
Mature +18

They life is turning upside down as they as been fucked with their own member idol on their sexy body toward them.

Haziqah1997 · LGBT+
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70 Chs

Yamadaki had to retake his date with Riko back at the studio

Once Yamadaki wanted to retake his date with Riko as they were going somewhere else his favorite person who had been taken care of was his sister who here looking at her brother who was waiting for them to just leave the Sakura studio early by today.

Yamasaki: nii-chan please have some fun with Riko and remember to return here to the studio alright

Yamadaki: yeah sure of course Tenchan and let go have some fun with me Enriko

Riko: Yamadaki senpai you just called me by my nickname didn't you

Right before Yamadaki took Riko outside the studio he brought a van with him to go for the trip with both of them while Tomita saw that he had brought the same van but a different car van brand with the van logo.

Tomita: that van is the same as mine but lucky it is not the same as mine van that I had brought to myself

Yamasaki: Tomita let's go back inside and we can have some words with you inside the Sakura studio

Tomita: uh...sure of course and please explain to us why your brother was saying Endo Riko in the first place

Inside the van there Yamadaki Ten was self-driving the van Riko was sitting beside the driver's seat as she could see every view of the van and she was asking him where he had taken me to go from somewhere else as we were driving at the van.

Riko: Yamadaki senpai where did you take me and where are you going for our date

Yamadaki: relax Enriko we are going back to have some fun that's all and besides you missed me to go a date remember

Riko: yes I do remember that you promised me to go for some retake date with you but why did you take this van to go for some journey trip

Back at the Sakura studio where Yamasaki and Tomita are sitting here with them and just want to explain to her that Yamadaki Ten started to date Endo Riko as his first girlfriend to have dated her since they liked each other for many years.

Yamasaki: Tomita are you sure you want to know the truth behind my brother who just dated Riko as his first girlfriend

Tomita: yes please tell me about your brother Tenchan

Yamasaki: okay I will tell you about my brother but we have some popcorn to be telling this story to you as you listen to my story about Yamadaki Ten aka nii-chan

Flashback before Yamadaki had come back to see his sister back at the Sakura studio as they were connected again with her moment their siblings Yamadaki missed his girlfriend Enriko so much that he wanted to retake his date with her as much as he wanted to make their happy memories together with the both of them.

Yamasaki: that was nii-chan story who were coming back right here at the Sakura studio to see me and other of the Sakura members too

Tomita: so Yamadaki senpai had returned his work to spend more time with you along with Riko

Matsuda: sorry to hear that but I think I had someone want to come over here and it was my husband detective were coming back home to see me *jumped with excitement*

A few hours later Yamadaki reached the great wave of those beach houses just near the supermarket so that they could buy something to eat while they were hungry and wanted to eat some food with some drink while they were there together with him.

Riko: Yamadaki senpai these place looks like kind of great views to see as long we have something to eat before we enjoy are were self

Yamadaki: let go and buy something to eat inside the supermarket shall we Enriko *dragged her arm*

Riko: wait...Yamadaki did not drag me and I can walk myself as you dragged me to go and buy something to eat and drink inside the supermarket

Before both of them had to go inside to the supermarket to go and buy the food and later inside the supermarket we had the Nogizaka46 4th and 5th gen members buying some food for someone who had come to the Nogi House Part 2 to meet with them in person.

Yamadaki: oh hey...Kuromi and Yumiki why did you come here and did someone want to come back from their work soon

Kuromi: uh...yes and it was Detective Gin known as Matsuda Rina's husband want to come home to see her back at the studio

Yamadaki: I didn't know that but he was indeed coming here to see Matsuda did he finish his work from overseas

Back from Ginger's work overseas, he had been calling Rina an hour ago as he was worried about her health as he missed the chance to see their child who had been born with an idol wife.

Ginger: hey...my sweet wife how is your baby doing and did he miss me as my first to become a father to him

Matsuda: yes he did miss you here and went did you come back home and have some celebration that you missed his 1st and 2nd birthday

Ginger: oh my gosh I missed his birthday and don't worry about that I will make that happen when I land in Japan airport, honey

Out of the blue, Matsuda had to blush red and she hung up her calls from her detective husband who just wanted to spend time with her along with their first child who had been missed by his father by his side along with his mother Matsuda.

Takemoto: Matsuda what did you just say about having a child since when you gave birth to him

Matsuda: it has been a week since you weren't here together with Gin while he was working as a hard-working detective

Sato: well Gin always worked himself hard to support both of them at the same time I did want to support my sister as I had some part-time jobs as a teacher back at the Hinatazaka school

Meanwhile, Yamadaki and Riko had a few drinks and food to eat later they were at a beach house he went there to see how great view from the inside of the beach house as Yamadaki wanted to have some alone time with her back inside the beach house.

Yamadaki: Enriko...I want to do some fucked sex with you right here inside the beach house on the bed with you can I do that here with you

Riko: Yamadaki senpai...please wear something to protect me from getting pregnant with your sperm

Yamadaki: sure of course I will wear some XL condom to protect you from getting pregnant with my sperm as we start to have sex shall we Enriko

Without any sound coming from Yamadaki and he pushed Riko down against the bedroom next to the beach house window he started to have some kissing onto her neck while he was open his shirt fully naked top of his shirt as he opens his pant his boxer that he was wearing them while he open the drawer from beside his bed and he was putting on the XL condom onto his cock and he ready to put it on Riko wet fucking pussy as both of them are starting to move toward and they were moan and cumming much of the overflowing cum while Yamadaki had a call from his sister as she didn't have to call back her brother of that she knows what did he up to with Riko as they were enjoying the sweet time of their life together with Yamadaki Ten from somewhere else with him.

Yamadaki: Enriko...fucked I was about to cum inside of you as I cum inside my XL condom as well

Riko: yes...Yamadaki senpai please make me go crazy with your fucking cock

Yamadaki: Enriko...Enriko...I love you so fucking much and here it the sperm that I promise you one *force to cumming*

Finally, Yamadaki had to cumming inside of Riko's pusay and they were left to breathe their mind Yamadaki pulled out his XL condom and see that how much cum was inside his condom Riko was glad that they have some sex together with his girlfriend so he wants to have some married him and get some child together with both of them.