
Chapter 1 First Day Of School

8 years ago.

I was running with some unknown person that I met when I was 9 years old. We laugh together. We played together and made promises together. ¨Hey Blake¨ the unknown person called me.

The face is foggy. I don't know what she/he looks like. ¨Yes?¨ I responded. ¨I'm going back to my hometown. My parents finished their business here I- I might not be able to see you again!¨ The unknown person was crying and I just stared at her and couldn't say anything.

After 5 seconds I broke into tears because I don't have someone to play with and this unknown person is very special to me. I didn't say anything, I just cried and sobbed like a child. ¨Cmon dont cry I don't want to see you cry like that.¨ The unknown person held my hand and caressed my back.

It's warm but I can't feel this warm again. ¨Bu-t we're not seeing each other again, you're my only friend!!¨ I cried out loud my snot falling but I didn't care. ¨Yeah, I know I was having fun being with you. It's my first time feeling this way since my parents doesnt care about me at all. But hey we don't know the future.¨ The person smiles and wipes my tears using his/her thumb.

I can't see the face. ¨Here I give you this¨ The unknown person handed me a silver key necklace. ¨You can have that and I have this.¨ The person showed me a lock necklace which is paired with the key necklace ¨Take good care of it okay? If we see each other again, let's unlock what's inside of my necklace.¨ I just nodded and held the key necklace tight. The person caress my head again and whispers ¨Let's make a promised if we meet again in the future lets get—¨

Beeping sound. Beeping sound

I raised my hand to turn off the annoying clock. "Argh you destroy my dream again I didn't even ask the name of that person!". I scratched my head and fell back to my bed "Who is that person and what promise?". I keep having this dream these days since I moved here "Blaaaaake!!! Get up and get ready for school today is your first day!!!." Blake's Mom yelled. I got up and stretched my body "Yes I'm awake" I went to my closet to change my clothes and I noticed the box that I've been hiding and I opened it and saw the necklace "I should wear this one…" I mumbled while holding the necklace and wearing it. I tied my hair and went downstairs "Took you too long you're gonna be late at school, go sit at the table and I prepared breakfast for you." Blake's Mom "Ah you don't need to. I'm going to skip breakfast today!" I kissed my mom's cheek and went outside rushing. "Wait! Eat your breakfast young lady!!" My mom yelled at the door "Ha… this kid". My mom sighed while holding a soup ladle.

Hi! My name is Blake Hansley. I am 17 years old. I was born in the Philippines and moved here in the United States because my mom remarried. Things have been weird lately since I moved here. I still haven't gotten used to this environment and I'm having weird dreams every night. Today is my first day of school. I'm nervous because I don't have anyone I know except for one person. I got accepted to a famous Girls school with many rich people studying there. I'm not rich but thanks to my stepfather who is a doctor who can afford my fees in this school. He wants me to attend this school because my cousin is attending (biological father side) here and he doesn't have a child but he treated me like his.

I arrived. I stand there and look up, stare at the sign (Ionia Girls School Academy). This is the school that many people dreamt of getting into. As I kept staring at the sign someone just slapped my back and that was my cousin Jennie Horkhard "Hey where are you staring at?".

"Nothing, I just can't believe that I got accepted to this awesome school." I smiled. My cousin stared at me and smiled warmly "Hey let's just do our best in this school. You know I'm happy that you enrolled in this school. I have someone to talk to and especially we share the same hobbies" she winked at me and I couldn't keep looking around and whispered to her "h-hey don't say that out loud." I could feel a sweat on my forehead.

"Come on, you don't have to be embarrassed about that!" My cousin slapped my back again and again "Let's go to the Guidance Counselor office to get your schedule. I will lead you there".

"Sure! Thanks Jennie." I smiled and followed her to the guidance office.




"Done?" My cousin asked me as she clung to my arm. "Yes, it went well. I have a first period ceramic class, 2nd period English, 3rd Spanish, 4th is US history, 5th is IBESS and 6th is IB Math. All of them are good except for History. I'm not good at history at all!! And I didnt know that we had to change classrooms every period." I let out a huge sigh.

"Ceramics? You mean clay? Man! I'm jealous I always wanted to have that subject but my parents won't allow me! And were not classmates in 1st and 3rd!".My cousin complained while pouting her lips.

"Haha its okay we always see each other anyway" I patted her head since I'm 8 inches taller than her. "Come on, let's go, you need to help me find my classes." My cousin smiled and held my hand tight. "Yes Let's go!" She dragged me like a little kid. "Wait Jennie slower, Geez.." This kid.. Haa… I'm lucky I have someone I know in this school...