
Mature +18

They life is turning upside down as they as been fucked with their own member idol on their sexy body toward them.

Haziqah1997 · LGBT+
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80 Chs

Haruki went to the Nogizaka Mansion and met Nagi

Right inside the Hinata House Haruki wanted to go and see someone at the Nogizaka Mansion it was the 5th-generation member and she wanted to see him in person who had something that she wanted to discuss about him.

Haruki: Yamashita and Mikuni I will be right back here I just need to go to the Nogizaka Mansion to see someone else there

Yamashita: uh...sure but what about your crush who just wants to come over here while you are not here with her side

Haruki: don't worry she can video call me at the Nogizaka Mansion

Before Haruki had to teleport back inside the Nogizaka Mansion hallway living room they could see that we had some special guests who were here with someone who wanted to meet him and it was Inoue Nagi who wanted to meet him in person.

Nagi: Haruki senpai you came here and how did you travel that quick

Haruki: oh I got some partner that working to travel that fast Nagi

Nagi: so Haruki senpai come and follow us I want to show you something around the Mansion

Later Inoue Nagi dragged Haruki's shoulder arm and suddenly he had to run away from the Mansion hallway living room all of a sudden Haruki had to stop for a second and Nagi turned around to look at him and she asked him some questions about why did you stop there just a bit more of step to go at the great that everyone who were waiting for him to arrive there.

Nagi: Haruki senpai what's wrong now?

Haruki: Nagi...please call Morita here take my phone and dial number 2 please *chest pain*

Nagi: okay sure I will call her right now and don't move at all just stay where you are

Without any sound coming from Yamaguchi Haruki or even Inoue Nagi she kept calling Morita Hikaru on his phone and finally, she answered his calls from the Nogizaka Mansion.

Morita: uh...hello Haruki senpai what did you want now I'm busy

Nagi: sorry Morita it was not Haruki speaking it was Inoue Nagi could you come here to the Nogizaka Mansion please it is urgent

Morita: oh my god okay I will be right there just stay with him, Nagi

Right before Nagi had ended the call from Morita and meanwhile Haruki felt his chest pain and could feel that something had gone wrong with his body out of nowhere Morita arrived at the Nogizaka Mansion and suddenly she could see that her crush was leaning against the walls where Nagi was calm him down.

Morita: I'm here Haruki senpai what can I do now

Haruki: Nagi...please turn around I don't want you to see this mess

Nagi: okay...I will turn around once you are done please say something to me

Yamaguchi Haruki nodded and Nagi had to turn around her head and she was facing at the emergency door where other members were standing there Haruki was forced to kiss Morita's lips while both of them fell on the ground and Morita could feel how much he wanted to stop chest pain on his body.

Morita: Haruki senpai are you done yet

Haruki: yes I am done but can you turn around now Nagi thanks for waiting

Nagi: sure I will turn around now but why did you date Morita but not Kanemura your girlfriend she knows about this

Yamaguchi wanted to continue the tour along with Morita on his side and Nagi had to walk upstairs to the room where they could meet him with another idol who was with him.

Ichinose: hey...Nagi it that was I think it was again

Nagi: yes that was true he was here to meet me right, Haruki?

Haruki: uh...yes but Morita can you wait here with the Nogizaka46 member while Nagi and I go to meet each other from a different room

Morita had to let go of his shoulder and left with Haruki to meet others from the Nogizaka Mansion Morita had to chat with them and how this happened between each other as their crush or date couple as much as his sister knew that he was dating the different idol member but not the Hinatazaka46 member.

Teresa: so how is Haruki Senpai treating you like someone you know him for so long right?

Morita: Haruki Senpai was the first one who had a crush on me since he had to visit my studio

Kuromi: how is it like to date the twin siblings of Yamaguchi

Before Morita could continue talking with them Haruki Nagi came inside the stage of the Mansion someone who had brought them much more room inside the huge Mansion just for the Nogizaka46.

Nagi: so Haruki Senpai is in the dressing room and there room is the dance practice room but there is also had room with soundproof that you go inside and went you speak your voice can't be heard from outside the room just inside the room only

Haruki: woah who is the idea that brought this Mansion in the first place anyway did you know it was again Nagi

Nagi: uh...sorry we didn't know who had brought this Mansion but do you want to go inside to the soundproof by yourself or do you want me to bring Morita here

Yamaguchi Haruki nodded at Nagi and she went downstairs to the dressing room where there was another special guest star it was known as the Sakurazaka46 member Haruki went inside to take a look at it and they were very genius to build some soundproof room just for something I can shout inside while I got some another chest pain again.

Nagi: sorry Morita...Haruki Senpai want you to meet him in the soundproof room he was waiting for you over there

Morita: Haruki senpai had to wait for me from there

Nagi: and take your time had much tighter while you had to take some tour around this Mansion and later you can come here again along with your other member

Inoue Nagi had to stay inside the dressing room and just Morita who was walking upstairs to the soundproof room where that have Haruki were waving toward her and she went inside and she was saying to him was.

Morita: Haruki senpai once we had to leave this Mansion and you should tell Kanemura and your sister too and the rest of the Hinatazakara46

Haruki: yes of course I will but can you company me here while I calm down my chest pain that won't stop beating faster

Morita: Haruki...just look at me on my face if you want to calm down with me here inside in the soundproof room alone

Once Yamaguchi Haruki and Morita Hikaru were resting inside the soundproof room alone with each other and finally they had a second kiss on her lips while Haruki had much fun with Morita on his side in the soundproof room.

Haruki: Morita...I love you so much but can you unzip my pant along with my boxer as well please I can't handle it anymore I want to go and fucked you up inside your wet fucking pussy

Morita: Haruki senpai...you want to do here inside in the soundproof room what if they will hear us doing something like this here

Haruki: don't worry about it Morita it is a soundproof room only we can hear but from the outside can't hear anything that we had sex with you

Without any sound coming from Morita Hikaru and she unzipped his pant along with his huge cock he was wearing some cool damn fucking hot boxers and she was pulled down and she can see how huge Haruki's cock was again and he was taken out of the XL condom to wearing at his huge cock and suddenly, both of his hand were holding Morita's hips and he went inside to put inside of her pussy and get the party started as much as they want to get more cum with Morita pussy is had much more of flow the sperm inside at his condom that he was rubbing that much until both of them are have satisfied about having sex with each other.

Haruki: Morita...Morita...I'm about to cum inside the condom and feel free to moan inside at here Morita *cum moan fuck*

Morita: Haruki...Haruki...please cum me harder Haruki *cute moan fuck*

Haruki: Morita...I love you so much and here is my last and third cum inside of you Morita *flow cum*

Once Yamaguchi Haruki and Morita Hikaru are done having some sex with each other and he was wearing back his brand new pant with no boxers that he was wearing them and Morita was the same as him wearing the same black hoodie with jeans and shoes but Morita can see how huge it was that his huge cock were sticking out from his pant.