
MHA's school trap with a slutty system

(Gay, rape, perverts and 18+ only)

Im_A_Simp · Cómic
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19 Chs

USJ: A villainous fucking P2

Lewd noises and the cheers of the nearby villains were the only noises that filled the abandoned city, as the turtle faced man repeatedly grinder his dick in and out of Akira's ass, Akira however seemed to have lost himself.

The feeling of his ass getting pounded by a massive dick felt blissful, not at all in any pain even though he had a massive dick fucking his guts. Mostly thanks to the skill stretchy, which allowed his ass to accommodate his dick.

His overall charm had gone up a considerable amount, and the skill charm constantly levelling as well. Though, he didn't really pay attention, mostly because he couldn't. Thanks to the skill mindbreak, his head is a mess with the only thought being about the dick inside him.

"Ahhh... fuck, I'm reaching my limits already?" The turtle man said, a hint of disappointment yet a lot of lust in his eyes as he continuously ravaged the ass infront of him, not caring whether his dick might tear apart the body he was using.

"Boss, it's already been like, 30 minutes or something... anyone have a watch?" A criminal says, sounding impatient. "Anyways, we have a job to do, can we get going already?"

The turtle gives a massive slap on Akira's ass while smirking, the blow so powerful that it left a bright red mark on his beautiful skin.

"Just a minute!" He says while looking like he's having the time of his life. "Boys, get ready to start moving. Let's go to that ocean area, three of them are there..."

He shoves his dick full force inside Akira's ass, being completely enveloped inside his hole. Almost instantly he came, and let out a lewd moan. His eyes rolled back, anyone who'd looked at the scene would think he'd gotten fucked for a day or two.

And with a grunt, he released his seed inside, unleashing it and completely filling up Akira's stomach, so much so it looked as if he was slightly pregnant.

"Oh fuck," he says while grinning, "haven't shot a load like that in years. Might keep him!"

And with a plop, he pulls his dick out, still somewhat erect but now much shorter than it's previous length, though still looked like a monster.

As soon as his dick had came out, a massive load of sperm flowed out of Akira's ass, his asshole in a perfectly shaped hole, the turtle faced man dropped him to the ground with a thud and watched as the seed he'd put inside him slowly gush out like a tap.

Akira fell to the ground, unable to think or move, eyes still rolled to the back of his head.

His body on the ground in a suggesting position, his ass in the air and feet on the ground, head on the floor and liquid leaking out of his fucked ass, made for a very lewd sight.

One of the criminals gulped, before turning his eyes away from the scene.

"Skill charm has leveled up!"

Akira slowly starts to gain consciousness, his eyes blurry and the pain from when the man slapped his ass lingering...

"Overall charm has increased!"

He tries getting up but his entire body is sore and unable to feel his legs, much less move them.

"You have learnt a new skill, Consent!

Consent: When your partner has consent to sex, arousal is increased but you are unable to learn skills or level up existing skills. Instead, new rewards will be allocated as substitutes!"

"The rare event is over! Distributing rewards..."

"System has detected two people being charmed!

Common thug (Unfinished)

Mutant Supervillain (Finished)

Distributing rewards..."

As he gathered his thoughts, his consciousness fully recovers and so does his memory of everything that had happened.

"Oh god, I really had sex with that thing didn't I...?" Akira thought, feeling ashamed of the ordeal.

"Wait, I still did what I needed to though...?" Akira realised, he'd actually tamed the turtle faced man thanks to his skill evolving. Meaning he'd live, and that what he'd done was worth it.

"Distributing reward, Artifact: Butt Plug!

Type: Artifact

Description: Inserting inside asshole gives continuous arousal and increases battle performance, as well as seduction abilities. If you wear it, people will easily notice, regardless of whether it's visible or not."

"Item has been added to the inventory!"

"... atleast this time, I have a choice of whether I want to use it or not." He says, not surprised at the item. "Atleast it's slightly helpful, increasing battle performance. Though, it's not worth what I had to go through to get it."

"Hurry up and finish him off!" Ultigaze says, commanding another criminal to finish the job.

"Wait, I charmed the turtle faced man right? I should be able to leave free!" Akira thought, panicked at the orders of the criminal.

"Stop!" The turtle faced man suddenly says, looking at me.

"What, you want to keep him?" Ultigaze says, staring at the turtle faced man.

"Think you can stop me?" He says, returning the stare back. "Besides, we never received orders saying we had to kill them. We're just supposed to keep them busy, and I've taken a liking to this one."

"Tie him up and bring him to Kurogiri, also give his clothes back. Kurogiri will get upset if he knows we fucked the students instead of fighting the heroes..." He says, slightly worried over the prospect of Kurogiri taking his pay away.

"Got it boss!" A criminal says, throwing my superhero outfit which landed directly on my still body on the ground.

"Uh, boss...?" The criminal says. "I think he's broken."