
Chapter 1


"Ugh." Yoongi gave a groan in response to the pestering beeping that drew him out of his sleep. He shifted his body to the side, groaning once more as a sharp pain shot up through his ribs.

"Easy there! Don't move too much or you'll aggravate your wounds!"

"Hm?" Yoongi scrunched up his nose and slowly opened his eyes.

His vision was instantly flooded with bright white lights and a tall, lanky man clad in an equally white coat staring down at him.

"Oh, Namjoon." The name tumbled from his mouth in a sleepy slur as Yoongi focused his sight on the man. "What are you doing here?"

"Well I'm checking your vitals to make sure your recovery is going smoothly Yoongi!" Namjoon chuckled. "Or have you forgotten how you ended up in here?"

Yoongi squinted his eyes in confusion for a moment before the memory of how he'd ended up here hit him.

'Tannie! Tannie you come back here this instant! Tannie!'

'Taehyung, what are you yelling about?!' Yoongi shouted from behind his piano.

The urgent pitter patter of bare feet against the cheap wooden floors echoed through the House moments before a frantic, brown haired man appeared.

'Jungkook left the the backdoor and the gate open and Yeontan ran out of it!'

'So go get him!' Yoongi exclaimed.

'I can't! I can't find my shoes!' Taehyung waved his arms in a small fit, eyes watering and bottom lip quivering. "Hyung what if he gets hurt?! He ran towards the freeway and you know the people around here can't drive!'

Yoongi slammed his head down on the Piano keys in frustration. 'Fine! I'll go get your dog!'

That's right, he had given chase after Yeontan only for the dog to assume they were playing a game and had ran even faster. Long story short, he'd gotten hit by a car in his attempt to save one of his friend's pet.

"Fuck Taehyung and that dog of his!" Yoongi huffed.

"Now now Yoongi! I'm sure Taehyung is both touched and feeling guilty because you almost died for his puppy!" Namjoon laughed, as he aided Yoongi in sitting up. "He's been calling me nonstop asking how you're doing."

"Tell him I hate him." Yoongi snorted with a pout.

"You don't mean that."

"He doesn't need to know that."

The friendly banter waned into a comfortable silence as Namjoon inspected Yoongi's body, gently pressing on various areas of his body, gauging his reaction, and flipping through his file. Finally, he let the folder close and fixed Yoongi with a stare.

"Alright, give it to me straight Namjoon." Yoongi green lighted.

"Well as you know, you started out with three fractured ribs, a broken leg, and a series of cuts, scrapes, and bruises. However I'm pleased to announce that a majority of your cuts, scrapes and bruises have healed! Obviously it's going to take longer for your ribs and leg to heal but once we're sure you can handle it we'll get you off bed rest and into a wheelchair so you can start moving around on your own." Namjoon explained with a small smile. "From there we'll move you to crutches and then get you walking again! But again, we won't move into that until you're ready and we're sure you can handle it. Try not to do too much sighing and groaning okay? If you do you'll strain your already injured ribs! You'll undoubtedly still feel pain but we can always give you something for it if it becomes too much."

"Can you elaborate on "get me moving" please?" Yoongi asked. "Does that mean once I'm in a wheelchair I can go moving around the hospital?"

"Something like that. Doctor Kim Seokjin will be overseeing your activities outside of this room. So for example if you wanted to go to the cafeteria he'll guide you there and stay within the area just in case you need something you can't get up and reach. You'll be able to go outside, the physical rehabilitation room, and the recreation room as well under his supervision."

"A recreation room? I didn't know hospitals had those!" Yoongi exclaimed in surprise.

"Well this one does! When it was built the owner felt it would do good to have a place where the patients who could move about could go and meet others. How's that sound?" Namjoon arched a brow.

"Ehh.." Yoongi whined, not really fond of the idea of meeting people who could possibly be on their last leg.

"What's the matter?"

"I mean it beats being holed up in this room all day but I don't really see the point of making relationships with people in here. It seems pointless to formulate bonds with people who could quite literally die in a moments time you know?" Yoongi shrugged.

Namjoon frowned at that. "It's your choice Yoongi, but it's never pointless to form bonds with anyone. Even those who are close to death. You never know, a five minute conversation can make someone's last five minutes on Earth the best moment of their life."

Yoongi frowned, taking in the seriousness of Namjoon's words. "I guess…but still, it's not easy for me."

"All in all you got off a lot easier than most victims of car accidents so you should consider that a blessing. Now that I think about it so should I, if you were gone I'd be stuck tending to Jungkook and Taehyung by myself!" Namjoon joked.

Yoongi laid his head back against his pillow and shot a playful glare at the Doctor. "Fuck you asshole!"


Yoongi's bored gaze remained trained on the small television that was positioned in the upper corner of the opposite wall. His thumb ran over the remote in his hand in a subconscious manner, the sound of the television reaching his ears but not registering. He gave a huff as he attempted to sit up a bit more, wincing upon feeling the sharp pain ebb through his ribcage. He was thankful that he wasn't in as much pain as before but he was still awaiting the day he was completely healed and could be discharged.

A rhythmic knocking on the door followed by it opening pulled him out of his daze.

A tall man with black hair poked his head in the door. "Min Yoongi?"

"Yes?" Yoongi arched a brow in question.

The door was pushed open completely, allowing the man to stroll in pushing a wheelchair.

"I'm Doctor Seokjin, Doctor Namjoon told you about me when he stopped by earlier to check up on how you were healing yes?" Yoongi nodded, giving Seokjin the green light to continue. "Good! So you know what my job is! Namjoon figured you'd be bored and asked me if I'd come in and ask you if you'd be interested in going down to the recreation center. You have about an hour or so before Dinner is served."

"What exactly is in the recreation room?" Yoongi asked as Seokjin approached his bed. "I highly doubt you guys have a basketball court here considering everyone here is either on their deathbed, crippled, or too sick to function."

Seokjin chuckled. "Right you are Yoongi! We don't have anything as physically demanding as that here, but we do have plenty of tables for visitations from family, friends and pets! You can also play a variety of card games with other patients or visitors, board games, you can do Art or play music-"

"Music?" Yoongi perked up at that. "I can play music?"

"Yes." Seokjin confirmed.

"What about a Piano? Do you have one?" Yoongi questioned.

"Yes we have one that you can use." Seokjin nodded with a smile. "It's kept within a separate room that's inside the Recreation room, this way the noise won't disturb the other patients and vice versa." Seokjin patted the wheelchair. "You sound interested, care to go?"


"Wow…" Yoongi mumbled, eyes wide in surprise as he observed the recreation room.

It was definitely much bigger than he thought. There were numerous medium sized black tables that decorated the room, each a good distance apart. It was somewhat filled with patients, some seated at tables with what he presumed were family, others with other patients playing various card and board games, while the rest slowly walked about. There were also three separate doors with small rectangular windows on them on the back wall of the room, which he assumed one contained the Piano he'd come here for.

"Hm…there's more people here than I'd like.." Yoongi muttered to Jin. He could feel his nerves beginning to get jittery and his sense of uncomfortableness grow as he attempted to shrink deeper into the wheelchair.

"The recreation room will always be semi busy Yoongi, that's kind of what it's here for." Seokjin gave Yoongi's shoulder a comforting pat. "Please don't try to curl in on yourself, you might hurt your still healing ribs. I understand you're a bit…anxious about crowded places but please remember a smooth recovery should be your top priority. If you feel like it's too much I'll take you right back up to your room."

Yoongi gave a small shake of his head. "No, No. I'm fine. Besides the Piano is one of those closed off rooms, I'll be fine in there."

With a nod Seokjin, grasped the handle bars on the wheelchair. "Very well then! Let's get you inside!"

Being careful of surrounding patients, Seokjin rolled Yoongi across the room and to the door right in the middle out of the three. He turned Yoongi around so the back of the wheelchair was facing the door and Yoongi was facing the occupied space of the recreation room.

"Okay! I'm going to go make sure that there's no chairs in the way so I can roll you right up to the Piano and you won't have to get out of the wheelchair. Stay put!" Seokjin let out a laugh at the joke before opening the door to the room and entering.

"Wow." Yoongi rolled his eyes in response to the not so tasteful joke, internally debating if Doctors were even allowed to make comments like those." Finding it blatantly pointless to mull over after a moment, the wheelchair bound man opted for staring down at his cast clad leg. He pouted subconsciously the longer he stared at the injured limb and eventually gave a deep sigh that had him wincing in pain.

He sucked his teeth in slight annoyance and rested his chin on the palm of his hand. His glaze fluttered around the recreation room as his pinky traced one of the healing scratches on his cheek, taking in the many white and pale blue hospital gowns as he did so. All the patients seemed the same to him, all moving gingerly and talking in low voices as if they were in some television show where all the background characters blended into one another, that is until one patient in particular caught his eye.

Yoongi's gaze morphed from bored to intrigued in a matter of seconds as he took in the patient. The male was seated at a table in the far back of the room all alone. He must've had his feet in the chair if the way the bend of his knees were visible was any indication. Unlike the other patients, the man was dressed in a pair of black jeans and a white dress shirt that had sleeves that covered his hands. His parted and wavy honey blonde hair shined beneath the fluorescent lights and from where Yoongi was seated, not a single scar, blemish or scratch was on the man's skin.

The man wore a frown of sorts, his head constantly turned towards the entry way as if he were waiting for someone, only to have no one show themselves, causing his frown to deepen even more and his shoulders to sag.

Yoongi's gaze flickered around the room in slight panic. The simple fact that the man stood out like a sore thumb and yet no one seemed to even notice him set warning bells off in Yoongi's head. This man didn't look like a patient, he didn't seem injured either. Was he waiting for a patient? Surely someone would've told him if who he'd come to visit wasn't coming down for visitation.

"I'm back Yoongi!" Seokjin announced as he swung the door open. "No one's been in here for awhile so it was more cluttered than I thought! But I got it all out of the way! Are you ready to go in?"

"Uh..yeah..yeah!" Yoongi replied, gaze still trained on the peculiar, well dressed man. He continued to stare, even as Seokjin backed him into the room, even after the door was closed shut and he could no longer see the man.

"Here we are!" Seokjin announced, positioning Yoongi at the Piano before stepping back.

Yoongi inspected the instrument. Specks of dust were visible all over the black wood and the keys, it was cold to the touch and sent involuntary shivers throughout his body as his fingers brushed over the white and black keys as if it were made of the finest glass. He pressed down on one of the keys, sending a deep rumble through the silent room. He couldn't help but smile in response to the lovely sound. The Piano was although dusty, sounded brand new. With every time he pressed a key, he could feel himself relax, slowly slipping into a space where the only sound that registered to his ears were the Piano keys.

"You're very good!"

Never mind, Seokjin was still there.

"Thanks but.." Yoongi glanced at Seokjin. "Do you mind standing outside? I just..I don't like being watched. It makes me.."

"Anxious?" Seokjin finished with an arch of his eyebrow to which Yoongi nodded. He fell into a thoughtful silence, clearly mulling over the request.

"I'm not supposed to leave you unsupervised." Seokjin informed. "But, if it'll put you at ease." I'll be right outside the door. If you need anything, hit the Piano, but do NOT yell."

"Thank you!" Yoongi called to Seokjin as the tall man departed from the room, pressing his back up against the door and covering the glass window.

Now in total silence, Yoongi released a slow and easy puff of air before he allowed his fingers to dance along the keys. Slowly but surely he let his eyes close, losing himself in the familiarity of the sound amongst a place of unfamiliarity. All with the porcelain man's saddened face etched into his mind.

Hello! I’m Yoonmin_beech! This is a story I not too long ago finished writing and wanted to submit to the BTS writing competition! I’m new to this site so I’m still learning its functions, go easy on me!

I hope you all will like it!!! <3

Yoonmin_beechcreators' thoughts