
Marvel : The Summoning System

Grant Alexander Hunter, a focused 22-year-old student fueled by a love for sketching, embarks on an exploration of ancient Harappan ruins during his semester break. Unaware of the profound impact, a simple switch within these ruins triggers a cosmic anomaly, thrusting him from his familiar world into the vast expanse of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In this uncharted reality, a mysterious holographic summoning system greets him. Undeterred, Hunter seizes the opportunity to establish an organization, rivaling the capabilities of S.H.I.E.L.D., poised to confront the myriad dangers that lurk in this fantastical realm. What unfolds is a gripping tale of adventure, as Hunter endeavors to navigate the unknown and leave an indelible mark on the fabric of the Marvel Universe. MC will not be OP from start and will get gradually powerful. System would not be spamming characters.

Red_DragonEmperor · Película
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22 Chs

Chapter 13: Rescued by Aegis

In the dimly lit command room at Grant Enterprises, Hunter stood before the holographic display, detailing the locations available for purchases as he wanted to expand the network of bases of 'Aegis'. As he was going through it, suddenly a notification came in from the system.

[Summoning System active]

Hunter called Aizawa and both of them went to basement of the Grant Enterprises which was now a safehouse for Aegis. They locked down the basement just in case and Aizawa got ready to take action. Hunter clicked on summon. Twelve creatures were summoned, 11 human and one dog.

Hunter checked status,


Name: Task Force: STALKER a.k.a. "Ghosts"


Elias T. 'Scarecrow' Walker : Commanding Officer

Thomas A. Merrick : Commanding Officer

Simon 'Ghost' Riley

Alex V. 'Ajax' Johnson : Sergeant

Keegan P. Russ : Sergeant

Kick : Sergeant

Neptune : Sergeant

David 'Hesh' Walker : Field Commander

Logan Walker : Sergeant

Chris "Torch" Greene: Sergeant

Riddian "Grim" Poe : Sergeant

Riley : Guard Dog

Original Universe: Call of Duty

Role : Tactical Operatives


Stealth Mastery: Ghost excels in covert operations, utilizing advanced stealth technology to move undetected through various environments.

Tactical Combat Skills: Trained in hand-to-hand combat and skilled with a variety of weapons, Ghost is a formidable operative in direct confrontations.

Technological Interface: Ghost can interface with Aegis technology seamlessly, enhancing his capabilities in the field.

Strategic Thinking: Ghost possesses a strategic mindset, making him adept at planning and executing complex operations.


Hunter, "You must be surprised, confused and may be fearful of the current situation. Let me come state to the point. You guys are not in the world you are familiar with. Though you may find similarity between geography and may be some history, but in here there are dangers beyond borders. Alein threats are present, being strong enough to eradicate the universe with just a snap of their fingers."

Hunter assessing the situation continues, "I have created an organization to protect this world. As for why? Because I want to have a safe place for my people. I want you guys to help me out in this. I am not asking you to believe me just on my word. You are free to research a bit and then answer me."

'Scarecrow' answered, "We would like to look out for a bit."

Hunter connected to Hiroshi and informed him about arrival of 'Ghosts' and arranged living quarters as well as information files for them. As Hunter was doing this Aizawa kept an eye on 'Ghosts' and notice a signal which 'Scarecrow' showed to 'Ghost' (Simon Riely).

Hunter, "I have arranged living quarter and some information for you. I will leave you under Hiroshi and Aizawa's care. If you need anything, let them know."

Just as Hunter was about to turn, 'Ghost' spoke up, "I want to see how you work and decide by observing your actions"

Hunter glanced at Aizawa who nodded at him and Hunter said," Fine. But it won't be for free. You have to work for me if you are to observe me working."

Ghost nodded and followed Hunter, while others along with the dog followed Aizawa. Everyone on alert in their action.

Ghost, the recently summoned tactical combat specialist, stood stoically by Hunter's side. Now having a tactical expert like Ghost who are more proficient in modern warfare, Hunter was more confident in taking bold steps, he did not want to pass this chance of making early contact with Tony Stark and making him owe a favour. Last night as Haythem reported that Tony Stark has almost completed his suit, so he started to formulate his plan. The plan involved a calculated approach, utilizing Ghost's skills to establish a direct link with Stark while keeping the rest of the team in reserve. This was first time Hunter was planning a mission on his own. Ghost looked at what Hunter was doing. He had gathered some information on this world and more or less understood who Tony Stark was.

"Hunter," Ghost spoke, his voice low and composed, "I can move in silently, neutralize threats, and establish communication with Stark. But I'll need a team of assassins for support."

Hunter nodded in agreement, acknowledging the precision and efficiency Ghost could bring to the mission. "Haythem," he called, and the young assassin stepped forward, ready for his orders. "You'll lead a team of assassins accompanying Ghost. Your objective is to secure the perimeter, eliminate any hostiles, and ensure Ghost has a clear path to Stark."

Haythem, with a determined look, signalled to a group of handpicked assassins, each trained in the art of stealth and combat. The room buzzed with focused energy as the team prepared for the mission ahead.

"Q," Hunter continued, turning on the intercom which connected to the basement laboratory, "you'll provide real-time support. Hack into their systems, feed information to Ghost, and ensure communication channels remain secure."

Q, seated at the command centre, interfaced with the advanced technology at his disposal, preparing to breach the Ten Rings' security systems. He said to Haythem, "Activate our assets in the base". Haythem and Q prepared the supplies and supplied them to Ghost.

In the evening, Ghost, donned in his tactical gear, addressed the team, "Our objective is clear. Stealth is our ally. We move fast, we move silently. Haythem, lead the way."

As the team of assassins, led by Haythem, and Ghost embarked on the mission, the atmosphere in the command room became charged with anticipation. Hunter, observing the holographic display, monitored the team's progress with a keen eye.

The night outside embraced the shadows, concealing the operatives as they approached the Ten Rings' stronghold. Ghost moved with lethal grace, his every step calculated, every action purposeful. Haythem's team followed suit, blending into the darkness with the finesse of true assassins.

Inside the facility, Tony Stark, unaware of the approaching rescue mission, continued his attempts to break free from captivity. The hum of machinery and distant echoes of guards' footsteps filled the air.

As Ghost and the team closed in, Hunter's gaze remained fixed on the holographic display. The moon cast a dim glow over the desolate landscape as Ghost, accompanied by a team of silent assassins led by Haythem, approached the Ten Rings' heavily guarded base. The night held its breath as the operatives, clad in dark, tactical gear, moved like phantoms through the shadows.

Ghost, a master of covert operations, signalled the team to halt as they reached the perimeter. Haythem, with a nod, directed the assassins to take strategic positions, ensuring they remained concealed from prying eyes.

The base, surrounded by high cliffs and guarded by vigilant sentries, seemed impenetrable. Ghost, however, analysed the situation with a tactical precision that bordered on the supernatural. His HUD displayed the layout of the compound, identifying blind spots and vulnerabilities.

"Haythem," Ghost's voice, transmitted through secure communication channels, reached the team, "I need your team to disable the exterior cameras and take out the guards at the west side. Make it quick and quiet."

Haythem relayed the instructions to his team, and like wraiths, they moved in synchronized harmony. In moments, the cameras were disabled, and the guards incapacitated without raising an alarm.

Ghost, acknowledging the successful entry point, navigated the team through the shadows toward the heart of the compound. The tension in the air was palpable as they approached the main building where Tony Stark was being held captive.

As they reached a secluded entrance, Ghost motioned for the team to stay low. He accessed the building's schematics, pinpointing the location of Stark's cell. The plan was precise - infiltrate, neutralize threats, and extract Stark without alerting the entire facility.

The door creaked open, revealing a corridor shrouded in darkness. Ghost, with a hand signal, directed the assassins to fan out, each taking a position to cover the others. The echoes of their silent movements resonated as they advanced deeper into the enemy stronghold.

Within the bowels of the compound, Tony Stark, confined to a cold, metallic cell, looked up as he sensed an unusual disturbance. Unbeknownst to him, the shadows of Ghost and the assassins closed in, determined to liberate him from the clutches of the Ten Rings.

In the dimly lit cell, Ghost materialized with silent precision, catching Tony off guard. As the door slid open, revealing Ghost's figure shrouded in darkness, Tony, with a mix of surprise and scepticism, stammered, "Who the hell are you?"

Ghost, unfazed, replied, "I'm here to get you out. Name's Ghost. Don't worry; we're on the same side." His eyes glowed faintly, reflecting the determination within.

As Tony hastily worked on the Iron Man suit, Ghost connected to Hunter through his intercom, seeking guidance on Yinsen's presence. "Got a companion here. What should we do with him?"

Hunter's voice echoed, "Extract him as well. We can't afford loose ends."

Ghost nodded, addressing Yinsen, "You're coming with us. Stick close." Yinsen, though bewildered, complied, realizing Ghost was their ticket to freedom.

Navigating through the compound, Ghost's intercom crackled with reports from the assassins, confirming cleared paths and successful extractions. "Good work. Pull out and take extra package with you to safety," Ghost commanded, his attention now focused on the challenge ahead.

Tony hurriedly said, "Wait, there are missiles loaded in this facility. Let me destroy them first and then we can leave."

Ghost asked, "How much time?" to which Stark replied, "May be few hours. I need to code everything manually. Since I don't have anyone here to do it for me."

Ghost attached a device to the circuit and asked Q to assist Tony.

In around few minutes mobility module was installed and weapon module was loading up. Ghost said, "We don't need weapons, everything is clear. Skip this one."

Tony still loaded few of modules and the switched to the flight module. But soon Haythem alerted Ghost about coming reinforcements. Ghost asked Tony to hurry up. As the flight module bar loaded up to almost complete, Ghost ejected the wire and attached the device to Tony's suit. As they made their way through the cave tunnel, Tony saw the lying bodies of the terrorist. All of them had a clean cut on their throat.

In the open, Tony, suited up in the partially coded Iron Man suit, faced a new hurdle. He pointed at the missiles and aimed a stick bomb towards a missile. The bomb had 5 second delay. After firing the sticky bomb. Tony muttered to himself, "Okay, Stark, time to fly," he grabbed Ghost and attempted to soar into the air. The malfunction, however, sent him crashing back down. Stark looked at Ghost.

Ghost, maintaining his composure, swiftly adapted. "Q, eject Stark from the suit," he commanded, as Q executed the order remotely. In a seamless motion, Ghost snatched Tony and ascended using a grappling hook, leaving the chaos of the canyon behind. Just as they left the canyon, a loud bang was heard signalling the destruction of missiles.

As they gained distance, Tony, catching his breath, questioned, "Who are you guys, and what the hell just happened?"

Ghost, handing Tony a water bottle, replied, "I'm Ghost, part of a group trying to make things right. As for what happened, let's just say you owe us one. And remember, not a word about this to anyone."

Tony, perplexed but grateful, nodded in agreement. Ghost, retrieving his intercom, activated an extractable hoverboard. "Wait here. Military will pick you up soon," he instructed Tony, before gliding away into the night, leaving Tony to ponder the mysterious saviour and the enigmatic group behind the rescue.

Alone in the aftermath of the fiery rescue, Tony Stark sat amidst the remnants of the Ten Rings base, the arc reactor radiating a faint glow. His mind buzzed with questions and confusion, contemplating the stranger named Ghost and the incredible turn of events.

"What was that all about?" Tony muttered to himself, examining the injuries. The implications of the rescue weighed on him as he pieced together the bits of the encounter. The assassins, the mysterious Ghost, and the unspoken debt lingered in his thoughts.

Soon the sun came up, before Tony could unravel the mystery, the distant hum of approaching vehicles interrupted his musings. Through the desert haze, a convoy emerged, led by the familiar figure of Colonel James Rhodes, known to friends as Rodhy. The military search party had arrived.

Rodhy, donned in his military attire, surveyed the scene, spotting Tony amidst the wreckage. A mix of relief and concern marked his face as he approached. "Tony, you okay?" he inquired, offering a helping hand.

Tony, still grappling with the recent events, nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just had a close call."

Rodhy, helping Tony to his feet, glanced around. "We'll figure that out later. Right now, let's get you back to safety. And next time, ride with me."

As Tony boarded one of the military vehicles, he cast a glance back at the deserted base. Unbeknownst to him, Ghost observed from a distance, binoculars trained on the departing convoy.

A voice echoed in Tony's mind, 'Remember, not a word about this to anyone.' The enigma of the rescue deepened, and as the convoy rolled away into the vast desert, Ghost remained on the periphery, leaving Tony Stark to grapple with newfound questions and a debt to an unseen ally.

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