
Goddess Beauty!

My first day of school went well. I don't talk too much because whenever I have someone to talk to in English my words won't come out. I'm thankful that I have Jennie with me. I only have her for 4 classes. She was so talkative but smart too! Today we are having a tour in my new school with Jennie and 2 other girls. They showed me around, it's very different and it's a new experience for me. I saw a lot of things that I haven't seen before. As I look around—

"Hey! What does your school look like in the Philippines?" The girl looked at me while holding my hand. Her name was Nana and she was Jennie's friend since freshman year. She is pretty but I heard from Jennie that she's good at dancing. 

"My school?" I replied.

 "Yes" she nodded "You see I have friends in the Philippines. I met them in Omegle and I was curious what your school looks like."

"Guhh.. You're still visiting omegle to find your true love?" Other's Jennie's friend as she snickered. Her name is Julia. She's good at sports and she seems like a serious person. 

"Oh shut up! I'm not like you who hasn't had a boyfriend since birth!" Nana replied. They continue to argue with each other as I look at them and I smile. It's kinda cute.

"Come on girls, you'll scare my cousin." Jennie hit their heads. "Owwwhh" both of them rub their head. "It's fine. Oh by the way don't you guys have clubs today?" I turned around and looked at three of them. "Oh Shit! We have an ASB meeting today I forgot! I need to go. Nice meeting you Blaike see you tomorrow." Nana went to her club.

"Me too. I have clubs today. I'm afraid I have to stop here. Nice to meet you Blaike." Julia stretched her hands "It's nice to meet you too Julia." I stretched my hand and exchanged handshakes with her. Julia went to her club. "How about you Jennie? I heard from Nana that you guys have a meeting today? Don't you also have the same club as her?". I looked at her and patted her head.

"But I promised to give you a tour, don't worry I'll just gonna ask Nana later what the meeting is about." Jennie clung to my arm. "Jennie, you should go, they need you. You are the vice president of the club." I told her. "But I promised you! What if you got lost in this school? What if someone would hit on you!? " She growled at me. My cousin is cute!. 

"It's fine. I can punch them if they hit me and there's no way I'm gonna get lost in this school." I looked at her and smiled. "Are you sure?" Jennie looked at me with her worried face.

"Yes, I'll be fine now. Go to your meeting. I'll wait for you at the gate. Chat me after your meeting is finished." I patted her head. "Okay tell me if there's someone or something happened okay?''. She held my hand tight and stared at me fiercely. 

"Okay I will" I smiled and we parted ways. Now let's go this way.





After walking a while I got lost. Oh my god why did I get lost? I even told Jennie that it won't happen but now what!?. I scratched my head looking for students on campus and I found none. THIS SCHOOL IS SO BIG BUT WHY?? THERE'S NO STUDENT AT THIS TIME!!?. I continued walking looking for students or staff and I saw a door that was open in the classroom. I went inside it was a dusty room. My god is this old classroom that hasn't been used for a year?. I took out my handkerchief and covered my nose from the dust. Suddenly I noticed a woman sleeping beside the teacher's table. 

I walked slowly to the woman who was sleeping soundly. I look at her closely. This person is very familiar. She has a black hair. Her skin is white. OH MY GOD SHE'S SO PRETTY! HOW COME THERES A PERSON LIKE HER IN THIS WORLD? Her eyebrows are perfect. Her lips are kissable and its color pink. Her appearance is a PERFECT GODDESS BEAUTY!!. Am I even the same species as her?. 

Seems like I stared at her too much. I mean who would never stare at this Goddess appearance? As I was about to leave someone just grabbed my hand and my butt hit the floor "Ouch" and someone just slammed her hand into the wall. "Who are you?" The Goddess beauty stared at me. 






Thank you for reading. I'm just doing this for fun and to improve my English skills :). I apologize if I got many corrections