
Something’s Wrong

Sophia left Valentina's somberly. She didn't know how to help the poor girl. She couldn't even understand how she could love a strange vampire.

But she decided to leave her alone for now. Maybe she will talk to Matthew and Ronan and figure out how to cheer up their sister.

"There you are."

She turned and smiled as she saw Matthew striding toward her.

But when he got closer, his eyes turned wide. "Holy shit, Soph. You are huge."

Sophia groaned. "Yeah, thanks a lot. Your mother thinks I might be carrying more than one."

Matthew raised an eyebrow. "Oh, is that right? No wonder you are so…uhh…"

Sophia narrowed her eyes. He better not call her fat!

"Nevermind. I came to ask if you would like to go for a walk," he said.

Sophia brightened. "Yes, please!"

Matthew grinned, offering her his arm. "Well then, let's get you out of here. Some fresh air will do you good."