
Mato Seihei no Harem Emperor

Wakura Yuuki, a man from real earth who suddenly wake up as child of 4 y/o after he finish reading Mato Seihei no Slave manga. a domestically crafty, athletic build, and laborious high school senior whose older sister was taken during a Mato event 5 years before; after waiting for 14 years of training and hardship, an event opens before him, and while being rescued from demons by Captain Kyouka of the Anti-Demon Corps, she confers him powers as her "slave" and turns him into a mighty beast mount that fight for its master. However, there is a surprising and twisted price to pay for being her "slave"… and it's not him who has to pay it. Based on "Mato Seihei no Slave" manga Tags: Alternative Universe, Massive Harem, Slave MC, Reverse Domination, Incest, MILF, Oyakodon, no-loli, Yuri, R-18, Slice of Life, Follow Canon Event, Base on Original Material, MC contain small Bleach element, Strong Willed MC Expected some OOC i dont own Mato Seihei no Slave, this is just FAN FICTION and i gain nothing but FUN

Gemini_Saga_0916 · Cómic
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11 Chs

Chapter 9 PROS AND A PRO -PART 4

"Ummmm...." Nei eyes become illusory and indifferent..

"Uh.....ah....uh...ah...." then suddenly Nei moves back and forth awkwardly and funny, it's like she's doing something like cult ritual...

'o..kay...' Yuuki just speechless and letting Nei do her whatever business...

Then Suddenly Nei eyes become sharp and looking at a certain direction...

"A GATE HAS APPEARED! 5KM NORTH!" Nei shouted giving her vision to everyone...

"GIRLS TIME TO GO! WE'LL USE THE VEHICLES LIKE USUAL!.. YUUKI! YOU COME WITH ME!" commanded Kyouka who already on the move...

"LEZZZGOOO IT'S MORBIN TIME!!!" says Yuuki who just want to hyping the situations, then Yuuki start following Kyouka...


Kyouka lead Yuuki to storeroom...

"Go pick whatever that suit you, Yuuki"

"Sure! Kyouka-chan." replied Yuuki

"Actually i want to changes with you, but we cant wasted our time anylonger...so i gotta get changes too, i'll fetch you later Yuuki." Kyouka leaving Yuuki alone in storeroom to get changes in her room...

then Yuuki start looking out for a clothes that suitable for him...

~~~a moments later~~~


Himari in her Mato uniform driving Modified Millitary off-road Vehicle with Nei sitting beside her who also in her Mato uniform, goes off first...


followed by Shushu in her Mato uniform who riding Modified off-road motorbike, passing over Yuuki then Shushu start to catch up with Himari and rode her bike side-to-side Himari car...

'so...Kyouka will ride me eh?...' thought Yuuki who already changed his clothed into his temporary uniform, consisting a plain white Shirt and long white trousers, and of course he's not forgetting his glasses, this is the only things that he can find to make him look similar to Quincy...

"Yuuki, it's time for us to go" smiling Kyouka who already in her Mato Uniform, called Yuuki with her wide open arms waiting for him...

Yuuki got closer to Kyouka, holding her waists, then Kyouka placed her arms behind Yuuki neck...

"mmhhh~" Kyouka pulled and kiss Yuuki...

*chains noises*

Yuuki body got repelled back from Kyouka, then his body started to get stabbed by illusory chains from multiple angle, then one of the chains stabbed Yuuki neck in the front, creating a metal collar with spikes on his neck, fully transforming Yuuki into his Slave Form, after that all of the illusory chains that stabbed Yuuki's dissapear with a chains break sounds effect...

|Yuuki [to be named] Form -  Master Kyouka| (a/n: i decided to give Yuuki another name for his Initial form in the later chapters)

Kyouka jumped into Yuuki back and grabbed his Slave Chain...

"On Forward!" commanded Kyouka while pointing forward with her unseathed katana...

"UNDERSTOOD! MY MASTER!" then Yuuki start galloping...


meanwhile on the way to the gate...Himari, Nei and Shushu is driving their respectively vehicle side by side...

"I'AM THE STORM THAT IS APPROAAAAAACHIIIIING~!" Yuuki galloping like a cheetah on crack passing over Himari and Shushu, while singing Bury The Light lyric loud enough to be heard by the girls...

Himari, Nei, and Shushu can't help but watching Yuuki in his beastial form mounted by Kyouka, passing over them while singing but suddenly stop singing due to he forgot the rests of the lyrics...

"That's Yuuki-san...woaah~ it's looks strong and amazing" says Nei who amazed by Yuuki new Shuuki-like appearances..

"Urgh~...it just looks like a disgusting monster to me." says Himari disgusted...

Shushu only look over Yuuki and doesn't give any comment...

"Where's the enemies Master?" asked Yuuki excitedly while in high-speed galloping...

"Calm down Yuuki. our mission today is to just look over that until it goes away." explained Kyouka to overexcited Yuuki while looking at the strange black hole in the distances...

Yuuki stopped at the front of the strange black hole, followed by Kyouka who jumped from Yuuki back and landed next to him, then Yuuki observe the strange black hole with mysterious symbol and letters in the center...

"Is this the famous gate?" asked Yuuki...

"Yes, it's the kind of gate that appears suddenly. one that connect our mortal world to Mato" while Kyouka fixing her cap...

"In some cases, civilian might come through and in the others, Shuuki might go throught...it should be dissapear after a few hours or so. Our job is to guard it until then." explained Kyouka...

"Our mortal world....so you think this Mato Dimension is from another world?" asked Yuuki and there's no way he will tell Kyouka he's somewhat from another world too this early...

"Well...it's feel like Hellish Place, does it not?" Kyouka asked back, while looking at the surrounding...

"What is this place that appeared decades ago?" Kyouka continued...

"Why do the peaches only give blessings to women?"

"Not a single mystery has been cleared." explained Kyouka...

"And it seems our guests has come" smiled Kyouka with a hordes of Shuuki rushing to the Gate...

"Their way of life is also a mystery. But we do know that they're harmful to humans." Kyouka looking at the direction of Himari group and Shushu...

"Let's obliterated them Kyouka-chan!" Yuuki fists bumped his fists while looking at the Shuukis ready to get nuts, but he got stopped by Kyouka... 

"Wait...Himari and Shushu have arrived. We'll leave those to them, Yuuki with me will protect the gate..."

before Yuuki can replied the grounds near them start rumbling...


Suddenly several Shuukis rising from the red ground near Yuuki and Kyouka...

"ROOOOAAARRR" the Shuukis roaring before they charged to the duo...

"WHY DONT YOU GO BACK TO UR MOM FUCKER!" Yuuki launched his right fist covered with a faint red tracings  to the Shuuki that near him...

the Shuuki face is destroyed and died by Yuuki punch, but the damage and the feeling that he felt is somewhat lacking...

despite he's felt something is missing, Yuuki still killing the nearby Shuukis without troubles...

"As expected of my Slave." commented Kyouka looking at Yuuki killing several Shuukis after Kyouka herself decapitated several Shuukis into multiple parts with her katana....

after Yuuki and Kyouka killing the Shuukis nearby the gate, Yuuki looking at the other girls situations...

Himari standing on her seat killing a dozens of Shuukis with her right arm turn into a Minigun, while Nei is ducking down hiding herself...

'As expected, Himari's must be something of Cyborg waifu or the likes' Yuuki nodded quite impressed with Himari powers...

meanwhile on the other side, Shushu who her motorbike already got destroyed by Shuuki and she got surround by a dozen of Shuuki, Yuuki who notice Shushu predicament situations, afraid She got gangraep by the ugly DILF, Yuuki want to help her...

"Wait Yuuki!....just watch..." Kyouka smiled while grabbing Yuuki left hand and enjoying her rough holding hand with Yuuki in Slave Form...

"ah Sure..." looking at Kyouka smiling, Yuuki honestly still worried but choose to listen...

when some Shuuki decided to jump on helpless Shushu, Shushu crossed her arms and lowering down her head, then...

"DOYAAA~H!" Shushu whole body suddenly become gigantic size with her arms raised over her head, repelling and bouncing away several Shuukis...

"HOLY FUCKING SHIT!" Yuuki genuinely swearing out of surprised...

"Shushu power allowed her to control her body size at will." Kyouka kindly explained to the amazed Yuuki...

Shushu raising her right leg high enough...

'don' tell me' thought Yuuki knowing what Shushu will do, he quickly move to Kyouka and cover her with his big body...

Kyouka can't help but blushed by his manly act...

"GAAOOOOO!!" then with a cute japanese roar, Shushu stomped it to the ground, causing a big shockwave and tremors, annihilating the shuukis that surround her...


after the end of Shushu stomp, the Shuukis no longer can be seen, Himari and Nei is in the safe distances from Shushu so they are fine, meanwhile Yuuki...

"it's not really necessary, but thank you Yuuki." thanked Kyouka who no longer flushed and Yuuki already released his hug...

yeah the shockwave that he expect isn't that much, but he still can hug Kyouka, so no complaint, when he checked at the Gate, the Gate is no longer exist...

Kyouka pulled and break Yuuki Slave Chain turn him back to normal..


exhaling his long breath, Yuuki doesn't feel any uncomfortable after he turn back to normal...

"Yuuki...mmhhh~" Kyouka pulled Yuuki and giving him a passionated deep kiss..

"mmmhhh~" Yuuki can only enjoying it and letting Kyouka invaded his mouth with her tongue...

Kyouka let go of Yuuki after kissing him for a dozens of seconds...

"I'll give you the real rewards tonight later since there are others, but you did really well Yuuki" Kyouka left Yuuki after giving him patting on his head, and walked to Himari car...

Yuuki just smiled and follow Kyouka to Himari car...

after Himari picking up Shushu since Shushu bike already RIP, then all of them drove back to the Dorm...

~~~a moments later~~~

"Hey Wakura Yuuki." Himari called Yuuki missing her usual hostile tone while holding a bottle of water...

"Oit? Himari-oujosama?" Yuuki is the last who got out from the car...

"To Be Continued" Himari says that to Yuuki make him puzzled...



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