
MHA : A Jester’s Tale

Hey welcome to my first fanfic! Since this is my first fanfic let me know what you think and add your ideas and I will take into consideration. Also I will not being doing a harem sorry not sorry. Also I don’t own my hero academia or any of its characters.

Purppandapaladin · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
15 Chs

Chapter 12

The next day everyone in 1-A was in class and two from the sub-class was here.

"So Dokeshi isn't coming to class today again?" Asui asked while putting her finger on her chin.

"It seems like it, I hope he's keeping up with his homework," Ida added

"I glad he isn't here" Jiro huffed out, Kaminari agreeing with her.

"You shouldn't say that about Dokeshi, He just going threw hard times. We should pray for him to overcome this hardship." Shiozaki said while bowing her head and putting her hands together.

Jiro just grumbled something about forgiveness bullshit. Aizawa walked in dragging his sleeping bag. He glared at the students for them to stop talking He then sighed before saying.

"You guys are wondering where Dokeshi is, well he will be in class today shortly he is talking with Nezu right now."

"How is he not kicked out yet? His behavior is not that of a hero?" Momo interjected sounding annoyed.

Aizawa pinched his nose and replied.

"Nezu thinks that he can change, and If we did kick him out then what do you think he would do?"

They just imagined seeing him down a dark alley with a manic smile plastered on his face. That sent shivers down most of their spins.

"I guess so, but why does he have to be in our class, and not in general studies?" Jiro argued.

"Blame Nezu, if that was up to me he would be too. I have enough problem children," Aizawa grumbled.

"Well, that's rude teach." A sarcastic voice came from the doorway. Everyone turned and saw that it was Dokeshi, he was staring at everyone threw his mask. He then looked into Jiro's eyes, which made her start to shiver uncontrollably until he looked away.

"Hello class, I look forward to another day of school." Dokeshi continued in a happy tone.

"Dokeshi can you please just sit down," Aizawa said in an annoyed tone.

"Fine fine I will," Dokeshi said while going to sit down.

No one didn't know what to say, they remembered how he acts like when he has his mask but still the difference was like night and day. He sat down and didn't seem to notice or care that everyone was staring at him. Toga and Gasu looked at him with a smile, which made Dokeshi's eyes light up a little. Before anyone could comment on Dokesh Aizawa continued

"Anyways will be doing a special training today with me, All Might, and a special guest," Aizawa said in a monotone voice. "Hound Dog is busy today so you three will also be joining us too," Aizawa continued.

"What will we be doing this time?" Sero asked

Aizawa then pulled out a card that said rescue.

"We will be doing rescue training today. It's up to you if you want to wear your hero costume, just consider if it will inhibit you in rescuing or not." Aizawa answered. "Also, Dokeshi you can wear your's too if you want to." He added

Everyone got excited about rescue training. Aizawa was unamused and started glaring at the class. Once everyone got quiet again he continued.

"It is off campus so we will be taking a bus there, get changed, and don't be late," Aizawa ordered as he left the classroom.

Everyone go up and grabbed their cases and made their way to the changing rooms. Once they made their way to the busses Ida tried to organize everyone into seating order, but the busses were open seated. Everyone got on the bus with the three trouble kids in the back, Toga and Gasu were in gym uniform because they didn't have costumes.

"Dokeshi-kun your costume is so cool!" Himiko exclaimed. "Why didn't you tell us about it, I want a costume now" She pouted.

"I have to agree with Himiko on this" Gasu added

"Well, you never asked," Dokeshi answered.

"Still I want a costume" Himiko grumbled.

"Well, when we get back you can ask," Gasu said while patting her shoulder.

They continued talking, ignoring everyone else until Dokeshi heard his name.

"I just hope Dokeshi doesn't do what he did in the Battle Trials," Momo said to Jiro before she started to glare at Dokeshi.

Himiko and Gasu glared at her. Dokeshi only looked at her with amusement.

"I still don't see what I did wrong. If they didn't rely on their quirks then they would have done better." Dokeshi said while shrugging.

"Do you even have compassion?" Momo asked bewildered at Dokeshi.

Dokeshi only laughed at Momo.

"If you look closely you can see Momo lose her cool, just watch," Toga said to Gasu, and they both started to snicker.

As they predict Momo grew more and more angry, her face red from anger. Jiro put a hand on Momo trying to calm her down.

"Shut up!" Momo yelled getting everyone's attention. Her once elegant face contorted into a sneer.

That only made the three of them start laughing even harder.

"Please calm down Momo they aren't worth it," Jiro said trying to calm down Momo.

Momo huffed before saying. "Your right, future villains are not worth my time."

Both Himiko and Gasu became quiet, their eyes looking dark. Dokeshi eyes grew narrow.

Before Dokeshi could counter Aizawa told them that they were her. They all got off the bus and made their way inside. A spaced-themed hero was waiting for them at the entrance. Aizawa went up to her and started to whisper something. Then Midoryia and Uraruka started to fanboy over her. She told them that this was the USJ and they would do different scenarios of rescue training. She also went on about how quirks are meant to save life not take them. Dokeshi scoffed at that. 'Quirks are just tools to use as you please.' Dokeshi thought shaking his head. She was about to continue when the lights flickered. Everyone was confused until Kaminair asked if that was also part of the training, pointing at the central plaza.

Everyone looked and saw a purple swirling void appear growing bigger and bigger. Then a pale hand came out. The pale hand was connected to a lanky man with blueish-gray messy hair, and red eyes. He had hands covering his body. Then more people started to come out until a big creature with an exposed brain came out last. It had a beak for a mouth and didn't look like it could think for itself.

"Is that the guy you were talking about Dokeshi?" Himiko whispered.

"Yep" was all that Dokeshi said looking at the hand man.

"Where is All Might, he was supposed to be here today." The man croaked out. "Well if we kill some of the students then maybe he will show up." He continued

"Thirteen get the students out of here I will hold them off," Aizawa ordered as he put his goggles on.

He then jumped down the stairs and started to fight. Thirteen started to usher the kids out but before she could the purple vortex appeared in front of them.

"Nice to meet you. We are the League of Villains." The misty man said "It may be presumptuous of us, but we have invited ourselves into the home of the heroes. To have All Might, then Symbol of Peace, take his last breath. He continued before adding. "We also came here for other matters as well" while he narrowed his eyes at Dokeshi.

Then Bakugo and Kirishima rushed at him, trying to hit him. A big explosion was let off and there was dust everywhere around the misty man.

"Oh dear, that's dangerous." The misty man remarked "That's right. Even if you are students, you are excellent golden eggs.." He counited appearing completely fine.

Thirteen yelled at them to move away but it was too late, they got swallowed up by the misty man. He continued to swallow most of the class saying "My job is to scatter you all and torture you to death!" Dokeshi grabbed Gasu and Himiko before they disappeared.

Dokeshi opened his eyes and saw that he was in the central plaza next to the bird creature and the hand man. He was relieved that both Gasu and Himiko were with him too.

"Ah there you are Dokeshi, but who are those two I told Kurogiri to only bring you," The Hand man said annoyed.

"Sorry about that, I grabbed them when he warped me. They are my friends, they even asked me if they could join your team too." Dokeshi said sheepishly.

"I guess but they better not get in my way" Hand man replied, then added. "Well, for you guys to join you will have to help me with Eraser Head."

Dokeshi nodded and looked at Gasu and Himiko. They then realized something.

"Do you have a way to get these collars off? They stop us from using our quirks. Plus they have a shock and sleep feature." Himiko chimed in.

"Ya these things suck I feel like we're cattle," Gasu added with bitterness.

"Let me see your collars then." The hand man gruffed out.

He reached for the collar when a white clothe wrapped around his arm. They all looked over to see Eraser Head glaring at them with his quirk active.

"Get away from my student's villain," Aizawa growled.

"Can you get these collars off us, sir?" Dokeshi asked, "We can't defend ourselves without them." He added.

Aizawa wasn't stupid tho. He knew why the three troubled students were next to the head villain. He just glared at Dokeshi. Dokeshi sighed and put his hands up.

"I guess you caught us, but can you blame us? You treated us like villains, and we are not supposed to become villains? U.A. just doesn't make any sense." Dokeshi confessed.

"You knew that this would happen Dokeshi?" Aizawa questioned while kicking a villain in the face.

"Nope, but I'm taking the opportunity." Dokeshi countered. "But I did meet this man when the press broke in tho, he offered a lifetime opportunity to be free and to do what I want to do." He finished.

Aizawa just got pissed hearing his student switch sides like that. When Aizawa turned to deal with a villain the hand man grabbed the clothe that was around his arm. It started to decay, and then he touched Dokeshi's collar which did the same.

"Ah, that feels amazing! Thank you, um I didn't catch your name" Dokeshi said a little embarrassed.

"It's Shigaraki, and go take care of Eraser Head now." Shigaraki order.

Dokeshi didn't waste any time and put his hand on his chest and said "Kama", then he pulled out his scythe.

"It's good to see you again Kama," Dokeshi said lovingly

Before he could do anything a clothe wrapped around the handle and pulled Kama out of his hands.

"No Kama, come back!" Dokeshi yelled which stopped Kama from flying further.

This stunned Aizawa for a sec before he was forced to let go of Kama to counter another villain. Dokeshi grabbed Kama and ran at Aizawa. He sent a wave at him but he dodged it by jumping over it. Aizawa then started to use his quirk on Dokeshi, so Dokeshi then got closer and swung Kama in an upward motion. Aizawa tilted his head back barely dodging the blade, but it nicked his cheek leaving a small cut.

"You know Aizawa all three of my weapons have super moves, Do you know what this one is?" Dokeshi mockingly asked while he went to sweep Aizawa using Kama.

Aizawa jumped to avoid Kama but didn't see Dokeshi went for a punch right after. The punch hit him square in the face making Aizawa blink. Dokeshi took his chance and pointed Kama at Aizawa and said. "Imprisoning Fog!" The fog that came off of Kama started to wrap around Aizawa until he was completely enveloped by it. Aizawa tried to get out but when he touched the fog it was so cold it burned him.

"Do you like it? It's my least favorite super move I have. It takes away the fun of the battle, but it's super effective at trapping people." Dokeshi said with disappointment "Unless you can deal with freezer burn you will be trapped in there for a while." He continued while walking away.

Aizawa was pissed, first, he had to deal with a bunch of villains. Then his student started to attack him, and now he's trapped in a cold foggy prison. His students could be dying for all he knew. He decided to try and calm down and wait for this fog to disappear.

As Dokeshi skipped his way back to Shigaraki he notice the foggy man appear next to him. Shigaraki didn't look happy, he was yelling something about he would kill him if he wasn't their ticket out of there. Dokeshi then heard a noise come from the water and saw Midoriya, Shiozaki, and Asui in the water looking at Shigaraki with worry spelled on their faces. He then got an idea, He swung Kama and sent a wave at them. They then turned and saw the wave heading straight for them. They ducked their head at the last second, some of Midoryias hair was cut off.

"What are you doing Dokeshi?" Himiko asked as she skipped over next to him.

Dokeshi noticed that her collar was gone. He just pointed at the water and said

"We have some peepers over there."

Toga looked and saw them come back up from the water looking scared.

"Hey, what was that for!?" Asui asked

"Ya, and how are you using your quirk? I thought that the coll-" Midoriya added before noticing that both Himiko's and Dokeshi's collars were gone.

They became pale-faced when they heard laughing coming from behind them. They looked and saw Shigaraki snickering.

"What, surprised to see your classmates betray you? That's so funny, it makes up for Kurogiri's mistake." Shigaraki said with a manic smile on his face.

They were cut off when a loud bang came from the entrance. Then All Might appeared with a scowl on his face. That sent shivers down everyone's spine. They have never seen All Might with that kind of face before.

"It's good to finally see you All Might, It was disappointing when you weren't here," Shigaraki said with glee.

In a flash, all the villains were knocked out. Dokeshi couldn't react as All Might flew by him and grabbed the three students in the water.

"Where is Aizawa?" All Might asked Midoriya

"I don't know but I think he's in that fog," Midoriya said while pointing at the fog.

All Might nodded before he took the three students and put them down at the start of the stairs.

All Might then went to punch the fog away but was cut off when he heard.

"Nomu kill him" Shiigaraki ordered.

The Nomu then appeared in front of All Might and started to attack him. As they fought Dokeshi looked at Himiko disappointedly.

"All Might took my fun away," Dokeshi said sadly

"It's okay Dokeshi-Kun you will have your fun soon." Himiko reinsured him while patting his shoulder.

Dokeshi only sighed and looked back at the battle to see that All Might was behind the Nomu. He then wrapped his arms around the Nomu, then he suplexed it. There was dust everywhere so no one could see them. When the dust cleared they saw that All Might and the Nomu were in a portal, halfway threw it. Nomu was clinging onto All Might so that he couldn't escape. The portal started to close around both of them when out of nowhere a trail of ice froze the Nomu and not touching All Might. Then Bakugo landed on Kirogiri threatening that he would explode him if he moved. All Might then got out of the portal and glared at Shigaraki. He was about to charge Shigaraki, but then everyone heard "Ragnaroks Decent!" A sword that had red vain like lines, and was five times bigger than All Might came crashing down on All Might. All Might tried to catch the sword with one hand but felt the weight of it. It felt like four buildings were landing on him. He put his other hand on the sword and started to push it back, but it started to feel heavier and heavier the longer he push the sword back. All Might then looked at the end of the sword and saw that it was Dokeshi, His eyes had a look of amusement and excitement.

"Y-young Dokeshi what are you doing!?" All Might exclaimed

"Sorry, I couldn't miss my chance to crush you!" Dokeshi said with excitement in his voice.

'I can only do this for a few more minutes' Dokeshi thought as sweat started to go down his face, but no one could see because of his mask. 'If imprisoning fog wasn't active then I could do this longer but it's draining too much energy.' he continued

Shigaraki started to laugh at the situation, he was watching one of All Might's students pin him in place. It was one of the funniest things he's seen in a good while. While this was happening the Nomu go up from the portal not caring that his arm and leg were gone from the ice breaking it. It then to everyone's shock started to grow back. "Yep, he has Super Regeneration too! Shigaraki excitedly said and then looked at Nomu and said "Save Kurogiri."

The Nomu complied and rush over to hit Bakugo off of Kurogiri. All Might saw this and with all his strength pushed Daiken to the side which shook the ground. He then in a blur saved Bakugo right before he would have been punched. He rushed Bakugo to the stairs before rushing the Nomu. They started to exchange punches which made airwaves that started to push everyone back. Dokeshi's Improsoining Fog was blown away too, and Aizawa was thrown away from the fight and fell into the water. Dokeshi put Daiken away and watch with excitement as the slugfest went on. Until All Might said, "Plus Ultra!" And hit the Nomu so hard that it went flying out of the USJ.

There was silence for a minute before All Might turned to Shigaraki and said

"Now, villains. I'm sure we'd all like to end this as soon as possible."

"He used a cheat!?" Shigraraki proclamied

Shigraraki started to scratch his neck furiously

"Hey, what's going on? He's not any weaker at all." Shigaraki asked no one "Did sensei lie to me?" He continued.

"What's wrong? You're not coming?" All Might taunt "Come and get me if you can." He finished while giving Shigaraki a fierce glare.

Shigaraki jumped back from the glare, then he started to scratch his neck harder with both hands.

"Shigaraki, please calm yourself. Looking carefully, I see that he was weakened from the damage of Nomu's attacks." Kurogiri said trying to calm down Shigaraki.

Shigaraki stopped scratching his neck and looked closely at All Might.

"If we work together we still have a chance of killing him." He added.

Before Shigaraki could reply a black and red wave went straight for All Might. When it got a few feet from him Aizawa jumped in the way and got hit in the stomach sending him into All Might. They went into the smoke that was left from the fight, which both disappeared into.

Dokeshi sighed at that and looked at Shigaraki

"Sorry, I didn't think Eraser Head would get in the way," Dokeshi said with sadness.

Before anyone could reply a bang was heard and a bullet was about to hit Shigaraki. Right before it hit him a Dokeshi screamed "Ragnaroks Decent!" And a giant blade blocked the incoming bullets.

Shigaraki looked over at Dokeshi who was panting hard. 'I have no more energy' Dokeshi thought before Daiken shrank and disappeared into his chest. When he was finished he started to fall, but before he went too far Himiko and Gasu caught him and then they were enveloped in Kurogiri's fog.

Before they left Shigaraki said " I may have failed this time, but we got a better prize now. And we will kill you next time. Symbol of Peace, All Might!" He finished before disappearing.

All three of the problem students disappeared with them too. Making all of the Pros that arrived pale at the idea.

"This is not good," Nezu said while he looked down at the Plaza. "We now lost an unstable kid with a quirk to counter almost all other quirks." He continued in a grim tone.

(So I have decided to not post Sundays so that I can have a rest day, So I will post another chapter Monday. See you then!)