
Mega Man Online

A girl named Hikari decided to play the new VR game called Robot Master Online. Little did she know that her life and the life of 10,000 would be changed forever.

spirit_draw · Derivados de juegos
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11 Chs

Episode 5 Tutorial Arc 04


Hikari Shujin



Arcade Man

Hikari POV

The three of us went inside the arcade shop and saw that the place looked like a market with only boxes in display.

The boxes had pictures on them that showed robots on them. One showed a robot that looked like a train, another one that looked like a pharaoh and one that has large scissors on its head.

I heard Roll and Auto talking to someone, but I was too distracted to listen. So this is where I get a robot master. There are so many options that I'm overwhelmed at how much variety there is.

"You like what you see?"

I was too absorbed in looking at the boxes that I didn't notice someone walk right next to me.

I look to see a walking arcade machine. I couldn't describe it as anything else but a robot the looks like an arcade machine. Well at least I know why he is called Arcade Man.

"Don't worry professor, you aren't the first, nor will you be the last person to look in awe at my merchandise."

He pulls out one golden coin and held it out towards me.

"I'm sure you are just dying to get your robot master that you pre-ordered before coming to Monstropolis."

I took the coin without any fuss as I was getting exited at what robot master I would get.

[Arcade Coin Currency:0-> 1]

Arcade Man gestured towards me "Please follow me professor."

I followed him while Roll and Auto stayed behind. He lead me to a a fortune wheel. It has a variety of colors, but there were question marks all over it.

"This is the Arcade Wheel, insert your arcade coin to spin it. The robot master that you will get is random, so I wish you luck on getting something"

So I randomly get a robot master rather than getting the choice to choose one, bummer. I hope I get one with a good rarity.

I walked right in front of the Arcade Wheel.

[Arcade Wheel]

Description: Insert one arcade coin to get a random robot master with a random rarity.

I held out the arcade coin and put it in the slot.

[Arcade Coin Currency:1-> 0]

The arcade wheel started up and started to spin.

I was waiting in suspense as the wheel slowed down. It landed on a blue question mark. The machine glowed until a figure appeared in front of me.

The robot looked like a 10 year old with blue eyes and brown hair. He wore a white shirt and blue shorts. The only robot part about him was his blue robot legs.

I checked his stats.

[Basic Robot Master]

Name: Rock

Robot Type: Neutral

Rarity: D







[Copy System Laboratory Tools]

Allows the user to mimic and use lab tools.

Info: This robot master is called Rock. He was built to assist professors in theirs labs thanks to his ability to use lab tools. He has a strong sense of justice.

After seeing his stats there was only one response I could make in this situation.
