
Marvel: The Tragic One

#Plot based Fic, with some Wish-Fulfillment included# Note: It is imperative that you read the, -Author POV-, Chapter before continuing, as it will allow you to decide whether or not this is the story for you. Also note that the Gore tag is not for laughs and giggles, at times it will get uncomfortably descriptive. This is unfortunately necessary to bring out the full scope of the Fic, so best believe if your uncomfortable, just think for a second what I'm feeling writing this ****. Synopsis: I have never fired off webs faster than I am now... my gut, its telling me somethings wrong, I just cant put my finger on it. As the feeling in my gut increases so does my speed. Finally I reach my home, And run to the front door, not caring about taking my suit off. I just... I need to make sure their both okay... their all I have left... When I reached the door I practically rip it off its hinges. "Aunt MAY, Uncle BEN!". I yell out. I look outside, and uncle Bens car is still in the drive way. My gut feeling increases tenfold... I run inside and search the house. Upstairs, nO, closets, No, restrooms, nO, Bedrooms, NO!... As the little bit of the sanity I still have starts to leave me, I finally start walking into the kitchen. I look down to notice I stepped on something red... My head goes blank. As I walk the last couple of steps into the kitchen, I couldn't help but start begging, screaming in fact, for it not to be what I think it is... I look into the kitchen only... only to fall to my knees, onto the floor... that was dyed red. I just stared into the distance, unable to accept what was in front of me. Finally, after what seemed hours, I slowly crawl to them... to their dead body's. "Please.. Please.. PLEASE!". I yell out to no one as a grab onto what was left of... May... Who before my eyes slowly began to take the form of my mother, eyes empty, teeth knocked out, mouth wide open filled with... I couldn't help but notice that her head... it wasn' attached to her body. "No, NO, NO, NO, No, NO!". I gasp out as I, for the first time in years, start to cry, as my surroundings soon take the form of a memory... one I have been trying to forget all my long unpleasant life... Read to find out more. Disclaimer, this is a fan-fic, so credit goes to original authors. And this is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictional manner. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. I don't claim ownership over the Cover Photo. ____________________________________________________ There will be plot holes and other grammatical issues, as I'm not a Pro-Writer, but I will try my best to address and fix such issues as soon as I can. No promises, but my goal after a certain point is to be able to write at least 3 Chapters a week.

Pasttrash · Películas
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5 Chs

Ch:0 Intro

#2 Months ago Maybe: Okay I want you guys to know why I changed the perspective of the story from Andy Strucker, to Frank Castle, or my AU version of him. Beside from personal issues, I have been having trouble writing Andy as the Mc as I'm now almost positive it wouldn't have made sense or would have completely sucked before it even started. And the way I was writing him and his story... was way to confusing, also not gonna lie I just started watching the punisher on netflix, and seen a couple tribute videos, so now I'm just obsessed so... I will move this to the auxiliary chapters after I'm done hording chapters, and have posted chapter one. Have a good day...#

#Now: Hey guys... Been a while... awkward... so life's been... a train wreck to say the least but I'm back again, hopefully here to stay, I would go into detail why I haven't been posting or why I haven't been keeping you guys in the loop, but too long of a story, part of it's my fault, lots of it's me being lazy or having writers block, most of it though is quite personal, and that's not what your here for is it, your here for those sweet, sweet chapters you, for some reason, haven't received. Don't you point your pitch forks at your god: Nightstar of course, yet, starting sometime next week, I will slowly, but surely start posting for this Fic and sometime in the close future, after I've worked out all the kinks, my HP Fic and even further down the line my og novel as well. I don't bring just good news unfortunately, as because of a time crunch along with other reasons, I'll be dropping my GOT Fic(Possibly one more after I've thought on it some more.), although doesn't count as dropping if I didn't even start it. One of the reasons being I'll be using some of the planned elements I had for that one in my HP fic... Well really that's it... oh right I updated the synopsis and profile picture, I'm sure you guys know what the picture represents, please do let me know if the synopsis is good, I spent an hour making that up... besides from that your god Nightstar will be seeing you all real soon... hold up just to let you guys know I'll have a list of the Fics I absolutely wont be dropping down below and although it isn't exactly accurate on my current plans for the fic I'll also have the old Ch:0 content down below, by not accurate, I mean... part of the changes is no DC included, I had to learn the hard way that trying to perfectly mesh those too world's is a complete nightmare... okay... Have a good day.#

______________________ __________ ___________

Some people go about their lives very happy, normal. They get to have family dinners, thanksgiving, christmas, ect.

They get to go to school, have friends, go out and have fun.

I never got that chance... Because my family was taken from me...

How would you feel if at a very young age you witnessed your father being shot multiple times all over his body, quickly bleeding out, your aunt being raped, your brothers stabbed so bad their organs were leaking all over the floor, pancreas, liver, heart, you get the idea.

How about your precious sisters, how about if you witnessed them all being shot and then forced to drown in their own blood and piss, being just alive enough to watch on.

Now how about... *Sigh*, *Weeping*... *Crashing*, *Screaming*.

How about your mother, if the most important part of any family, was forced to watch your entire people get massacred, was forced to watch on as your father's skull was smashed in, to tiny chunky, bloody piece's. As her daughters, sons, cousins, brothers, sister's, friends, aunt's and uncles, die all at once.

All to die knowing that the only son alive, the only person left alive is going to no doubt suffer. To see your mother eyes empty as she is decapitated, as you are takin away to a far worse fate.

My life hasn't been fun, and won't ever be.

I will get my revenge, I will get the job done... no matter what it takes... no matter what it takes.


I who have killed god like beings, hulking monsters, I who have decimated swarms of robots, aliens, crime lords and demons.

I who have fought with and against the avengers, I who have fought and beat the defenders single handedly, I who killed the joker and crippled The Bane.

I who nearly killed superman.

I who overpowered the Bat.

I who rammed a Ak-47 threw the frontal lobe of Trigon.

I who pulled the a spine out of Magneto, and disbanded his so called brotherhood.

I who brought the Mad Titan to an end.

I am known as the bane of all criminals, as the nightmare walking.

Their is nowhere you can hide from me.

I will follow you, I will find you.

And when I do, you will know then and only then why I'm known as Hollow.

Why I'm the thing the cartels fear.

Because I'm, THE PUNISHER!.


(Word Count: 878)

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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