
MHA:-Glitch In Reality

What would happen if Izuku tried to commit suicide after being bullied and neglected by the people he loved. But he didn't die, he awakened a quirk, a quirk so powerful that it wouldn't be wrong to say it is the strongest quirk ever. Now with a Cynical and Psychopathic personality, he is out for blood, and shake the very foundation of hero society. Stick around to find out what he does and how he does. This is my first time writing a fic, so I am open to constrictive criticism, and would love to know the areas where I can improve myself, while also would love to know what you like about my fic, so that i can work to improve it so that it becomes identity of my fics through which people can find out that these are my fics NOTE:- THIS IS AU... DON'T TRY TO COMPARE IT TO THE CANON...ANY CHARACTERS DIFFERENT FROM CANON ARE DONE BASED ON CREATIVE LIBERTY...AND I HAVE NO INTEREST IN TOLERATING ANYONE WHO WISHES TO COMPARE THEM TO CANON WARNING:- IT CONTAINS LOTS OF GORE, VIOLENCE, RAPE, AND ALL OTHER SORTS OF EXTREME DARK SHIT, SO READ IT AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION, AND THIS FIC IS A REALISTIC FIC AND WILL ALSO HIGHTLIGHT THE REALITY OF THE SOCIETY SO THIS FIC IS NOT FOR FAINT OF HEARTS. Support me through:- Paypal:- https://www.paypal.me/SVora02 Patreon:- https://patreon.com/EmperorNumix

Numix · Anime y Cómics
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228 Chs

Chapter 72:- Heinz Doofenshmirtz's Debut

"There are many paths to power. Some climb, some cheat, and some... become monsters." - Makishima Shougo, Psycho-Pass

Izuku, who had prepared everything for cleaning the city, was surprised to see Shoji doing something foolish like barging into the police headquarters to get documents, without even planning about it.

Shoji was a variable that he didn't think would be that emotionally driven to do something like that, Izuku knew what Shoji's relation with Eiji was, when he saw how he was shaken to know Eiji died, unable to accept it, following which crying uncontrollably, and even getting angry at the kid who spit on Eiji's grave.

Izuku knew Shoji could be really helpful to him and his goals, but he hadn't thought that Shoji would directly barge into the police station like this.

Had Izuku not placed the cameras and bugs he might have not found out what Shoji was doing.

Well, it isn't that he cared about Shoji or something, afterall he doesn't even know Shoji personally, so why should he care about someone whom he doesn't even know, afterall if tragedy was to be taken into account, Izuku had experienced more tragedy then Shoji.

All Izuku thought was that Shoji was useful and could help him achieve his goals better.

Seeing how he wasn't thinking rationally and letting emotions control him, Izuku had decided to make him a bridge between him and the heteromorphs, and also make Shoji his representative and middleman so that he could act as their savior who brought justice to them in return for which they would become his army.

And for that, they would need someone whom they can trust. That's where Shoji would come in, Izuku saving him and bringing justice to them, which Shoji saw with his own eyes would develop a bond of trust between them, which would turn heteromorphs into his own army.

So he let Shoji do what he was doing until he was cornered.

Once he knew Shoji was about to get caught, Izuku hopped in and did a very heroic or in Izuku's case villainic entry.

He was wearing a full black stealth suit, with a black orca full-face mask covering his entire body, not leaving a single space that could be used to identify him.

Well not that he cared, with his shapeshifting ability he could just change his face and get away with anything as since he left his apartment in Shizuoka prefecture he had changed his face, and no one knew his real face, he had a different face when he reached the train station.

He had a different face when he was on the train, a different face when he reached Fukuoka Prefecture, a different face when he was in the taxi, a different face in the hotel, and a different face when he went out for a scout.

So finding him was impossible, even if his shapeshifting got caught in any camera anywhere around, no one could locate him.

Afterall he could be anyone right now, he could be the person they were walking ahead of, a shop vendor from where they brought groceries, a train driver, a paramilitary, a policeman, a pro hero, heck even the mayor of Fukuoka Prefecture, or even better the President of Japan.

He could even move around impersonating someone who's already dead like Eiji.

With Izuku's analytical mind, he could perfectly impersonate someone even their actions, to the point that the people around him wouldn't think that the person they were with was an impersonator who was acting like their loved one and not the actual person.

<A N:- Izuku is exactly like Skrulls, more precisely, Rhodey from Marvel, who would have thought that was a Skrull since the events of Civil War>

That's how good Izuku was becoming, and him using his shapeshifting this much was him being cautious but also him training himself and making it a second nature to improve his shapeshifting along with making it even more powerful so that he can change his appearance in a moment's thought.

So that's why he knew no one could catch him, so why was he wearing a stealth suit and not showing his face?

The answer is simple, because it's cool, afterall, Izuku still had a kid in him, who wanted to do all sorts of cool stuff that people his age did.

And once he saw Shoji was about to get taken in, he made a grand entrance, by cutting the hand of the policeman who was about to touch Shoji.

Why did he cut just one policeman's hand? Simple to incite terror in the policemen.

How did he do that? He started phasing his hand very fast as he just brought his hand down like a guillotine's blade, the world around him seemed to freeze, time stretching thin. His hand neared the policeman's, intangible and light. Then, just before impact, it solidified with a surge of gravity, gaining the momentum of a falling rock.

The instant it touched the policeman's flesh, it became razor-sharp, a scalpel of bone and muscle. With practiced ease, he sliced through the policeman's palm, severing the foreskin in a clean line. The tangible part of his hand slipped inside, seamlessly transitioning back to intangible as it exited the wound, leaving behind a gaping hole. The process repeated, his full hand mimicking a phantom blade, entering and leaving the policeman's grasp like a ghost.

And when it finished, the policeman's arm was dangling in the air for a few moments, as the gravity worked and fell on the ground, along with it splashed a ton of blood out of his hand.

<A N:- This thing didn't happen in slow motion exactly, but I have shown it to show how and what exactly did he do, that doesn't mean is slow, all doing using the superhuman speed has by reversing lag, along with teleportation, phasing intangibility get job done, isn't fast like super speed, still enough cause chaos among police>

The scene that happened with the first policeman repeated with all the policemen around Shoji.

It wasn't just the hand that was cut, soon their bodies were also cut down into pieces like vegetables.

Izuku was playing fruit ninja in the real sense, and instead of fruits it was human bodies

And in just a matter of moments, like even before the policemen could process what was happening, all of them were dead.

And the blood was spilled all over the floor, and on Shoji.

And Izuku was constantly phasing so that blood didn't fall on his body or anywhere on him.

As he made a grand entrance which should have been of a saviour but it wasn't, it was of a killer.

Shoji, who had seen what happened in an instant, was shocked to see the policemen he was struggling to get away from, were sliced like fruits and vegetables in an instance.

Izuku then moved slowly towards Shoji who was frozen in that place unable to do anything at all.

Izuku then bent his upper body, as his red eyes visible from the mask, were glowing as he looked into Shoji's eyes as he asked in a really heavy and cold voice, "What is it that you truly desire?"

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