
MCU: The Spectacular Spider-Man

A New and Improved Peter Parker takes on the Universe of the MCU as Spider-Man. With New powers. Plenty of Classic Villians and New Relationships. Can our New Peter become the Hero we all want him to be....Let’s find out, Shall we? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Starts just after Iron Man 1. I'm gonna try to avoid major cliches like learning magic. I also don’t own anything other then my MC. I don’t own the MCU or any Photos used in the making of this fanfic.

The_Crimson_Writer · Película
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29 Chs

Chapter 15 - MK III Suit

(A/N: A pretty short chapter, don't worry the next few will be much longer)


~Peter POV~

~Spider-Man HQ~

"Sarah can you do some scans on this Hard Drive, I don't want to be tracked or hacked" I tell my AI.

"On it Peter, shall I also begin search for information on Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division" Sarah asks.

"Yes please do, but focus on the hard drive" I tell her.

While Sarah is taking a peak at the hard drive, I head over to the spider computer. Pulling up some of the designs I've made for new gadgets and projects.

Taking a seat and the monitors, I begin to go over the file agent Coulson gave me on a man named The Tinkerer.

It appears that even this Super Secret Government agent doesn't even know who he is. They've just made a collection of creation he's made and places he's been.

But no truly concrete information. But there's enough for me to work on. From what the file says, This Tinkerer should be incredibly intelligent and he should have a past in engineering.

"Peter, I've finished scanning the Hard Drive" Sarah says taking me out of my thoughts.

"Oh and what have you found?" I question.

"Nothing, it's clean. If you plug it in, it should be completely safe" Sarah tells me.

"Well that's a surprise. Let's do it" I say grabbing the Hard Drive I plug it in.

"Incredible" I say looking through the files on the Avengers Initiative.

"The Hulk, a jolly green giant of invincible strength.

Iron Man, Tony Stark. That's a bit of a surprise he doesn't seem the type.

Hawkeye, the Archer who doesn't miss.

Black Widow, most likely the worlds most deathly assassin.

Spider-Man, The Web slinger extraordinaire" I summarise.

"I'm gonna need a new suit, if these are the people who are supposed to be apart of the Avengers" I say to myself.

"Should I get the fabricator ready?" Sarah asks.

"Yes, I've already made the designs for the MK III" I tell Sarah, while I decide to get to work on some gadgets.

"I suppose a spider drone would be useful and maybe some new webbing aswell" I mumble to myself.


In the last few hours I've created and designed two different drones to use for scouting.

The first drone is a spider like drones that is used for ground operations. It's in the form of a small spider with black and red colours.

The second drone can fly which makes it useful for scouting buildings and such. It has a similar design to the first drone, except its black in colour.

"Sarah how's the MK III coming along?" I ask my AI.

"It's almost finished Peter, should I give you control?" Sarah asks

"Yes please" I say as I walk over to the fabricator.

"It looks pretty good. Let's just change a few details. Turn this white and bigger" I begin mumbling.

It took me another hour or so to finish up the creation of my MK III spider man suit. It's my favourite by far as this one has armour as well as new gadgets.


"Let's move onto the webbing" I tell Sarah taking a seat at the monitor. "Bring all formulas for my webbing"

Sarah brings up multiple different formulas and designs I've written out for my webbing.

"Let's go with the electric webs that can withstand my venom shock better, let's also go with rapid fire and web grenades aswell" I tell Sarah and myself.


"Oh hey Peter" Ned I hear Ned say as he steps out of the elevator.

"Hey Ned, I didn't know you were coming down today" I say as I continue to work.

"Just wanted to stop by... what you working on?" Ned asks me.

"A new Suit, I need to be prepared just in case" I tell him not explaining to much.

"In case of what" he asks confused.

"Here" I toss him the Avengers Hard Drive. "Check that out"


"Woah, this is crazy" Ned whispers to him self

"I know right. It can't believe they even want that dude who destroyed Harlem in this boy band" I tell him.

"It's pretty awesome though, right?"

"Oh yeah it's dope as hell" I agree with an easy smile.

~End Of Chapter~

(Image of Spider-Man Suit MK III —>