
Mega Man Online

A girl named Hikari decided to play the new VR game called Robot Master Online. Little did she know that her life and the life of 10,000 would be changed forever.

spirit_draw · Video Games
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11 Chs

Episode 6 Tutorial Arc 05


Hikari Shujin



Arcade Man


Hikari POV

Is my luck that terrible?! My first weapon and robot master in the game are Rank D! He is common and weak, with the only good thing about him being his robot type and high DP. I'm so frustrated right now.

Okay…Okay I need to calm down and think about this neutrally.

The downside is that he was built to be a lab assistant, not a combat robot. He has low stats, but that's to be expected because of his rarity and level. His robot type makes it that he deals neutral damage to any enemies which I don't know if that's a good or bad thing.

The upside is his high DP stat and his robot type makes it that he takes neutral damage. And that's it.

I'm tempted to just exit the game and restart my account, go through the tutorial all over again and hope I actually get something good.

But I want to still play the game, so I will make due with what I have.

Arcade Man led me and my robot master back to Roll and Auto.

Auto perked up when we were close.

"Alright! You got yourself a robot master. So now it's time to do a test battle."

He then posed by pointing in the air.

"To the battle grounds professor."

Auto ran out of the arcade shop. I gotta admit seeing him do that did make me feel a little bit better.

"No running in my shop Auto!" Screamed Arcade Man with an angry emoji on his arcade screen.

He then turned towards me.

"Professor before you go to the battle grounds let me explain what I offer in my shop. You already know that I sell robot masters, but do you also know that I sell robot animals and helpers."

He gestured his hand and holographic screens appeared, displaying varies robot animals. It also displayed small robots that looked very wacky.

These might come in handy later.

Arcade Man brought out an arcade coin "In order to get arcades coins, you need to complete special quests that I assign to you. So come back later to take those quests."

With that said he walked back to the Arcade Wheel, and just stood there.

Well at least later on I can get a new robot master.

"Come on professor, I will take you to the battle grounds" said Roll.

I followed her outside of the shop. I looked at my robot master to see his blank expression following me.

"He looks kind of creepy" I commented to myself and turned to follow Roll, "But soon enough I will replace him with another robot master once I get some Arcade coins."

Little did I know that when I turned around his expression showed a hint of sadness, but immediately went back to a blank expression.