
MHA - Discovering A New Reality

My Hero Academia Virtual Reality Game??!! (Genderbend/genderbender OC, not permanently, only in the game) ——— A new age of Virtual Reality is upon us. The new Star System had been released and our main character was one of the first people to buy it. He is sent into the My Hero Academia game as a villain - his own choice of course. What shenanigans will he get caught up in? Terrorise some people? Maybe. Fight heroes? Most certainly. Get himself involved with Class 1A? Do I even need to answer? ——— Cross-posted on Wattpad under the same name. I know I just released the first chapter to the One Piece fic, but I had a good idea and I wanted to roll with it. This may be my main story, but I’ll update the One Piece fic from time to time. It’s possible this idea has already been done, but I don’t care.

VividIsSleeping · Cómic
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5 Chs


(Song for this chapter: Null by Cloquesta. These songs prob won't fit I just want to give y'all some songs.)


The year has started rather spectacularly. A new full-dive VR system has been released: The Star System. Not my kind of name, but it's cool I suppose. With this new system you can fully immerse yourself in a new world. It feels as real as well… real life, almost like those manga when they are literally transported into that game world.

A new system means one thing, a lot of cool and interesting games to play. Many new franchises and even existing franchises that really didn't want to miss the opportunity. Persona, Final Fantasy, Pokemon and many more had gotten the chance to make new games for this new system. Most of the well known anime had a game on the system. You wanted it, they had it.

Well for me… I was most looking forward to playing the My Hero Academia game. I know it may not be the best show, but the whole idea of heroes and villains just speaks to me. Defending the population as a figure of justice or destroying those people with evil.

It may sound horrible to some, but if I was in that world I would be a villain. Being a hero means being restricted from doing what you desire. Even a regular citizen that goes about his/her day has more freedom. As someone once said, "A man who actively seeks out freedom will never achieve it." So a villain is the best way to do whatever you wish.

Well enough about that. As boring as it will sound, let me tell you about myself. I'm a 17 year old male college student studying psychology, economics and graphics. Weird combination, but that would allow me to pick the career I would like : Marketing Psychologist.

I've been waiting a few years for this system to be released once it was announced and boy am I happy for this moment. I queued outside the local game shop from morning to night. It was worth the wait let me tell you. I was able to buy the first one in the shop and it came with a game of your choice. I obviously chose the My Hero Academia game.

For buying the first one I was given a code that would allow me some extra points to buy extra customisable features for my character. Now that's a deal.

After coming home from college - as I didn't have enough time to start playing, I had college right after - I threw all my stuff into the corner of my bedroom and jumped onto my bed with the headgear in hand. The body was surprisingly light, it looked like something out of a sci-fi film with its aesthetics. Apart from that it was a regular looking headset.

Laying down I slid the headset onto my head. With a small beep the screen jumped to life. 'Welcome to The Star System' The system displayed, paired with a fancy star in the background. 'Selected Game: My Hero Academia' As it was the only game on the system it was the only option available.

With a rather smooth transition I would say, the game opened up and several GUIs appeared in my eyes. 'Avatar Select', 'Quirk Select', 'Backstory Select', 'Alignment Select' Along with a little box with the number of customisable points. 'CP: 3000'. It seems I was given an extra 2000 points for being the first one to buy it in my town, sweet.

I clicked onto 'Avatar Select' and two seperate boxes showed up. 'Canon' or 'Custom', the game allows you to choose whether to be a character from the anime itself or make your own. Under that custom umbrella you can choose to become any character from any other game, anime or movie. That was what made people so excited for this new full-dive technology.

I clicked 'Custom' and a whole list of characters appeared on the left. On the right a menu full of customisation options had made themselves known. I'd rather not create my own, I don't really have enough ideas. So I ignored the menu on the right and focussed on the left.

Some of the most beloved characters in all of fiction could be seen. 'Tony Stark', 'Batman (Bruce Wayne)', 'Naruto Uzumaki', 'Light Yagami' were a few names that stuck out. Well, as a man of culture I usually play as female characters in video games. I think we all agree that's what we should do, right fellas?

I glanced through the list to look for good female villain characters and I spotted Junko Enoshima from Danganronpa. As beautiful as she looks, a hideous and vile personality lies within her. She was the one that caused the tragedy and turned the whole world into despair loving freaks. Now that's a true villain.

Now that I selected my avatar I moved onto 'Quirk Select'. Like before, existing abilities from fiction were available from the left and customisable abilities on the right. There was a power that I really wanted and that was the Golden Experience Requiem ability from Jojo. Being able to revert all actions to zero and putting people in an endless death loop, that's definitely a power that would benefit someone like Junko.

After selecting GER I switched my attention over to 'Backstory Select'. As much as I would like to make a tragic backstory, Junko caused all that despair because she felt like it, not because of any tragic event. She just wanted to. That's not to say there might have been a reason, we just don't know. So I set it as this 'Born to two loving parents. Her father's quirk is a mixture of strength and life giving and her mother is able to revert actions to zero and put people in an infinite death loop (Although she doesn't know that as she hasn't killed anyone)? She becomes a villain to spread despair, without any reason.'

If you know Junko then you would think I was crazy for becoming her in the world of My Hero, but it's only a game. It doesn't matter what happens in there, they are all NPCs, characters, code in a system, a figment of our imaginations. They aren't real.

Now finally, the 'Alignment Select'. If it wasn't obvious by now, I'm going to go down the path of a villain. Without wasting any time I forcefully pressed onto 'Villain'.

Now that my character was complete I checked how much it would all cost in CP. 'CP:200' was left remaining. I was so relieved that I was able to afford GER and Junko. GER cost a whopping 2000 CP whilst Junko's Avatar cost 500 CP and the backstory along with the alignment cost 300 CP. The backstory was 100 CP and 200 CP to become a villain. Such a scam! Well I guess it's to minimize the number of villains and keep the number of heroes high.

To finalise this I clicked the magical 'Complete Customisation'button. A dark blue portal appeared in front of me. My body began to crumble into code and it whisked me away into the dark portal.

-Inside the new reality-

Tik…tok..tik..tok. The annoying sound of a clock next to me woke me up from my tired state. I gazed around the room I was now in. It was a rather simplistic bedroom. The bed I was laying on was covered in black and red striped sheets. Next to the bed was a wood bedside table which had a portrait, clock and stuffed bear on top of it. The walls were surprisingly left a blank white. A wardrobe with a similar colour to the bedside table was positioned in the corner of the room. Taking a look inside I saw countless outfits, ones Junko wore in the games, anime along with ones I hadn't seen before. This IS Junko we're talking about.

I had a quick look at the menu and it had everything there. 'Stats', 'CP Shop', 'Inventory', 'Server List' and 'Log Out'. I clicked on 'Stats'.

'Name: Junko Enoshima

Age: 17

Sex: Female (Male)

Quirk: Golden Experience Requiem

Occupation: High School Student

Title(s): Despair Lover, Destroyer of Fate, Player'

As soon as I was about to continue my search I heard a shout from below. "Junko! What are you even doing up there!? Get down here now or you'll be late for school!" It sounded like a woman, I guess it's my mother. My mother? No, I meant Junko's mother. Ah, I'll figure all this out later. Time to go!


Author: I had this idea and I just wanted to do it. I was going to go with King Crimson instead of Golden Experience Requiem, but I thought that it's abilities would fit someone who loves causing people utmost despair. Some people may think I like Junko, but no I absolutely hate her guts. Anyways, thanks for reading.