
Marvel:Viltrumite God

Arthur, who died as a result of a mistake by God, is reborn in the Marvel Universe with the powers he has thanks to God. Follow my story to see how Arthur will affect this universe.

Mr_Uldg · Película
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12 Chs

New York Trip

The family managed to reach New York, albeit with some minor setbacks. The Miller family, who made their passage from the terminal, took a taxi to go to the hotel where they would stay. During the 10-day holiday, the family planned to visit many famous places.

The taxi reached the hotel after a while. The hotel was a decent 3-star hotel. The family arrived in the evening and Dave and Maria went to bed early. Arthur wanted to go to bed after watching some TV, but for the first time in his life, it started to hurt. Arthur, who had always lived in Leaf Town, which was always quiet at night since he came into this world, could not adapt to the noise of New York's endless nightlife. Arthur's perception is thousands of times higher than that of ordinary people, so he can hear the sound of a fly flapping its wings from kilometers away. The human noise in the sleepless city was far beyond Arthur's tolerance range. A sharp headache began to grip Arthur.

"Shit, aarrgh I've got a headache. It's so noisy, god AAAARRGGHHH" Arthur had met a new feeling he had never met before, pain. Hundreds of thousands of meaningless buzzes in his head, thousands of voices he couldn't block made him feel like he was going crazy.

Arthur couldn't stand it any longer, so he opened the window. and began to fly at top speed toward a forest. He didn't know how fast he was flying, but he could have sworn he had never flown this fast before. As he got further away from the city, the voices in his head began to fade.

At last, finding a quiet spot, Arthur slowly descended. He leaned against the trunk of a tree and began to catch his breath. "Huf huf huf huf huf huf I hate cities," said Arthur, panting and drenched in sweat.

He hadn't felt pain like this since he landed on this earth in the space capsule. Arthur, who is used to living in the usually quiet town of Leaf, does not know how to find a solution to this situation.

After catching his breath for a while, he decided to return to his hotel room so as not to worry his parents. As he began to approach the city, the voices that had been haunting him began to return. Prepared this time, Arthur was not caught off guard by the sudden appearance of the voices. Although the voices still haunted him, Arthur continued to fly at full speed toward the hotel. When he reached his room, he realized that the lights were on.

When he came in through the open window, he saw his parents waiting anxiously for him. Maria said angrily, "Arthur! Where have you been? Do you have any idea how worried we are about you!"

Dave realized that he usually had to keep quiet when his wife was angry, and since Arthur's disappearance had worried him so much, he thought it better that she scolded his son rather than him, who was less frightening than his wife.

Arthur continued to hold his head, ignoring his mother's scolding as the buzzing in his mind began to rise again. Maria and Dave, noticing Arthur writhing in pain, forgot their anger and became concerned for his welfare.

Dave said worriedly, "Arthur, are you all right? Arthur!" He started shouting.

"There's too much noise, it's too loud," Arthur mumbled, forcing himself to speak. Arthur's parents, not knowing what he was talking about, couldn't quite understand the situation. Maria worriedly said, "What are you talking about, Arthur? I don't hear any noise, what's going on?"

Maria POV

Maria was frightened. She had never seen Arthur in pain. He was never sick, never hurt, never injured. But now Maria's heart ached when she saw her son writhing in pain. Any mother would faint if she saw her child suffering like this.

Maria looked at her husband, not knowing what to do, and saw him standing next to Arthur, also not knowing what to do. She even wondered if Arthur had a psychological problem. But she knows her son, she's almost sure he doesn't have a psychological problem. But she has no idea what happened to him.

Maria hugged Arthur gently as if she had suddenly realized something. "You hear the others, don't you? Arthur, you hear other people, don't you?". Seeing Arthur nodding slowly, Maria hugged him even tighter. It hurt Maria enough to see her little boy suffering like this. She remembered the lullaby her mother used to sing to her when she had nightmares as a child. As she gently stroked Arthur's hair, she said, "Focus on my voice, my dear, forget the others. Just focus on my voice, Mummy is with you and will always be with you. Arthur listen to me, you have to focus only on my voice, dear." said Maria.

Maria began to hum the lullaby her mother had sung to her when she was a child. Arthur began to focus on the lullaby Maria was singing. He ignored the voices of the others and focused only on his mother's voice, the lullaby she sang. The voices in his head gradually faded. He slowly surrendered himself to the arms of sleep.

Maria saw Arthur slowly drifting off to sleep. She wiped her eyes, which were red from crying. Dave gently hugged his grieving wife to calm her down, "It's OK, Arthur will be fine. Trust me. He's a very strong boy. He won't be daunted by setbacks like this. Trust me."

Maria nodded slowly as she stroked Arthur's hair. Turning to her husband, she said, "I know he is a very strong boy, but it hurts my heart to see him suffer." Looking at Arthur sleeping peacefully, Maria was not sure what she would do if this happened again in the future.

He gently laid Arthur down on his bed and lay down next to him. Dave lay on the other side of Arthur. The family of 3 spent the night hugging each other. The next morning Arthur slowly opened his eyes and although his head still ached, the pain had subsided to acceptable levels.

He slowly got out of bed and thought about what had happened last night and felt lucky to have a family who cared so much for him. Arthur started a beautiful morning not realizing that his actions had attracted the attention of many hidden forces. Seeing that Arthur was in a much better condition, Maria let out a deep breath. "Good morning, my dear," she said with a beautiful smile on her face. Arthur smiled at her and gave her a bear hug. "We can cancel the trip if you want," Dave said with a little concern in his voice. But Arthur didn't agree.

He can't stay away from the cities forever. This problem must be solved as soon as possible so that he doesn't have to go through such pain again. "There's no need to waste all the planning we've done. I feel much better now," Arthur said. Although Dave was worried about Arthur, he decided to trust his son. After having breakfast at the hotel buffet, Dave rented a ford sedan from a car hire agency. The family first visited the "Captain America" museum, where Arthur even took a photo in front of the statue of Captain America, posing in the same pose as him

Steve Rogers is used as propaganda by politicians, but Arthur respects him for the sacrifices he made. Although the world knew Captain America was dead, Arthur knew that he was now frozen somewhere in the Arctic. Reading about his life and the lives of the howling commandos, Arthur was deeply shocked.

A man he never expected to see was in one of the photographs. James Howlett, or Wolverine as most people knew him. Arthur was already getting a headache. He had concluded that there were no mutants in this universe because this mutant news did not come out. But now this information he had learned showed him that this was not true.

Mutants mean dozens of anti-mutant groups. Arthur is convinced that while the mutants of this world are unknown to the general populace, the top leadership is aware of their existence. Perhaps in the future, they will recognize him as a mutant. It's certainly possible. Arthur was already regretting coming to this crazy universe. Marvel was not the right place for someone like him who was looking for calm.

Everyone at the headquarters of the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Division had a sleepless night last night, trying to figure out what the UFO flying at Mach 7.2 over New York City was. That they had never encountered before.

Something that looked like a man flying at top speed over New York. Flying much faster than even the fastest airplanes they had, what or who this thing was was what they most wanted to know. But once it left the satellite's camera angle, it was impossible to tell where it was going.

R. Keller, Director of the Strategic Homeland Intervention, His subordinate couldn't help but grimace as he looked at the file Nicholas Fury had brought in. "Tell me, Nick, do you think we're dealing with those mutants again? Or is there a new species in the neighborhood?" Said R. Keller

"I don't know, sir, but either way, it's going to be a massive headache." Said, Nick Fury.

"I think you should see Charles Xavier, Nick." Said R. Keller

"I don't want to do it if I can help it, sir. I don't feel safe around that man," said Nick Fury.

"I feel the same way, but you have to go, Nick. If I go, we'll be handing over important state secrets to that man on a platter. It's better for you, a promising rookie agent, to go instead of me." Said, R. Keller.

"Order understood, sir. I'll contact Xavier as soon as I can." Said, Fury.

Author's thoughts corner time

['I've decided to include mutants in the story, but not to a great extent. This universe will have fewer mutants. I'm not going to use people's unnecessary aversion to mutants in the story. I'm not sure how to handle villains like Magneto, but I don't believe he's all bad. Never mind, maybe he just likes being a villain.]

[Fury is one of my favorite characters I want him and me to be good friends. I know I'm including him early in the story but I think his and mc meeting early on could change the story in a fun way. We'll see. Bye until next time ☺️☺️]