
Max Vermillion: A RWBY Story

Team Leader turned Teacher Assistant, Max Vermillion, must navigate his third year at Beacon Academy, a school for huntsman, without his team, and with extra responsibilities. As a Teacher Assistant, Max will join the small cadre of Beacon Students, who are also without their team, as they work alongside their professors to develop and train the next generation of Huntsman. This story will highlight the more mundane parts about being a student at Beacon, such as exams, more general classes, new teachers, sports/student activities, all from the perspectives of the teacher assistants. While they are meant to take on huntsman roles, they are still trained for combat, and will be facing many of the darkness that surrounds Remnant.

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7 Chs

Chapter 5: Class in-session

Max, who was riding on a skateboard, would glide down the bustling hallway of Beacon, evading any students that were in his path and maybe running over 1 or 2 of them without stopping. The blonde teacher assistant would stop in front of the auditorium before entering, which'll lead him to the observation deck that is overlooking the first years engaging in combat scenario's under the guise of Professor Goodwitch, Hephaestus, Isabella, Philip, Charlotte, and a couple of braniacs.

The training robots were unique in that it took data from experienced huntsman and created an algorithm that replicates the same movements. One robot, who was based on Ozpin's combat prowess, would make quick work of Team RWBY, as they all laid on the ground exhausted. Team JNPR had it far worst, facing off against Isabella's combat prowess, who doesn't pull her punches unlike the Ozpin's robot. 

"Geez, those kids are getting beat." Charlotte would say with a disapproval shake of her head. "You can tell they are trying their best." Isabella would reply, attempting to paint the first year in a better light.

"Oooooooh! I can't control it! I must get in there!" Philip would say as he started to take off his school uniform. "I must-ack!"

Philip would suddenly collapse to the ground as Goodwitch sent a rock directly for the back of Philip's head. Isabella would take a knee and check Philip's pulse before giving a thumbs up to the bystanders. 

"Alright stop the simulation!" Professor Goodwitch would order to the Braniacs as Hephaestus nodded.

"You heard the deputy Headmistress! Take them all offline!" Hephaestus would order as the braniacs quickly moved to carry out their tasks. 

The robots would all begin to power-down as all of the first years collapsed from exhaustion. 

"Guys....I can't feel my shield hand...why can't I feel my shield hand...." Jaune would groan. 

"I..I...think I can see the light....it is so..warm...so warm..." Weiss would say as she slowly closed her eyes, but would instantly groan in pain as a hand smacked her face.

"Stay with me Weiss! We can't lose you!" Ruby would plead as she brought her hands back to her side. 

Pyrrha, who was the first to stand, would look at the powered down robots. She'd note a blue blinking button on the Ozpin robot, but just assumed it was part of the shut down process. 

"Get up first years! You have strength and conditioning with Mr Vermillion!" Professor Goodwitch would shout as all of the first years groaned as they slowly rise. "Don't give me that! Now get out of that ring!"

The first years would all walk out of the ring as the spectators started to make their way down to meet them. 

"You guys did pretty swell!" Isabella would say with a smile as Ruby rubbed the back of her neck.

"We didn't do much, Ms Thompson, actually I am pretty sure we failed..." Ruby would say as she looked down at the ground. "Don't say that Ruby, you did your best and you did not quit! All makings of a good huntsman! Isn't that right, Maxwell?"

"Oh no, you guys sucked ass." Max would say as he and Charlotte would high five.

"Don't listen to him, he is just a hater." Isabella would say with a sigh before noticing crescent rose in the middle of the stadium. "Everyone, please make sure you have your weapons on your persons!" Isabella would say with a comforting smile as Ruby would instantly rush off to collect her weapon.


[Target Acquired]


[Raising Spectator protection system]

Suddenly a rectangular prism barrier would surround the arena as everyone looked at Ruby, who was looking around frantically. Professor Goodwitch would look at Hephaestus, who was already attempting to bring down the barrier.

[Activating OPFOR. Robot 1: The Headmaster, Robot 2: The Dragon, Robot 3: The Big Sister, Robot 4-12: The Knights]

All of the robots would come alive and immediately attack the exhausted Ruby, which prompted all of the first years to start attacking the barrier.

"Ms Thompson!" Ruby would shout as she desperately tried to evade the robots attack, but would be smack in the stomach and sent flying into the ground. "HEPHAESTUS!" Isabella would shout as Hephaestus and the brainiacs were all working vigorously.

"ALL OF THE CODES! CHECK ALL OF THE CODES!" Hephaestus would shout as the brainiacs would shift through countless data points and codes. "HURRY!"

Ruby would be strike in the nose by Professor Ozpin's cane before being smacked right across the head. 

"RUBY! JUST HANG ON!" Yang would shout as she slammed her fist into the barrier, barely cracking it. 

Ruby would be kicked into a horde of knights before suddenly dissappearing, her screams would be the only thing heard

"HELP!!!" Ruby would shout

Professor Goodwitch's eyes would widen as she immediately started to hurl all that she can at the barrier, not even denting it.


Everyone would move out of the way as Max pressed off from a wall, gripping his blade tightly as a dragon surrounded him. "DRAGON TALON! PIERCE!!!"

The green dragon would slam into the barrier, causing everyone to be thrown back. 

"TOGETHER MAX!" Isabella would shout as she pressed her hands together as a golden aura Buddha would appear behind her. "THOUSAND PALMS ATTACK!"

Suddenly multiple arms would strike the opposite side of the barrier, causing it to slowly crack.

The stadium would shake violently before the barrier suddenly shattered. Max would blitz through the robots, cutting and slicing each of them at blinding speeds before skidding to a halt. Smoke would exhume from his body as he looked at the bady beaten Ruby. All of the first years, teacher assistants, brainiacs, and Professor Goodwitch would run to the injured Ruby. 

"R-Ruby!" Yang would shout as she picked up her sister. "Stay with me Ruby!"

"Y...yang...." Ruby would mutter before passing out.

Suddenly a group of medical personnel would run into the destroyed Arena, making a B-line for Ruby Rose before conducting first aid. Max would keep his distance from the group, looking down solely at the Robots that attacked Ruby.

One of the robots would slowly look at Maxwell before shutting off completely.


Hephaestus would look down at the ground, even with the mask, it was clear that he was crying. The brainiacs had a look of shame on their face as they watched Ruby be lifted up onto a stretcher before being rolled away.

Professor Goodwitch would look at the teacher assistants.

"....Write the report...don't leave out any details.." Professor Goodwitch would say as Hephaestus walked out of the arena.

Charlotte would nod before picking up the unconscious Philip and walking off. Isabella would look at Max, who was still looking down at the robot.

"Max, we need to go." Isabella would say as she stood beside Max.



"...Yeah Izzy, let's go."