
Marvel x HP: Moses' Odd-venture

Moses, an orphaned child that hopes for the best for everybody's future. Overpowered ability? Check. An orphaned teen who doesn't have a fetish to take control of the world because he's powerful? Check. With the power that he holds, let us find out how he will obtain true happiness and satisfaction in his life in this vast multiverse full of adventure and mysteries, not knowing the CHAOTIC world that he is currently in. ADDITIONAL TAGS: #SLOW-PACED #AU # STRONGMC #WIZARD #INTERESTINGWAIFUS #HAREM #ADDAMSFAMILY #MAGIC #SCIENCE #INTERESTINGMC #CHARACTERDEVELOPMENTMC ------------------------------------- I want it to be updated every day, however due to my hectic schedule, I'll only be able to update 2-3 days after, which means 2-3 chapters a week. Maybe 3 if I'm inspired! If you want to read 10 advanced chapters ahead, you can support me by visiting my P@treon page in the link below, I'll upload a day earlier than Webnovel in there, so be sure to visit it. P@treon Link: p@treon.com/user?u=84448767 OR p@treon.com/Noob_Writer ------------------------------------- (A/N: The mc is not in any way a reincarnated or transmigrated person, for that matter, he doesn't have any future knowledge or anything. The maximum number of female leads that the MC can possibly have is 2-3 MAX. Disclaimer: Image, shows, movies, and novels used in this story are not mine. [PLEASE REVIEW MY FANFIC! I ACCEPT ANY CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM.]

4give_NoobWriter · Película
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57 Chs

Nightmare or Reality Final Part

[[A/N: I'm back! Just for a short while. Sorry for the month-long disappointment everyone! And I will continue to apologize in the near future too. Have you ever had the time in your life where the literal fate of your life depends on it? Well, I'm currently in that phase of life. The burden that I fucking carry is so heavy right now, I mean, one choice can literally change my whole life, and that choice is figuring out the college/university that I will go into. Tons of admission tests, meetings, assignments, projects, and interviews for scholarships... fuck me. I'm writing some in my free time but it's not enough because of the little free time that I only have. Thank you very much for waiting for me and for your understanding especially to my p@treons who still supports me until this day...salute to y'all... and please, wish me well. Thank you.]]

{I can read your mind.} I uttered, and as those words came out of my mouth, different visions appeared in my mind.

Matthew Cracknell was the son of wizard named Orford Umbridge and Muggle named Ellen Cracknell, and he had a sister named Dolores. His Squib status frequently caused his father and sister to blame his mother for the situation, causing conflicts in the family. Matthew's parents divorced when he was young, and he returned to the Muggle world with his mother, while his sister stayed with his father in the wizarding world and never spoke of him again.

After his father divorced his mother, not a year later, Ellen Cracknell was diagnosed with an unknown disease. A disease that magically appeared out of nowhere, causing his mother to experience a death-like state.

When he found that out, he already concluded that his father was the culprit behind his mother's illness. But instead of confronting them, he decided to find the antidote potion for his mother first. For a month, that's what Matthew only did, finding a counterpotion, and he did find one. Wiggenweld Potion, a healing potion with the power to cure injuries, and was the antidote to the Sleeping Draught and the Draught of Living Death.

He doesn't know which of the two his mother's illness was, but with the help of the Wiggenweld Potion, his mother would've healed nonetheless, but he was already too late.

One day, when he visited her mother at the hospital, his mother was already dead. His mother died all alone in the hospital, with the cold wind embracing her.

The painful part was that he didn't even have the chance to say goodbye to her because her body was already cremated by the time he arrived. The only thing that he obtained from her was the wedding ring that her mother wore until now...

If he was fast enough to obtain the potion, then his mother would've been alive, that's what he thought. But he immediately vanished those thoughts.

'It wasn't because of me that my mother died. It's because of THEM! Dolores, Father, the WIZARDS, AND WITCHES! If they didn't exist, then I should have had a normal family! My mother would have been alive!' That day, Matthew, a young teen, vowed to himself to kill any magical creature that he could encounter. That's why he became a mercenary, and a successful one at that.


Mission, Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived, however, in all of those memories, no individual of any important interest was seen... he or she was only heard through a telephone. They were only mercs...

In the wizarding world, there were individuals that were greatly discriminated against in any wizarding community regardless of their blood status or wealth, and the people before me were one such of those. Squibs, the people that were born in between worlds

"ARRHGHHHHH!" Matthew yelled in pain, I removed my hold of him through my telekinesis, causing him to drop down and wiggle his body on the ground.

I haven't researched much on the mental aspects of my magic and my powers yet. I've tried it on a goldfish, and it was successful, to say the least, because I've seen all of their five-second memories but the only downside is that they died...

Matthew had a shit life... and I pity him for that. But damning a whole kind just to exact his revenge is...

'Who am I kidding, I would have done the same too if I were him...'

I have no choice, I have to know everything about them, the moment that they saw me and Father Orsi within that house was the moment that we were on their radar. But to think that it would be useless in the end

{Sleep} I muttered, effectively silencing the grunting Matthew.

"That's the only thing I can do for you...for now." I muttered while looking at the man with an understanding gaze.

I saw the bastards that he killed in his memories. All of them rotten to their cores. Pedophilia, slavery, torture, rape—the list goes on. Matthew Cracknell was a veteran mercenary with a kill rate of 98%. The only time that he failed his mission was when he didn't have the guts to kill a baby...

'Bastard, and you didn't have a problem killing me off??' I pondered as I kicked him in the nuts.

Other than that, the missions that he only received were from clients who had the same difficulties as him, he only received missions from the Squibs. But, let's not forget that he's also a rotten piece of meat, I mean, killing a sentient human life without remorse can't exactly be called a good man.

Moving my gaze, I looked at the devices that this men wore.

I can use a command that 'everyone who can hear my voice would forget everything that pertains to this mission or event', but that command will be an active command, which means the only slot that will be available to me is two slots as long as those commands are active.

"Unless...If I killed them...to end this charade once and for all...fuck."

Killing is wrong, I have known that since I was a child, but I also know that Father Orsi, Sister Lily, and the orphanage's protection are of the utmost priority.


With a raise of my hand, objects a millimeter in size flew into my hand. It was the device that they used for communicating; the real mastermind of this bullshit was all the people behind this, they were only ordering and listening while these men were only used... they were disposables from the very beginning.

I left the others on the ground as I took one for myself, I wore the damn thing, and started the real business.

{Who are you?} My commandment is very versatile, that's why I called it commands because it can command possibly everything.

[I am — KLINGGG—]

'Fuck someone cut it off, why didn't I think of that! This motherfucker's smarter than I thought...sorry, Father.'

I clicked my tongue in frustration. I was about to throw the damn thing away when suddenly,

[It's a pleasure to hear your voice, Wizard. I see that you've brought down one of our men, and they were quite hefty too.]

A strange voice spoke, the way he talked was somewhat strange. It sounds way too artificial, making me deduce that the person behind it used a way to change his voice. So far, no spell or magic has been used in this operation, so it is possible that the person behind this whole thing is a muggle or no-maj, but I thought the statute of secrecy was a thing?

[I know what is in your mind, wizard, but you won't get anything out of us. Especially me... I doubt you even know what I am.]

'What...? I don't understand...'

[During our research and observation of your kind, we've come to know of your tricks. We weren't supposed to reveal our existence, but your kind has forced our hands, your kind is too dangerous for our cause. That's why, effective immediately, your kind will need to be extinct, wizard. WE will make sure that the age of witch hunt will once again embark upon the world, the reckoning of your kind will start with the death of their hope, the Boy-Who-Lived will now die.]

After the voice said that, the earcoms suddenly exploded in my ears. A great portion of my teeth, brain matter, bones, and flesh were destroyed in the process, but in a matter of seconds, my flesh immediately stitched itself back together.

Of course, I'm not hurt. I'm not sure if I can even be killed. All the earcoms on the ground also exploded, destroying a large amount of debris in the process. While this whole thing happened, the bone structure covering us that I am continuously enforcing had finished its run.

With my farsight passive command, I looked at the source of the sound through a small crack and found a dozen small contraptions a few meters above the sky with two submachine guns on their sides, constantly firing. Then suddenly, all of them opened some sort of mechanism that let out a big ass missile and fired it in our direction...

"Motherfucker..." I uttered in disbelief, now that answers all of it. They're good...

"Welp, gotta run." With my last word, I levitated the passed-out Matthew and teleported him for Father Orsi to take care of. I looked at the demolished surroundings, fixed some of Harry's stuff too with a little repair command, and teleported them to the same destination.

With everything in order, I teleported away from the area, far enough for me to be safe from the blast and see it all clearly. I stayed behind because I wanna know how strong exactly is a missile... you never know what's gonna happen, and of course, it would also be cool as hell to watch.

"Can my superhuman physiology even survi—"


"Nah, I will survive that... Erebus?" I uttered as I waited for my favorite crow to appear,


Instantly, a small burst of shadow appeared beside me, and with it was Erebus in his ever-dark feathers.

<What's up, kid?> He asked,

"Can I ask you a favor to check for any suspicious person who will check on here? If you find one, be sure to leave some of your mana for me to track," I answered him, I'm really smart, aren't I...? Hehe.

<Shit, kid, what happened here?> He asked as he looked down upon the destruction and fire below us.

"An accident, had a fight...I won by the way." I answered, my nose seemingly pointing up from bragging,

<Noice, anyways, I will do your order, kid, you're the boss. Just leave me some bacon on the roof.>

"Cool, cool, cool...if there's a danger, directly teleport to me, okay?" I uttered

<Sure, kid.>

With those words, I instantly teleported myself from where I teleported everyone, of course, it was inside Father Orsi's small office, we need to be discreet about this shit.

As the new surroundings hit my senses, I looked at the two figures in front of me, they were wearing a rather worried look, and it looks like they just finished fighting...great.




After a half hour of running around in circles with Sister Lily stopping us by binding our feet with a rope, Father Orsi and I were able to talk about my... secrets. I thought he would be more curious or overreact to it but actually, what happened was basically this,

"So... It's magic...but with steroids." Sister Lily commented, her arm crossed like a gangsta.

"Wha— well, now that you said that..." I uttered as I brushed my nonexistent mustache...

'Should I grow a mustache? Now my mind's getting off topic, well, Sister Lily's technically correct with her assumption.'

"Moses why didn't you tell us about your situation before? We could have helped you, you know?" Father Orsi said as he went beside me and gently caressed my back,

I expected Father Orsi and even Sister Lily to be angry, but... It looks like I still don't know them fully; what a fool I am.

"Sorry, Father. I thought...that if I said my condition to the two of you, you would think of me as a... something else. When I found out that I was a wizard, I thought that I could just tell it that way, but, I guess I can't, huh."

"Look, son. Even though we aren't blood related, family is not just something that you can identify through blood. Family consists of trust, love, loyalty, and a bunch of other good things in the world! Do you think I would think less of you if you were what? somewhat absurdly impossibly powerful? No! Instead, I would be relieved, y'know? I mean, if you can protect yourself from any harm, that's enough for me! As long as everything's well and good for you... I would be the happiest father of all!"

"... I see...that's...sniff*, sniff*" I said, I felt my eyes moisten as I snuffed. I was about to cry when suddenly,

"Get them tears back, you'll make Father cry, sniff!*, sniff!*" Father Orsi exclaimed emotionally, he swiped a few small tears from the corners of his eye,

"...Thanks... Dad." I said with a smile, I was thankful to them... it felt nice to finally tell my secret to my family. It's like the weight on my shoulders has been lifted, and I am feeling freedom for the first time....


"Sister Lily...did you he—" Father Orsi said while in a daze, but before Father Orsi could go on, Sister Lily interrupted him,

"Yes I heard that, Father, but don't you think you should let Little Moses rest now, after all what happened?" Sister Lily said while eyeing Father with a strange look, I looked at the two of them confusedly, wondering what they were on about, but I guess they still have to talk about my situation and Harry's situation more privately, they're adults after all.

"Father, Sister Lily's right. I'm kinda tired now, so I'll lay on the bed first," I said to Father Orsi as I yawned. I looked at Sister Lily and saw her looking at me with a thankful look.

"Sure, son. Harry's also sleeping in your room, I left him in there," With those words, I left the room, but not before thanking Father for helping me today. I closed the door, thinking of the possibilities that will happen to my life now. Will Father Orsi and Sister Lily's knowledge of my abilities affect our bonds and relationship? Only time can tell... worst-case scenario, I would break my code to not time travel... Nah, I'm not that crazy... or am I?

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