
MHA:A hero before the story.

I reincarnated into mha but I am before the story? I only made my oc and don’t own Mha

Diobutstronger · Cómic
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10 Chs

sludge incident.

A/N did no one get the sudden impact reference? my disappointment is immeasurable and my day ruined.


I had been sitting under a tree waiting for a crime to start so I could stop it. When I realized that I had recently bought a phone. I picked it up and started scrolling through videos on YouTube till I reached one that looked familiar. I tapped it and started watching. It was a video of me taking down the robber in the bank! and it had around nine million views! I was stunned so I checked the comments.

.....YouTube comment section........

Totally not All Might:He looks pretty strong wonder if he would fight me?

Confused Cat:@Totally not All Might you would get your ass kicked faker!

Joker:Is this even real? it looks staged.

Inconspicuous dragon: That sword technique was fast even I almost didn't see it.

Time stopper:He beat down that guy good.

.......Rengku Kyojuro........

I started walking around after reading the comments. I realized that my feats of heroism might start getting known which in turn could propel me to a position higher in the hero rankings. I am currently rank 314 due to all the small things I handle I don't always have time to pair up with other heroes to take down villains. I don't even have a house so how could I have an agency? I mean its not like I need one anyway though as the main reason I want to be a hero is to save others. I will make sure to continue stopping as many villains as possible that is my vow.

..........(time skip)....................





I was jolted awake from my sleep and heard someone screaming for help I shook my self from tiredness and sprinted towards the direction I heard the voice coming from. When I got there I saw a crowd of people and heroes standing by watching as a villain made from Sewage? Holding a blond haired kid hostage. I remembered this scene from the cannon of mha. I did not delay any longer and ran trough the crowd to save Bakugo.

A hero said in a worried voice " Hey what are you doing get back here!"

I did not heed his advice and pulled out my katana not the blunt one the real deal as I assumed that the villain was immune to normal slices.

"Villain to pray on the life of a child is a serious crime I will make you understand right now!" I said fully believing in the protection of children.

"Heh Hero try and stop me and I will snap this kids neck!" he yelled confidently.

"Fourth Form: Blooming Flame Undulation." I ran straight towards the sludge villain and cut his tentacles off of Bakugo.

I grabbed Bakugo and threw him in the air. Thankfully my fellow pro hero Kamui Woods caught him in the air. I turned towards the villain.

"Why would you do something like this? For money? Power? Either way what you are doing is wrong so I am afraid its the end of the line for you. Your little party ends here!" I yelled.

I ran straight towards him and slashed my katana at his stomach of course it passed through however the attack was supposed to miss and the sludge villain was supposed to hit me. He did and pierced right trough my left lung. It was worth it though as then Midoriya cam running in to help me. The last thing I saw before my eyes closed was a blond haired man with a smile on his face.


boom done I was gone for a while do to my computer breaking luckily I was able to fix it.

See ya later expect back to normal updates now. new fan fic maybe soon depending how I feel in the next week.