
Max Vermillion: A RWBY Story

Team Leader turned Teacher Assistant, Max Vermillion, must navigate his third year at Beacon Academy, a school for huntsman, without his team, and with extra responsibilities. As a Teacher Assistant, Max will join the small cadre of Beacon Students, who are also without their team, as they work alongside their professors to develop and train the next generation of Huntsman. This story will highlight the more mundane parts about being a student at Beacon, such as exams, more general classes, new teachers, sports/student activities, all from the perspectives of the teacher assistants. While they are meant to take on huntsman roles, they are still trained for combat, and will be facing many of the darkness that surrounds Remnant.

Daoist2DPLMq · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 6: Expulsion

Headmaster Ozpin would look through Hephaestus's student file before looking up at the Teacher Assistant. To the corner was multiple individuals from the City of Vale Huntsman Health Services.

"....Hephaestus....before I come to a decision, would you like to make a statement on your behalf?" Ozpin would say as Hephaestus thought for a moment.

"Someone got hurt because of me, sir, I think you already know what you have to do." Hephaestus would say as Ozpin let out a heavy sigh.

"Hephaestus, by the powers vested in me by the Council, you are expelled from Beacon Academy. Please hand in your student ID and keys to the R&D center." Professor Ozpin would order as Hephaestus immediately provided the two items. 

Two security personnel from the Huntsman Health Services would approach Hephaestus and placed him in cuffs.

"Hephaestus Smith, you are under arrest for the attempted murder of Ruby Rose, anything that you say can and will be used against you in the Vale Court of Law." One of the Personnel would say as Hephaestus was led out of the room.

The Director of the Health Services would stand up from her seat and collect her files.

"Well Ozpin, it has been a pleasure. I must say though, didn't expect one of the smartest minds in all of Beacon to be a killer. Makes me question what else you are teaching at this institution."

Ozpin would remain silent as the Director would only walk out with a smile on her face. As the Director approached the elevator, Max would exit from it, paying no mind to the Director and making a B-line for the Headmaster. 

"Clearly not manners." The director would scoff before entering the elevator.

"Headmaster, are you sure that decision was the right one?" Max would ask as Ozpin slowly nodded.

"My hands are tied, Mr Vermillion, the health services have all of the data/information that they need to show that Hephaestus is the only person capable of writing such a code as advanced as the one used on Ruby." Ozpin would respond.

"So what? We just let thousand of hours Hephaestus dedicated to the infrastructure and security of this institution go to waste? He could not do this..his service record is practically spotless. His academics are superb. Hephaestus could have made millions if he decided to work in the private industry, but he decided to become a Huntsman, that is not something a killer would do!" Max would shout at his Headmaster as Professor Goodwitch and Isabella both exited the elevator.

"Maxwell Vermillion, you stop this foolishness right now!" Professor Goodwitch would shout as Max grit his teeth.

"Something is just not adding up....we are missing something...." Max would think as he ruffled his hair. "What is that missing piece...."

"...Max....Hephaestus is...human....I don't think what he did was...um...intentional....but...Ruby still got hurt...." Isabella would say as she fidgeted with her hands. "And I don't think you should take out your anger on the Headmaster...he wouldn't have come to this decision lightly...please...just look at it from a different point of view..." 

"Fine, then I quit." Max would say as he tossed his student ID onto Ozpin's desk. "Throw my shit out, I have no use for it anymore."

"Max! Nephew!" Isabella and Professor Goodwitch would shout respectively. 

"Don't do this Max!" Isabella would plead. "I can't lose you too!"

Max would turn away from Isabella as he made his way towards the elevator. Isabella would collapse to her knees as she started to cry uncontrollably. 

"Max! Look at what you are doing! You are abandoning the person that needs you the most! Is this really what your mother, my sister, has taught you!?" Professor Goodwitch would scold her Nephew.

"Don't bring my mother into this, Aunty! If she wasn't so compassionate, she wouldn't have stayed with my deadbeat dad who fuckin abused all of us! My brothers and Sisters, they all suffered because of that man! It took me and my team putting his sorry ass in jail for her to finally realize the errors of her ways! What I am doing is the right! You are just too blind to see it...both of you..." Max would shout before looking at Isabella, who was looking at him with her teary eyes, while Professor Goodwitch had a shock expression on her face.

"Please don't...go..." Isabella would sniffle as Max simply shook his head and walk out of the elevator.  "Max..."

Professor Goodwitch would take a knee and comfort Isabella, while Ozpin looked on.

~About 30 minutes later~

Max would stand on the airship platform as he awaited for his ride out of Beacon. 

"You were never a good teacher assistant, Maxwell." A voice would say as Max swiftly turned, spotting his superior approaching him. "I can't say that I am surprised that you decide to leave when things don't go your way."

"....You are not my superior anymore, Aurora."

The pink haired girl would shrug as she stood beside Max.

"What does surprise me is that you are willing to leave Isabella, Philip, and Charlotte behind. Especially after all that they have done for you and everything you have done for them. You are as worst as the very Grimm we fight."

Max would look down.

"Sure, the teacher assistants are meant to serve as just that, assistants to our Professors, but it is also somewhat of a therapy group, giving students who have lost their teams a sense of purpose and honorable duty."

"Are you saying that Hephaestus did not have this sense of honorable duty?" Max would Question as Aurora shook her head.

"Nobody is saying that, Maxwell, but for you to leave this academy, you are making a mistake." Aurora would say blankly.

"Isabella will be fine." Max would quickly answer.

"Do you know that? Or think you know that?" Aurora would question as Max remained silent, the airship landing infront of him. "Let's just hope that when Ruby Rose wakes up, she doesn't feel guilty about being the reason why two of our teacher assistants have left the academy."

Max would start walking onto the ramp of the airship as Aurora simply shook her head and walk off.