
Master of the Living Dead

Chris Lynn, once the revered leader of the Survivor Champ, as he faces betrayal at the hands of his closest companions during the zombie apocalypse. However, fate takes a dramatic turn when Chris is inexplicably reborn on the very day the world succumbed to the undead scourge. Emerging from the clutches of death, Chris discovers an extraordinary gift—the ability to recruit and strengthen the relentless zombie horde. As Chris navigates this newfound power, he sets out on a quest for redemption and revenge against those who once betrayed him. In a world overrun by the living dead, Chris rises as an unparalleled force, shaping the fate of both survivors and zombies alike. The line between savior and monster blurs as he grapples with the moral implications of wielding such dominion over the undead. This is a tale of second chances, survival, and the untold consequences of rebirth in a world where the dead walk and a once-betrayed leader emerges as an unexpected and formidable force. Will Chris Lynn's journey lead to salvation or plunge the world deeper into the shadows of the apocalypse?"

Rqmk · Fantasía
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39 Chs

Wind Chasing Zombie

[ Zombie: Micheal]

[Level: Low level]

[Status: Recruited]

[Enhancement: Wind-Chasing Zombie (10/10, can be enhanced)]

Chris gazed at a line of zombies, each exhibiting similar traits to Micheal. This revealed a crucial insight: by recruiting enough zombies of the same type, any one of them could be augmented.

Naturally, Chris's first choice for enhancement was Micheal, before considering others.

Standing before Michael, Chris initiated the enhancement process.

Instantly, Michael's form was bathed in a soft, green glow, which gradually dispersed like vanishing mist.

This ethereal green haze didn't simply fade away; instead, it began to swirl around Michael, tracing his silhouette in a dance of light.

As the rhythm of the light continued, the green hue began a stunning transformation into a vivid blue, all within moments.

Once the mist shifted in colour, it was reabsorbed into Michael, his entire being now radiating a faint blue luminescence.

"This changes in colours of lights... it's uncannily similar to a game I once played," Chris mused, observing the colour change. He recalled a past world's card game, with its hierarchy of white, green, blue, purple, red, and gold cards, each denoting a level of rarity and power.

"If this pattern holds true, does it mean that beyond intermediate level lies the high level, possibly signified by purple light?" he pondered aloud, watching Michael intently.

As the blue light was fully absorbed, Michael underwent further transformation.

Two sleek, palm-sized wings, more emblematic than functional, appeared on his heels, crafted in a streamlined design and tinted a light blue.

Other than these new appendages, Michael appearance remained unchanged.

Chris waited, observing as the enhancement process reached completion. Taking control of Michael's body, he immediately felt a distinct shift in perception. Through Michael's eyes, the world seemed to slow down.

Standing beside, Michael, Chris noticed his own body movements, from breathing to heartbeats, appeared sluggish through this new perspective.

"No, it's not that I've slowed down... it's that Michael's perception has quickened!" Chris realized.

Understanding dawned that it wasn't just the visual senses that had enhanced, but Michael's entire physiological system had evolved.

With tentative steps, Chris experienced Michael's newfound agility, almost colliding with other zombies and walls due to his unaccustomed speed.

After thirty minutes of acclimation, Chris had mastered the Wind-Chasing Zombie's velocity. Now, Michael was a veritable 'Little Flash,' his speed surpassing even the swiftest of zombies.

Not only had his speed increased, but also his sensory and neural response rates, though Michael wondered if zombies even possessed nerves.

Armed with the mid-level Wind-Chasing Zombie Chris, Michael felt a newfound confidence against any adversary, including Ben.

He quickly had lunch at the bank before assembling all his zombies. His army now numbered twenty-eight, predominantly composed of swift zombies, with Michael as their formidable leader. After Michael elevation to intermediate level, the enhancement meters of the other ten zombies reset to 0/10, suggesting that only one in eleven could achieve such a level of advancement.

This was precisely why Chris referred to Michael as the de facto leader of the swift zombies.

Beyond the swift zombies, the next most numerous were the hammerfist and blade zombies, with the fog zombies being the rarest, Clarke being the only one.

Additionally, their ranks had grown to include two more self-destructing zombies, making a total of three, with Rick being the leader among them.

Given the strategic value of the mist zombies, Chris often had Clarke act as his personal bodyguard.

At this moment, Michael stood in the bank's VIP room, with Clarke by his side, and all his zombie recruits arrayed before him, except for Rick.

Rick who was currently stationed outside the president's office, ostensibly guarding Lucy but also keeping a discreet watch over her.

With Rick present, Lucy couldn't harbor or act on any ill intentions towards Chris, at the same time Chris chould keep an eye on her.

Apart from Rick, the rest of Michael's zombie contingent was gathered on the bank's first floor.

Clarke stood close to Chris, with Michael, Chad, and Tom, the senior zombies, positioned at the forefront. Behind them, zombies of similar types formed ranks.

The VIP room, usually a symbol of elegance, was now crowded with an array of zombies.

Surveying his undead army, Michael felt a surge of confidence.

This formidable force was his mainstay in these apocalyptic times.

With less than ten zombies, Hao Wu's team had been decimated. Now, with twenty-eight under his command, Michael was certain he could easily overpower Captain Ben group.

With this in mind, he wasted no time in issuing commands.

He instructed only Clarke and Chad to stay by his side for protection. The rest, he sent out from the bank, heading towards Doentow Garden Community just a few blocks away.

It was mid-afternoon, the sun blazing overhead. The streets, sparsely populated by zombies, were still viable for survivors to venture out.

Some survivors, observing from elevated hideouts, noticed an unusual group of zombies emerging from Bank Street.

Unlike typical, aimless zombies, this group moved with purpose and coordination, marching in formation towards a specific destination.

Most striking was the faint green glow emanating from many of them, and one particularly conspicuous zombie glowing blue.

Both their disciplined march and their structured formation set them apart from ordinary zombies.

"Quick, inform Brother Ben! A peculiar group of zombies has entered our territory, and by their trajectory, they're heading straight for our base!"