
Saving Grace

Snake slowly woke up from the crash, he saw the blood trail being left by Big Boss as he already walked out of there. Running on the last ounce of adrenaline he has, Snake pushed himself to get up and slowly walked out the wreckage, going up the stairs to see himself in front of Arlington National Cemetery. The rain was pouring down over him, he could hear the cops and military coming in the distance but knew he had to finish this fight, so he followed the blood trail into the cemetery. Snake wasn't sure how long he could still go for, his body had been battered completely and he didn't know how much he could take. All of that didn't matter to him at this moment, what mattered was finally finishing Big Boss, finally ending this nightmare. The blood trail led him to Big Boss standing in front of a specific grave, fresh with flowers that were now stained in his blood. Snake noticed the bloody knife was near his foot, he picked it up as Big Boss weakly saluted on the grave that said, " IN MEMORY OF A PATRIOT WHO SAVED THE WORLD; 1922-1964. " Big Boss slowly turned around to his son, angrier than before,

"You…you brought me back here…she's crying because of you!" Big Boss shouted,

"Give up, it's over!" Snake snapped back,

"No! I made a promise to her, I made a promise to make sure The Boss's last message was carried out! Only I can do that, only I can free them from the system and you…YOU TOOK THAT AWAY FROM ME! I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU!" angrily shouted Big Boss, Snake gestured at him to bring it. Big Boss charged at him and gave him a strong right hook then slammed his elbow into his shoulder, breaking it then went to grab his arm but Snake quickly broke his right leg then stabbed him in the abdomen with the knife. Big Boss grunted and then grabbed the knife then sliced the right side of Snake's face, he tried to stab the right eye once more but Snake pushed him with his shoulder to pop it back in place then tried kicking Big Boss but the desperate commander caught his leg, stabbed his thigh and broke it with an elbow. Snake screamed but quickly jumped to kick Big Boss in the face with his good leg. Mustering up his last strength, Snake grabbed the knife, trying to get up but noticed Big Boss charging at him. Quickly, Snake did a roundhouse to Big Boss hard enough to shatter his arm, the adrenaline still coursing through him. Big Boss tried snapping his arm back in place but Snake madly ran to him and stabbed his other shoulder with the knife, blood staining the grass where The Boss is buried. Quickly, the commander snapped his arm back in place by hitting The Boss's tombstone then gripped onto Solid Snake's throat, trying to choke the life out of him. Snake held onto the knife then lunged for Big Boss's heart, the commander quickly saw this and put his other hand in the way, getting stabbed by it but trying to push it back. He let go of Solid Snake and tried damaging his bleeding right swollen eye but Snake kept pushing the knife closer to his chest as Big Boss's son just absolutely took the punches from his own father. Big Boss then felt the stab wound in his hand get bigger as Solid kept pushing the knife through, he tried stopping it by using his other hand, getting himself stabbed once more but Solid kept pushing with all his might. Right there, Snake pierced through Big Boss's hands and stabbed his chest, but now Big Boss was trying to hold his arms back to prevent him from pushing the knife deeper. Snake screamed at Big Boss then began to punch the knife to make it sink deeper until he channeled the last bit of his strength to punch the knife so hard it pierced through his heart and exited out of the back, splattering a whole lot of blood onto The Boss's tombstone. The commander coughed up blood and slowly stumbled backwards, shaking as he felt the blood pour out of his chest. Snake felt like it was over until suddenly, Big Boss punched him with still the same amount of strength, Snake had enough, he was infuriated and only said the thing that was in his mind,

"JUST FUCKING DIE!" Solid Snake shouted as he began to trade blows with Big Boss, but only this time, Snake saw an opening he could take. Desperately, Solid Snake jammed his fingers into the open chest wound, making it bigger than before. He wasn't done as he took advantage of Big Boss's agony to trip him onto his back and start mindlessly pummeling him. Big Boss tried punching back but Snake was faster, stronger and angrier, slowly his punches became weaker and weaker until his life eventually faded from his eye. Despite this, Snake kept punching him, his anger slowly dying down and his adrenaline wearing down and his punches became slower as well. He heard Campbell, Meryl, Holly and Houseman race up the hill, following the blood trail and path of destruction left behind by father and son, Meryl ran up to the still punching Solid Snake,

"David!" She called out but Snake was still punching,

"David, he's dead! He's dead, stop!" Meryl kept calling out as she got closer. Snake went for another punch but Meryl held his arm back and gave him a hug, Snake's eyes were almost hollow, like a portion of himself just completely shattered. She caressed his bloody head, reassuring him the nightmare was finally over, that's all they can do now. Just hope that this entire Big Boss nightmare is finally over.