
Mason Aves: The Wizard [DROPPED]

Summary: I was 6 years old, when I realized I was not simply reborn in the country that ruled over my own.. previous country, and in the time when said oppression was going on. Read on to find what I do in the Magical world of Harry Potter. ~~NO HAREM!~~ I won't focus much on his school life, as you might judge by the tags. But yes, I'll start in school, so don't worry. SHOUT OUT TO MY OWN BOOK, "THE LEGENDS OF BALDUR!" READ IT IF YOU HAVEN'T!

HelloDarkness07 · Película
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44 Chs


A/N: I know almost nothing about how Britain military worked during WW2. I'm just bluffing my way in these chapters.

If you do find something that's a minor mistake, you may ignore it. If it's something major, like I said the date wrong, or the wrong country, then you may correct me.


4th October 1939:

It's been a couple years since I began my Medical studies in the Imperial College of Medicine, London. The first year, was a general year, with only a short introduction on the many specializations the College offered. The second year, however, we had to select our specializations.

I'd gone with General Practice, as St Mungo's does not actually have specific Healers, except for Body, Mind, and Magic.

(A/N: I don't know if the college had the subject or not, and I'm too lazy to find out. If any of my information is false, just go with it. I know nothing about medicine, other than the fact that you take antacids for acidity, and analgesic for headaches. That's it. Oh, and that Morphine makes me high.)

I would sit for lectures during the day, and spend my nights either studying for my upcoming exams, or having fun with Dorea or Helena, sometimes both at the same time.

Dorea had begun her apprenticeship under Professor Merrythought, who had a DADA, as well as Transfiguration Masteries. Other than Dumbledore, who was a Master in Transfiguration and Alchemy, she was the only Professor in Hogwarts with dual masteries.

So, Dorea applied for an Apprenticeship under her, and with a lot of begging, Merrythought accepted. These were her last few years of teaching, and she wanted to groom Dorea as a DADA teacher.

Without any surprise to me, Tom Riddle began studying at Hogwarts in '38, and was sorted into Slytherin. Of course, I let Salazar know that I was not going to come to the Chamber for a while, to which he requested that I take his portrait to the Slytherin Manor, which I did, and even visited him a few times.

I made a lot more preparations for Tom's presence in Hogwarts. First, I cleaned the Chamber, and made it look like no one has entered it in decades. Then, I warded the room on top of Salazar's head to open only for me.

Then, I paid the Goblins to not tell Tom about me owning the Slytherin Vault if he comes asking about it. Instead, they'll tell him that the vault was claimed by the Gaunts centuries ago, and squandered. That, cost me G5000 alone. Bloody bastards.

Other than that, I had begun teaching Helena and Dorea a bit of martial arts, so they can learn Sorcery. While I wasn't a master, I was proficient enough in it, which was necessary in order to learn Sorcery.

I did have them go through the ritual too, before teaching them physical combat. Unfortunately, they did not visit the mysterious Dimension filled with Light and fire that gave me the healing factor. That was just a few months ago, and other than making basic shields and weapons, they haven't progressed much due to the other work they do.

Dorea was mostly busy with her Masteries, while Helena got a job in the London Library. She liked working there.

Now, we come to present. Just a month has crossed since Britain declared war on Germany, after Germany invaded our allies, Poland in September. Britain's Government had then passed the conscription laws, but I hadn't been drafted yet.

After so many ration laws being passed, the situation was getting worse and worse. First was the Ration Books, so people can buy food according to the Rationing, which was immediately followed by the NRA, which introduced Identity Cards all around the country.

And just 3 days ago, a week after the government increased the taxes to pay for the war, a new law was passed. They called it a "Proclamation" but it was a law.

Every man from the age of 18-41, who had not already signed up for war, had to do so. There were exceptions of course. Those working in the medical field, Students, medically unfit, etc.

Surprisingly, I was not counted as working in the Medical Field, but I was counted amongst students. So, when I finish school, I'll either have to become a doctor, or go to war. I think I'd prefer going to war.

It will give me the experience I need, and also an opportunity to find Doctor Erskine, and even Gellart Grindelwald. I still have to kill that guy. Or try, at least.

Which is why, I took to learning more Martial skills from the Tomes by absorbing the Physical Combat Tome, directly into my mind.

Surprisingly, it took 3 days to completely absorb, and understand the knowledge within. There was a lot. I had already begun with light training, like running, push ups, sit ups, pull ups, squats, etc. But this Tome gave me the knowledge about how I can fight properly.

It was a mix and match of many different styles, sort of like MMA, but I will have to train a lot to keep up with the Military men. They're trained to react, and no simple martial artist is going to get the drop on them, least of all someone who learned it from a book.

----Time Skip: September 1942:---

It's been 3 years since World War 2 officially began, and I was finally drafted. No, I was not hopeful for it, I was ready.

In these three years, Dorea, Helena, and I only got closer, and stronger. Helena had completed her training under the Diadem, and we'd kept it safe.

Dorea had completed her mastery, but refused to teach at Hogwarts. Her words were, "I'm not teaching snot nosed brats how to hold their wands."

So, Merrythought decided to stay for a few more years, until another replacement comes up.

I, meanwhile, had just started my last year of my Medical studies, when I got my letter saying that I was drafted for war, and had to start my 6 month training camp. And now, I had to leave for the closest Recruitment office within 3 days.

"Will you be okay?" Helena asks, hugging me from behind, as I'm packing my suitcase.

Smiling at her, I say, "Don't worry. Any bullets that come close to hitting me are going through portals to hit the opposing army instead. Plus, I heal fast anyway. You've seen that."

Helena sighs, and asks, "Why don't we just Obliviate everyone that knows about you in the muggle world?"

Snorting, I answer, "Honey, as much as I'd love to stay with you, I have to go there. You know the rumours. Grindelwald is working with Hitler. I can't trust Dumbledore to do his job, but I can't go look for him either. So, I'm going to go through the Muggle Army."

That was the plan at least. No idea what will happen once I'm at camp.

Kissing her, I say, "I will be back. I promise. Now, take care of yourself while I'm gone. I'll still try to come home in between, but don't get upset if I don't return for months at a time. Alright?"

Helena nods, and hugs me once. Separating from the hug, I walk towards the door, where Dorea was standing. I ask, "Are you going to try and stop me too?"

Dorea smiles tearfully, and says, "I know how stubborn you are. You've made up your mind. Just bring your cute arse back home in one piece."

"Hey! My arse is not cute, it's manly!" I shout, indignantly. Smacking her on her butt, I add, "Now that's a cute arse."

"Oh? So I don't have a cute arse, Mason?" Helena asks, putting her hands on her hips.

Smiling at her, I say, "Of course your arse is cute... You lot are going to kill me."

Helena chuckles and we have a three way hug, as a goodbye. Of course, I spank Helena once too.

"Take care, you two. I'll be back once the war is over." I say, kissing both of them goodbye, and make a portal to my London home.

I had already informed the Ministry of Magic, as well as St Mungo's, that I was drafted for war.

The dumb politicians had at first ordered me not to go and join the muggle war. Unfortunately for them, I also had a presence in the Non-Wizarding World, and hence, I had to go now. Unless the ministry was going to spend a lot of their time obliviating everyone that knew of me.

Plus, I did not work for the Ministry, so they can't order me. They did ask me to take care of any of Grindelwald's men if they appear. But, it was unlikely.

Grindelwald manipulating events so they suit him? Yup, definitely likely. Grindelwald working WITH muggles? Definitely not.

I had to report to the Recruitment Office to get my medical pass, and get properly drafted.

(A/N: Again, ignore the wrong terms, I know nothing about WW2 and I'm consulting a timeline page for everything.)

I had already come ready with everything. My birth certificate, the Medical certificate which declared me fit for training, and my Secondary Education Certificate.

Opening the door, I go to a desk, and ask, "Hello, I'm here for recruitment."

The lady stationed there simply hands me a form, and drones out, "Fill it up and go inside. You'll have to change into your shorts."

Taking the offered form, I quickly fill it up, give it to an officer standing outside the door the lady pointed me to, and walk behind him, as he goes inside.

"Change into your shorts, and wait there." The officer says, pointing to a corner where everyone had kept their bags with their clothes probably inside them.

Going into that corner, as I don't see any other changing room, I quickly take off the shirt, trousers, and the inner shirt I was wearing, leaving me in my under pants. They are basically shorts, only for inner wear.

One by one, the Doctor calls the people waiting in the room, which numbered in about 30s, and takes them for a medical examination. People were known to hide their illnesses and later infect their comrades, so it was necessary.

"Aves, Mason." The Doctor calls.

Standing up, I move towards his table, and wait patiently. He reads my file, and says, "Come on."

I follow him inside, towards a series of beds where a few other people were being tested. He carries a basic diagnosis, and asks some questions. I answer them, as honestly as I can without mentioning the Wizarding World.

"Well, you're okay to go. Why did you wait for so long before registering?" The Doctor asks.

I shrug, and say, "I was a student, so I was never drafted. I just got the letter 2 days ago, and I was about to start my final year."

"Oh? Nice." The Doctor stamps 'Approved' on my forms, and says, "Show this to the officer standing outside. He'll give you further instructions."

Nodding, I go outside, and after wearing my clothes, give the approved form to the man indicated. He was a Captain, in rank, and says, "Good. You'll have to come here tomorrow morning, sharp at 0600. Failure will result in you being arrested."

Nodding at him, I leave the office as he keeps the Form for himself. I was finally going to join World War 2.


A/N: Again, ignore the mistakes, and focus on the plot.