
Mato Seihei no Harem Emperor

Wakura Yuuki, a man from real earth who suddenly wake up as child of 4 y/o after he finish reading Mato Seihei no Slave manga. a domestically crafty, athletic build, and laborious high school senior whose older sister was taken during a Mato event 5 years before; after waiting for 14 years of training and hardship, an event opens before him, and while being rescued from demons by Captain Kyouka of the Anti-Demon Corps, she confers him powers as her "slave" and turns him into a mighty beast mount that fight for its master. However, there is a surprising and twisted price to pay for being her "slave"… and it's not him who has to pay it. Based on "Mato Seihei no Slave" manga Tags: Alternative Universe, Massive Harem, Slave MC, Reverse Domination, Incest, MILF, Oyakodon, no-loli, Yuri, R-18, Slice of Life, Follow Canon Event, Base on Original Material, MC contain small Bleach element, Strong Willed MC Expected some OOC i dont own Mato Seihei no Slave, this is just FAN FICTION and i gain nothing but FUN

Gemini_Saga_0916 · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 8 PROS AND A PRO -PART 3

"Are you okay, Caretaker-san?" mysterious heavenly loli voices was heard...

Yuuki turn around, he saw Nei wearing a one piece sailor-like dress asking him innocently...

"Yeah i'm okay just startled, to think these abominations spawned so close" giving Nei embarassed smile...

"The seventh unit is located at Mato's Southwestern Demon Gate. so a lo~t of monster pop up from time to time!" Nei tell Yuuki while raising her right index finger in front of her chest...

"Southwestern Demon Gate?..." 

"Yeah, you see..... First, Mato is in different dimension around the size of a Tokyo..." Nei again explain to Yuuki while swinging her hands around happily...

"So Mato is divided in eight directions, and each Anti-Demon Corps is assigned one." while showing her loli eight fingers to Yuuki...

"You're really a big help Nei-senpai, i'm still doesn't know that much about Mato since the informations regarding Mato is quite confidential." 

"Nei is your superior and senpai after all!" happily said by Nei with wide smile while raising her right hand above her head...

"Hey you! are you slacking off again? Wakura Yuuki"  an unfriendly voice was heard...

Wild Himari appear, wearing white shirt covered with crimson sweater and black trousers. Himari giving Yuuki hostile stares while crossing her arm under her bobs...

Nei suddenly turn around then fleeing the scene happily leaving Yuuki and Himari alone...

"Go make preparations for luch." Himari got closer to Yuuki and Yuuki can somewhat slightly smell her fresh perfume...

"And do not forget to make The Chief portion as well. She's gonna arriving soon."

"Roger! Himari-oujosama" Yuuki giving her saluted

Himari left eye twitched heared that...

"A-ZU-MA HI-MA-RI!..not Himari-oujosama and don't getting friendly with me! ew!"

"A man like you is allowed to be at the same place as us, sleeping under one roof as us, and eat the same thing as us. Kyouka Chief is showing you compassion!" Himari bellitled and shouts at Yuuki while poking his chest repeatedly with her index finger...

Yuuki just enjoying her looks, her pokings and her fresh perfume...

'Himari bobs aren't that big but she's actually quite lovely honestly' thought Yuuki ignored what Himari says...

"HEY WAKURA YUUKI! YOU HEAR ME!?" Himari another shouts return Yuuki back to reality...

"Yeah loud and clear, Himari-oujosama!" Yuuki gave her another salute...

"urgh this is why man is....then why are you just standing still!? go do your duty!" Himari no longer want to deal with Yuuki and just leave him...


7th Unit Dorm - Kitchen

Yuuki already changes his clothes and now he wearing a simple white shirt that has big 'Harem Emperor' text in the back, gray pants, white bandana and white apron...

While Yuuki doing his things, preparing for lunchs, he suddenly halted and looking around him...

'weird...why i feel someone stares on me...i guess Kyouka or Himari is thinking about me lul' thought Yuuki then he start continue his business...

meanwhile somewhere in the other place

"*sneeze!*" Kyouka

"*sneeze!*" Himari


~few moments later~

7th Unit Dorm - Dining Room

The dining table is filled with an several art-like and delicious looking meals comparable to 5 stars chefs made...

"Mmmpphh~...your food is reeeally good for real, Caretaker!" Shushu praised Yuuki for his homemade foods, Shushu moans is something that Yuuki didn't expect though...

Shushu currently wearing a yellow with black little dots shirt that showcasing her shoulders and her upper black sport-bra, she also wearing pink shorts flexing her thicc tighs and legs...

"Thank you Shushu-chan, you can have more if you want."

"Suu~re" reply Shushu with teasing smile...

"I'm not that overly conscious about food, but it's good that the nutritional value was taken into consideration, as expected of Yuuki." commend Kyouka while she enjoying her foods...

Kyouka currently wearing her casual clothes, consisting of cream tanktop braless because of her obvious nipples mark, and black-white shorts...

  "Please teach Nei to cook too!" Nei raising her left arm excitedly...

"Sure no problem Nei-senpai" Yuuki giving thumb up to Nei...

"...I..I'll have seconds." request Himari while flushing in embarrassement...

Yuuki doesn't teased Himari, he complied and giving her a seconds serving of rice...

"Yuuki just like before, you will be in charge of the dishes and cleaning of the baths from now on..." says Kyouka who still enjoying her meals and not forget to give Yuuki wink...

"and also the cleaning of the vacant rooms." continued by Himari...

"Copy that, Roger!" Yuuki just say yes without complaint...

then Yuuki reminded of something...

"by the way Kyouka-chan, how about my training?...so that i can understand more about my power..."

"Oh about that?...we can train when we have some free time.." answer Kyouka nonchalantly

"and what about the Shuuki extermination? wait...i guess when there's no Shuuki attack i should doing my duty as a Caretaker...is that what you mean by me as Caretaker?" Yuuki asked Kyouka for detailed explanation...

"yeah you're right Yuuki, as expected of my wonderful Slave.." smiled Kyouka

"For all the times Shuuki will appear nonstop for a whole hour, there are also times when they go a week without appearing." continued Kyouka...

"So i do not mind if you devote yourself to housework duties...Yuuki" then Kyouka continue enjoy her foods

"hmm I see-" but suddenly Yuuki evaded a blade that coming to him by reflexes...

"You could't possibly forgotten about your standing in this building right Wakura Yuuki?" Himari frowned and staring Yuuki with full of hostility while her left hand turn into katana pointed at Yuuki neck...

'hee~...is she an cyborg or android?' thought Yuuki doesn't take Himari seriously since there are Kyouka here...

"This dorm only has girls. So i know there are some who would not be happy with a man as a caretaker." Kyouka placing her hand on Himari left shoulder calming Himari down...

"But Yuuki is good at house husb-i mean houseworks, and Yuuki's also needed for my Ability. I'll have everyone to understand that."

"If Yuuki misbehaves not that i think he will, I as His Master, will taken care Him off myself...Understood" Kyouka in serious mode make others a bit uncomfortable, except Yuuki, and Himari already draws her katana-left hand from Yuuki and turn her left hand back...

"Yes" Himari, Shushu, Nei answer Kyouka without complaint...

Yuuki can only be amused by others reactions who suddenly become silent and docile, Yuuki take Kyouka words in different meaning after all...

"AH!" with a little surprised suddenly Nei gaze become empty...

"Did you see something, Nei?" Kyouka furrowed her brows, Yuuki was puzzled for what happened to Nei...

"Nei is a Clarvoyant. It's a really amazing and rare ability!" Shushu kindly explained to Yuuki because she noticed his funny puzzled looks...

"I see, thanks for the information Shushu-chan" Yuuki give Shushu his fuckboi smile

"Ah..it's fine!" Shushu who her heart suddenly throbbing after seeing Yuuki charming smile, replied and tried to cover her sudden bashfullness... 

suddenly Nei become expressionless and her eyes is changed...

"Ummmm....it's to be continued in the next chapter" with calm and expressionless Nei said that to the readers...

sorry for the short chapter and the weird end of chapter :v

Gemini_Saga_0916creators' thoughts