me if it was good or not and how to improve please and thank you.)