
Ch. 57 - Timeskip (2)

'Speaking of Asgard.' Doflamingo's eyes gleamed in bright light as he remembered the movie, Thor and if he play his cards right, he might get a vacation tour to Asgard, and if Thor vouch for him, the chances of learning magic from the Queen of Asgard is high.

'I kind of forgot when did the storyline of Thor 1 takes place, so I'll have to get Matilda to keep watch in Mexico.' Doflamingo thought to himself, as he was now riding on his Chevrolet Camaro.

If you look at his car, you would see that it looks familiar. That's because Doflamingo specifically ordered for a yellow with black stripes and accents.

Yes, that's right, it is indeed Bumblebee, but not the real one obviously, Doflamingo was just a fan of Transformers back in his past life as he CGI on Transformers was one of the best CGI's he has ever seen. Even the future movies like Avengers and Justice League was definitely no match for it when it comes to a very detailed CGI.

The Transformers movie just felt so real, as if you're watching a reality show instead of a Sci-Fi movie.

Unfortunately, there aren't any good movies in the Marvel Universe, probably except for the D.C comics that is currently being made into a movie. As of now, only Batman Begins is the only movie that became famous in the Intertainment Industry.

'Unfortunately, I don't have Photographic memory to remember the scripts and movies in my past life, or else cash would be coming in my pockets like leaves falling from trees.' Doflamingo shook his head in regret as he barely remembers any movies in his past life.

'What if I create One Piece? Actually, no that's a bad idea. No matter how much of a fan I am of One Piece, there's no way I could possibly recall all of the episodes of One Piece.'. Doflamingo thought to himself as he finally stopped the car and arrived at his destination.

Standing in front of him is a very tall building. You must be wondering why he would go in public with his height, right? Well, for your information, he's currently using his clone right now and his real body is back in his secret base which have been upgraded to the extreme, thanks to the spaceship that Ronan 'provided' when he first 'visited' earth.

"Good morning, is this the company, CycleFlex?" Doflamingo went inside and asked the the woman behind the desk.

From the looks of the building, it looked so old and the employees were very scarce as except for the woman behind the desk, there are only two other employees walking around and just by the look on their faces, they looked so gloomy and bored as if they didn't like their job.

The receptionist yawned and pointed at the huge logo and name behind her back.

"....I was just making sure." Doflamingo's mouth twitched in annoyance and made a note to himself to fire this woman from her position later after the buy the company.

The receptionist even had the guts to roll her eyes on him, so Doflamingo marked her face and name tag inside his mind before the receptionist told him that the current chairman of the company is on the top floor.

The reason why he was here is to obviously buy the game company as he realized that back in his old world, 70% of the population is currently playing online games like Valorant, CS:GO, LoL and such games.

So, using this knowledge, Doflamingo decided to take advantage of this since the Gaming Platform in this world is a few miles behind from the games in his past world.

In fact, the only game that most game companies make are the Captain America games, which became very boring as there are literally thousands of similar games in this world just with different game styles and animation.

'This is one of the first step in my MAGA plan. I first need to capture the American Citizen's hearts before I could fully implement my plan.' Doflamingo thought to himself as he slowly walked out of the elevator and arrived in front of a door.

"Bunch of trashes!" Doflamingo could hear a yell inside the room as he didn't hesitate to place his hand on the door knob and twisted it, opening the door while the yellings inside suddenly vanished.

"Who the fuck are you?" An old man with a disheveled hair perked up in anger as he glared at Doflamingo.

"I want to buy this company." Doflamingo didn't beat around the bush and quickly stated the reason why he's here.

"Buy? You want to buy the company that I shed blood and tears just to build. I bet you don't even have the money to buy my company!" The old man started ranting and mocking him as the other shareholders sinked to their seats, trying to diminish their presence as much as possible.

"1 dollar. That's what I have to offer you before you give me the legal documents and get the fuck out of here." Doflamingo tried to be as polite as possible but seeing how he's being disrespected by a nobody, he finally lost his calm and directly cursed him.

"A dollar? Are you fucking crazy? You can't even afford a prostitute with that kind of money." The old man looked down at Doflamingo and saw that he's just wearing a normal Hawaiian outfit with flip flops, which he then started laughing as the other shareholders also chuckled a bit, thinking that Doflamingo must've been a patient from a mental hospital that has accidentally escaped.

Doflamingo shook his head as he gathered his composure and calmly sat on the chair beside him.

Just when the old man was about to shout and yell for the security guards to take him out, his phone rang.

When the old man looked at it, his eyes widened in surprise as he immediately answered the call with the most respectful tone as possible.

"B-boss! How are you? I'm doing fi-." With just this words, the shareholders stared at their founder in shock as they didn't expect this kind of expression and tone of voice to come out of their usual noisy founder that only knows how to reprimand everyone in the company.

"Is there a man there that wanted to buy your company?" The voice behind the call cuts him off and asked in turn.

"Y-yes. Don't worry, he's already in front of me and I'm just about to kick this little shit out of my property." The old man glared at Doflamingo before switching back to his kind and respectful persona.

"....H-he's in front of you?" The voice behind the call suddenly hesitated and stuttered in fear

"Yes, i-is there something wrong, boss?" The old man gulped in fear, as he thought that he must've offended some big shot in the underworld.

"You mindless fool! Do you know who you are talking about?" The voice behind the call suddenly yelled in anger and shock as the old man's eyes widened and his eyes turned back to Doflamingo, but instead of the earlier glare, it was replaced with a trace of fear and shock as he finally confirmed to himself that he just offended a big shot.

"B-boss, I'm sure you could do something, I-I will apologize!" The old man started panicking as he begged the voice behind the call to save his ass.

"You want me to save your ass from the Kingpin of the Underground? I'd rather save a sexy ass than your old hairy ass, fool!" As soon as the voice said that, the call ended as the old man finally realized how fucked up he is.

He just thought that he offended some big shot in the underworld, he didn't expect that he had offended not some big shot, but THE big shot!

"K-kingpin. That means you're the Joker." The old man's knees went weas as he fell on the ground with a kneeling position while using his hands to support himself from fully falling.

"F-forgive me, please show mercy!" The old man cupped his hands and begged for mercy as he bowed down his head as low as Doflamingo's shoes and crawled towards him before starting to kiss his flip flops, in short words, his toes.

Doflamingo's face scrunched up in disgust as he kicked the old man's face, throwing his body away from him.

"Don't get near me. Now, if you still want your life, then sign this contract, stating that you'd give me all your shares, including the company's assets, leaving you nothing but this dollar right here." Doflamingo then pulled out a folded paper before unfolding it and showed it to the old man.

"Yes, yes." The old man then pulled out his own pen and started signing the document.

Doflamingo then decided to pull out more and more documents before turning to look at the rest of the shareholders and yelled at them.

"What the fuck are you all waiting for? You guys aren't exempted, come here and gimme all your shares!" Doflamingo yelled which made them nod their heads a few times making them look like chickens pecking their heads.

One by one, each shareholder started signing the documents before giving it back to Doflamingo who smiled in delight as he finally got what he wanted and in the most easiest way, which is to use his influence as the Kingpin of the Underworld.

'This feeling isn't that bad.' Doflamingo sat on the chair behind the desk as he watched the old man and the other shareholders leave the room as quick as possible.

"If this gets out, you'll know what happen." Doflamingo yelled to them before they fully leave, chuckling as he watched them nod their heads like pecking chickens in the see through glass

"Now, which game should I make first." Doflamingo then started thinking in a thinking pose.


You can visit my p@treon to read 10 advance chapters and if you want to support me. (www.p@treon.com/SlimeSage) don't forget to change @ to a.