
Master Druid in Hogwarts.

This is the story of a kitten that acquired druid spells from another world and the wizards mistook it for an animagus. If you want to support me and give me some motivation to continue translating this novel, you can do it through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/inferno303 *I don't own the copyright of such fanfic nor the contents of the novel nor the Harry Potter book.

inferno303 · Película
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793 Chs

Chapter 430: Three-Strength Competition (Edited)

Although he didn't understand why Hermione was being so rude, Fish did as he pleased and politely declined Estella's offer.

"Why doesn't Fish pay you?" the cat pulled out a handful of coins, gold, silver and green, from his magical pouch, "Fish has money nya."


"Yes, yes, we can pay."

Hermione replied then, blushing and nodding.

She had been carried away by the fact that she was wearing a matching outfit with Fish, but in reality she was too embarrassed to accept such an expensive gift.

"Well...then, you guys pick out your dresses first, and I'll settle the bill with Professor McGonagall later."

Estella was sure she would gift the two dress robes, but she also knew that if she didn't accept the money, the little boy probably wouldn't feel comfortable choosing the dresses, so she simply enticed him this way.

Because the residents of Hogsmeade also did similar things after Fish got into trouble and caused everyone losses, Fish easily believed Estella's words.

Even so, Fish was a bit hesitant, Fish had now learned how to save Professor McGonagall money....

"But, Fish already has a lot of clothes nya."


The little cat pursed his lips and muttered....

"Dress robes are different, they're on your shopping list this year."

Mrs. Estella said, wagging her index finger again.

As the owner of a designer clothing store, she naturally had access to the information that all Hogwarts students from fourth year onwards would need to buy dress robes this year... although most of the time, the students' first choice of robes was still Madame Malkin's robes.

Besides, the reason why dress robes were needed was also clear to her, after all the secrecy of the Ministry of Magic....

She knew all about it.

"Oh, Madam Estella, do you also know what's going on at Hogwarts this year?". Hermione's eyes lit up as she asked, "I've been looking through a lot of books, but I couldn't find anything useful."

"Actually, when you get to fourth year, the shopping list will require them to buy dress robes, it just didn't used to be compulsory in the past, except this year."

Estella didn't answer Hermione first, but explained about the dress robes.

"There is a reason why you are required to buy dress robes this year, there is a big event at Hogwarts this year and I will be there to see it."

"What the hell are you talking about? why doesn't Fish get it nya?"


Not only had Hermione's curiosity been piqued, but Fish was also unhappy, because the two of them were talking about very vague things, and as for what Bagman had mentioned... Fish hadn't paid any attention to what he was saying at the time.

Hermione explained it briefly to Fish, and the cat took notice.

He looked at the rows of gala robes hanging to one side....

Ornate, complex, tight....

It didn't look like anything that could facilitate movement.

So Fish's interest in the so-called big event waned instantly, but Fish's curiosity had to be satisfied.

"Estella, can you tell Fish what the school is doing this year?"


"Sure, Hogwarts is bringing back the Triwizard Tournament this year..."

Estella didn't mind the Ministry of Magic's request for secrecy, she didn't hesitate to tell them both what she had found out.

"... In keeping with the tradition of the Triwizard Tournament, there will be a ball, so appropriate dress is a must."

She told them the reason Hogwarts forced students to buy robes, but Hermione and Fish's attention had long since faded.

"You mean to tell me that the competition stopped because of the number of deaths in the past?"

Hermione covered her mouth in astonishment and asked incredulously, "Then why is such a dangerous tournament being replayed now?"

"Probably because the Ministry of Magic has taken all the necessary safety precautions?". Estella shrugged indifferently, then said in a mocking tone, "But I doubt it because of what happened yesterday at the Quidditch World Cup... I trust Dumbledore and the Hogwarts professors more than anything else."

Fish's concern was otherwise....

"There are big prizes nya!"

Although he had won some money with the twins, Fish still hadn't been able to buy a Fire Saeta from Professor McGonagall and was still a long way from being able to, so when he heard about the prize, Fish was interested.

Not to mention that this triple-header was against the other two best from two other schools, and from what Estella was saying, there would be no shortage of fighting opportunities.

It was like killing two birds with one stone!

"No! It's too dangerous!"

Hermione jumped at the first opportunity to object.

"It's not dangerous, Fish is awesome nya!"


Fish replied confidently, "And aren't we going to pick the top three students in the school? who else at Hogwarts can beat Fish nya?!"


Hermione was speechless, she had just stopped Fish without thinking because she was worried for his safety, but come to think of it, Fish was strong enough to take on even adult wizards, and the Triwizard Tournament wasn't really that dangerous for the cat.

Hermione couldn't help but worry as she thought about Estella's comment about the number of deaths before the tournament stopped.

Estella wasn't too worried about Fish, she had a lot of faith in Fish's strength.

After all, there was a certain kitten who was known to turn the whole town of Hogsmeade upside down on her own before entering Hogwarts to study magic, and she had seen how well Fish had done when she had challenged Professor McGonagall in the past....

Estella didn't know about the others, but she herself had discovered two years ago that she was no longer as strong as Fish.

The only thing was that Estella, as an outsider, couldn't meddle in this matter, so she was quick to interject and said, "Whether Fish is going to compete in the Triwizard Tournament or not, you still have to prepare your robes, so why don't you choose your robes first and discuss the question of competing in the tournament with Professor McGonagall when you get back?"

Hermione knew there was no chance of dissuading an interested Fish on her own, and there was no point in worrying about it here.

And when she calmed down, it occurred to her that, given how well Professor McGonagall knew Fish, she either didn't think it would be dangerous for him to come in, or she had a way to stop him, so Hermione wasn't so resistant to the idea of Fish coming in.

So she nodded and said, "Well, you're right, we'll talk to Professor McGonagall when we get back."

"Hmph! Even Minerva can't stop Fish nya!"


Mistaking Hermione's intention to have Professor McGonagall join her in stopping his from competing, the kitten instantly rebelled against Hermione and yelled at her.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, Fish is the best!"

Hermione laughed and calmed the furious kitten, then tugged it toward the racks with dress robes and said, "Fish, which one do you like?"

The easily distracted kitten took one look and replied, "Fish likes the black and white ones."

"Fish is as picky as ever."

Estella was beaming: because of the color of her fur, she also really liked black and white clothes, so she had taken a liking to Fish, influenced only partly by his animal affinity, but also because the cat's taste was the same as her own....

For a clothing store owner and fashion designer, this is the most important reason.