
MHA : A Jester’s Tale

Hey welcome to my first fanfic! Since this is my first fanfic let me know what you think and add your ideas and I will take into consideration. Also I will not being doing a harem sorry not sorry. Also I don’t own my hero academia or any of its characters.

Purppandapaladin · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
15 Chs

Chapter 13

"The leader convinced them to join the villain's side. Dokeshi even attacked me and All Might." Aizawa said in a tired tone.

"Yes, young Dokeshi attacked Mr. Aizawa and me. I didn't know his Sword could grow that big." All Might confirmed.

All Might was in his skinny form sitting in a meeting room with all the teachers of U.A. a couple of hours after the U.S.J attack, and they were discussing what happened and planning what to do.

"Dokeshi said that Shigaraki offered him a position in the League of Villians. I believe that when the media broke in was when they made contact." Aizawa stated, annoyed about the situation.

"Did anyone know about Dokeshi's super moves? He Imprisoning Fog and Ragnaroks Decent were unexpected." Present Mic asked, worry on his face.

"I bet the HPSC knew." Midnight grumbled.

"Well, if you didn't treat him like a villain, none of this would have happened." Said an angry voice as two figures slammed open the door.

Everyone saw Madam President and Hawks in the doorway, a scowl on both faces.

"Hey, who let them in?" Present Mic asked

"I did. We need to know everything about Dokeshi," Nezu said, defeated.

"Nezu told us all about how you guys were treating Dokeshi," Hawks said in a murderous tone. "I still don't understand why we don't just shut down U.A. right now." He continued as he walked toward All Might.

"When he signed his contract, there was a clause about it," Nezu argued, observing Madam President.

"That is true, but if you would have contacted me, I would have told Dokeshi to calm down." Madam President countered. "Anyways, this was something we feared could happen, but I thought U.A. would be a good positive place for him." She continued sighing.

"So, is there any way to get them back? Or at least stop Dokeshi." Cementos asked.

His energy supply is his weakness. His quirk has a limited amount of Null energy. He can gradually get Null energy independently but mainly steals quirk energy from others.

"Why are you being open now?" Nezu asked curiously.

"This is the worst-case scenario, so we will need everyone's help to put down Dokeshi." Madam President gritted out.

Everyone's eyes grew wide when she said, 'Put down.'

"Wait, can we at least try to capture him first before we jump the gun," Snipe asked, surprised that she would jump to that.

"He is too dangerous. He was trained too well to capture. We can't risk it." Hawks grimly said while looking at All Might. "If he canceled your quirk, All Might. You would die," He finished while looking All Might in the eyes.

"If he had the chance, he could kill most of the top ten without trouble. We can't let our mistake freely kill people." Madam President added.

No one could argue with them. They saw what Dokeshi did during the attack. He could even pin two pro heroes at the same time.

"So, does he have a limit on how much Null energy he can hold?" Aizawa asked.

"We couldn't find one, but we didn't test it too much because we didn't want him to have too much. The more he has, the more active he is." Madam President answered while looking at Aizawa.

"We have three troubled students that feel like the heroes treated them wrong. One has different weapons and can turn into anyone. And One that emits poison gas around him that knocks people out." Present Mic said grimly.

"It seems like it, unfortunately. But what will we do?" All Might stated, then asked.

"I have a few ideas, but It depends on what the HPSC says about it," Nezu said, looking directly at Madam President.

Dokeshi woke up in an unfamiliar room. He sat up and looked around; it was a plain-looking room with yellowish-peeling walls. He looked at himself, and he was still in his hero costume. A knock on the door briefly startled him before he said: "Come in." Himiko was there with a tray of food.

"How did you sleep, Dokeshi-kun?" Himiko asked while bringing in the food and setting it on his bed.

"I slept fine, but where are we?" Dokeshi asked

"Oh, this is the League of Villians hideout. We were warped here, remember?" She answered while she sat down on the bed.

Dokeshi then remembers what happened. He then started to chuckle at what happened at the U.S.J.

"Ah, I remember now. That was so much fun! I wish it didn't have to end so fast tho." Dokeshi fondly said.

"I would have helped you if I had knives. But at least we are free now, so we don't have to worry about stupid rules." Himiko exclaimed

Himiko continued to talk while Dokeshi and Gasu joined in. This continued for an hour, relaxing and saying what they would do since they were free. Until a knock came on the door, they looked and saw Kurogiri and Shigaraki standing there.

"Dokeshi, Sensei wants to see you," Shigaraki grunted out.

Kurogiri then opened a portal in front of Dokeshi. Dokeshi looked at Gasu and Himiko to see how they reacted. They just looked confused and only shrugged. Dokeshi shrugged back and walked into the portal. When he walked out, he couldn't see anything. He knew he wasn't still in the portal because he heard the sounds of machines. Dokeshi tried to see anything, but it was too dark.

"Hello there, Dokeshi," a resounding voice echo.

Then the lights turned on, illuminating the warehouse. Dokeshi looked around and saw tubes resembling Nomu from the U.S.J suspended in green liquid. He looked toward where the voice came from. It was a tall man in a business suit sitting on a throne. He was connected to wires and had a mask over his face. He gave an aura of dominance that felt like he had to submit to him.

"H-hello, it's an honor to meet y-you f-finally." Dokeshi stuttered out, feeling the pressure he emitted.

"No need to fear me, child. My name is All for One, but you can call me Sensei." Sensei told Dokeshi in a calm tone. "Do you know why I wanted you?" He continued.

"Because of my quirk?" Dokeshi asked, confused.

Sensei chucked and then said. "Yes, when I heard about your quirk, I was very interested in you. I tried to get you from your orphanage, but the HPSC got to you first. I was initially distraught, but when I heard about you from your battle trials, I grew happy to hear that they were raising you to be a killer." Sensei said with a big smile on his face.

Dokeshi's heartfelt happiness from what Sensei was telling him. A smile kept on growing and growing, but his mask hid it.

Dokeshi, what do you want to do? Will you join Tomura in his endeavor to change the world? Or be Stain and be on your own?" Sensei asked.

Dokeshi paused and thought about what he was saying. What did he want? He could be free doing whatever he wanted, but in the end, HPSC would most likely find and either capture or kill him.

"I will join the League of Villians," Dokeshi said with resolve.

All for One's smile grew bigger, imagining how beneficial Dokeshi would be for his plan. 'He could beat almost any hero without trouble, which with Dokeshi's personality, makes this even better.' All for One thought.

"So, what do you want me to do first, Sensei?" Dokeshi asked, hopeful glee in his eyes.

"You will do what Tomura want's you to do. He is my successor, so he needs the expertise to be in charge." Sensei ordered.

"Yes, Sensei," Dokeshi said before a portal swallowed him.

In a press conference sat Nezu and Aizawa. In front of them were the hungry media demanding answers about the U.S.J attack.

"Is it true that the villains kidnaped three students? And if yes, what are you guys doing about it?" a reporter asked while holding a mic toward Nezu.

"Yes, it is true. We are working quickly to find and rescue the three students." Nezu replied with no emotion on his face.

"Eraser Head, is it true that the student Dokeshi attacked you and All Might?" A slender woman with purple skin asked.

Both Nezu and Aizawa were stunned. They didn't tell anyone about that part of the U.S.J. attack. Aizawa sighed before answering.

"Yes, Dokeshi was mentally disturbed and has shown a violent tendency towards people. He wanted to be a hero, so we set him up with therapy. The U.S.J attack triggered him." Aizawa answered with a straight face.

Everyone went silent after Aizawa said. All the reporters were yelling, asking question after question. Nezu raised his paw to silence the mob.

"Dokeshi is still dangerous, so if you see him. Call a hero, don't engage him." Nezu said in a severe tone. "We don't know if he has joined the villains or they are using him. So I say again, do not engage him unless you are a hero." Nezu finished with everyone still silent, processing the information.

"I think this is all. Thank you for coming." Nezu said while walking away.