
MHA:-Glitch In Reality

What would happen if Izuku tried to commit suicide after being bullied and neglected by the people he loved. But he didn't die, he awakened a quirk, a quirk so powerful that it wouldn't be wrong to say it is the strongest quirk ever. Now with a Cynical and Psychopathic personality, he is out for blood, and shake the very foundation of hero society. Stick around to find out what he does and how he does. This is my first time writing a fic, so I am open to constrictive criticism, and would love to know the areas where I can improve myself, while also would love to know what you like about my fic, so that i can work to improve it so that it becomes identity of my fics through which people can find out that these are my fics NOTE:- THIS IS AU... DON'T TRY TO COMPARE IT TO THE CANON...ANY CHARACTERS DIFFERENT FROM CANON ARE DONE BASED ON CREATIVE LIBERTY...AND I HAVE NO INTEREST IN TOLERATING ANYONE WHO WISHES TO COMPARE THEM TO CANON WARNING:- IT CONTAINS LOTS OF GORE, VIOLENCE, RAPE, AND ALL OTHER SORTS OF EXTREME DARK SHIT, SO READ IT AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION, AND THIS FIC IS A REALISTIC FIC AND WILL ALSO HIGHTLIGHT THE REALITY OF THE SOCIETY SO THIS FIC IS NOT FOR FAINT OF HEARTS. Support me through:- Paypal:- https://www.paypal.me/SVora02 Patreon:- https://patreon.com/EmperorNumix

Numix · Anime y Cómics
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228 Chs

Chapter 59:- All Hell Breaks Loose 3

"You've just unleashed a shit-storm of the highest order." - "Pulp Fiction" (1994)

What followed next after this telecast, would turn out to be the blackest day in the hero society, even AFO in the 200 years of action was never able to cause this much chaos and fear in a single night.

And two figures at different locations, one inside the darkness, while the other at the top of the world were laughing maniacally satisfied with the result.

Once the telecast was over, the whole of Japan went into complete chaos, all the police stations were filled with civilians, all the hero agencies were surrounded by people living near the area, and the streets were filled with people.

And the media were at the forefront of it, trying to get a scoop and be the first ones to get the news.

All the people that were on the streets, in front of the hero agencies as well as the police stations, all of them wanted to find out whether what was shown in the video was true or not.

And if it was true then what were the heroes and police doing, when the villains were doing all of this?

And those people who were neighbors, or somehow related to all the people featured in the videos, they went to their residency, to check whether they were all right or not.

The only word that was suitable for their current situation was chaos, pure unadulterated chaos, and it didn't cover just one area but the whole of Japan.

All the people had just witnessed was most probably the worst thing they had seen, of course, it wouldn't have been worse if they were born at times of war, but these people were born in the era of peace, and although with the rise of quirks, chaos followed them, but there were always people to bring order to the chaos and maintain peace, that's the reason people had gone soft, and that isn't all, so many years of peace made them very sensitive to such things.

Plus the fact, this is the general populous we are talking about, the majority of them, if not all don't have access to the dark web, where such things are a daily thing, but yes, even the underworld had gone weak, or rather stagnant, as all they thought about was causing chaos, using their quirks, and that too in a forefront manner, like a charging bull, had they studied history they would have known, there are many other ways to achieve that, but their mind was so blank or empty that they couldn't even think of it, that's why this video became the darkest thing on the dark web, of course we can't count the things government does to hide their dark doings,

Which is something that no one can have access to or else chaos would have broken long before.

Everyone in the underworld was truly impressed with this, and they all thought one thing, 'Why didn't such a thought come to my mind?'

Everyone thought the same thing, but there was obviously no way for any of them to have such an idea cause their brains were the size of an acorn, and the only thing their puny brains could think was charging like a mad bull.

But this also caused them to have an interest in the League of Villains, and also willing to meet the mastermind behind this well executed chaos.

Izuku's plan was a success, his calculative madness and the unhingedness of these villains gave birth to a chaos that took almost everything of the heroes to calm down, and it acted as a perfect marketing strategy for him.

As now he was the talk of the town, atleast of the underworld, where Thanatos's name was roaming around as the supposed mastermind behind this attack, and his company the Shadow Brokerage was mentioned a lot.

While the outside world, that is the normal people thought it was the act of the League of Villains.

Police who knew the credibility of this video, as they had already recovered 27 dead bodies, with 3 being held by villains, the first thing they needed to do was to calm the public.

That's where All Might and Endeavour came in, they made a public statement regarding how it was their mistake for not being cautious, and how as humans they couldn't break human limitations like fatigue and sleep, and how they would make sure no such incident happens again, and how this was all just a computer generated video to create chaos, and distress among the people so that they could badmouth heroes and cause harm, and they didn't need to worry about it.

The public was in rage, filled with fear as their security had been compromised and such a thing could happen to them as well and they wanted answers.

But seeing All Might bowing and apologizing for this incident, somehow, the majority of them had reassurance, as All Might was The Symbol of Peace and not just an empty figurehead, and they trusted All Might, enough to calm down and trust their security to him.

And that explanation was broadcasted throughout Japan, and people calmed down, as they went back to their homes.

As a wise man said, "Ignorance Is Bliss"

Now that the majority of people of Japan had been calmed down, they needed to make sure that the people who knew this video was true, they don't open up about it and talk about it to others, or else the peace that was now dangling on a thin rope would break and there would be an even greater chaos.

And so the police along with pro heroes, namely All Might, Endeavour, hawks, and many such famous heroes, accompanied the police as they went to all the people who were close to the dead people, or related to them, to calm them.

They needed to not only calm the people but also make sure, that they don't speak of it to anyone.

It was really hard to convince them not to tell about this to anyone, and also said it was an act of revenge done by villains, and they might as well be attacked, so they better stay alert, as well as asked what any of these had in common, or a common enemy of them, who would do such a thing.

But they didn't know anything, and after a lot of convincing and a promise to not let this happen again, by both the pro heroes and the police, that they calmed down, they were also made to realize how grim their situation was, as if this atrocity was done out of revenge they could also be targetted so it was better to stay quiet about this, and after a lot of hard work and manipulation where they were allowed to subtly threaten the people regarding this could happen to them as well, which was ordered by the hero public safety commission, to maintain this fragile peace, the people agreed to keep quiet.

Although the heroes and police didn't like it, but they needed to do this, whether willingly or unwillingly to maintain this fragile peace, or else they would have to have lots of things out of their hands, and it would just make the task of the villains pretty easy.

Once they were done with that, it was already midnight, but they didn't have the luxury to go home and rest, as they still needed to find the masterminds behind this.

After hours of knacking, they still couldn't find the connection between the deaths of all these.

Ultimately they couldn't think of anything, so they decided to call the kids and other students and teachers related to the school to ask what could be the reason behind these 30 people getting this fate.

Only then can they figure out what went wrong with them, whose revenge were they a target of and why and most importantly who the mastermind was.

For the voice and the video didn't belong to one person, and seeing the video it could be understood that the people playing skewering the bodies were all henchmen and the voice was the mastermind.

Cause by looking at the henchmen they could understand that they didn't have enough plan to orchestrate such a thing, now they were going to find that mastermind.

[A/N:- Thank You All for the support you have given my work

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