
Marvel: The Spot

[DISCLAIMER] Read the tags. ---- Ethan was once a brilliant scientist, working alongside others to unlock the secrets of the multiverse. But when a critical experiment goes awry, he is betrayed and blamed for the failure. Fired and left with nothing, Ethan seeks revenge, hacking the collider and setting in motion an event that will change everything. In a fateful moment, the collider malfunctions, ripping a hole in space and time, pulling Ethan into the very void of existence. Reborn in a strange new form with white skin covered in swirling black circles, Ethan gains the ability to manipulate these voids, warping reality itself. Now, as "The Spot," Ethan finds himself caught between dimensions, discovering powers far beyond his imagination. But with great power comes great instability, and his thirst for chaos may threaten the entire multiverse. ---- No: Romance, Yaoi, Yuri, Smut, dumb mc. Yes: Villain with an agenda, action, genius mc, marvel multiverse, chaos. AU Novel The updates depends from you.

Concept_Author · Película
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25 Chs

Chapter 19: Cosmic Pursuit

Hello everyone,

I wanted to take a moment to clarify a few things so you can all enjoy the story without any confusion. A big thanks to Phantom_Beatles for pointing this out!

The Spot featured in my novel is a bit different from the versions you may know from the comics and the film. This is because he comes from an alternate universe, my own creation within this AU. I realize I didn't make that clear earlier, so I hope this explanation clears things up.

This Spot is unique to this story and isn't meant to follow the exact path of his comic or movie counterparts. He belongs to the world of this novel.

Also, I'm excited to announce that the full first arc is now available on Patreon! If you're interested, you can buy the entire collection for just €18 if you're focused on this novel, or you can subscribe normally to access all my other works as well.

Of course, subscribing is entirely optional, it's just a way to help support me and my team as we work on updating more chapters.

Thank you all so much for your support! 😊


Ethan stood tall, his black circles rippling with a newfound intensity as the dust settled around him. He had decimated Doom's pride, shaken the Avengers and Fantastic Four, and yet, he felt an emptiness. It wasn't enough. Not yet. His power had grown exponentially, but he needed more. More control. More energy. And then, his gaze fell on Captain Marvel, still recovering from the last attack.

Ethan's mind raced. Cosmic energy. That was it. Captain Marvel's abilities, tied directly to the powers of the universe, were the final key. With her energy, he could stabilize his connection to the spotted dimension indefinitely, harnessing it with precision. And, more importantly, it would allow him to track the highest forms of energy in existence, giving him the freedom to leave Earth and explore beyond.

He took a step toward Carol Danvers, his face unreadable, his intent clear. The ground beneath him shifted, and a portal opened up beneath his feet, slowly growing in size as he planned his next move.

Captain Marvel's eyes flickered with determination. She sensed what was coming, but before she could react, Ethan struck. In a flash, black portals appeared all around her, cutting off any possible escape. Carol raised her fists, her cosmic energy swirling around her, but the portals absorbed the blasts like they were nothing, redirecting the energy back at her in a disorienting wave.

Tony Stark, watching from a distance, realized what Ethan was planning. His voice was panicked but focused as he shouted over the comms. "He's after Carol! We can't let him take her, he needs her energy for something bigger!"

Captain Marvel tried to launch herself into the air, but Ethan's portals tracked her every movement, closing around her like a cage. With a sharp motion, Ethan extended his hand, and the black circles around Carol began to pull her in. The cosmic energy in her body flickered violently, the space around them warping under the strain.

Captain America charged forward, his shield raised. "We have to stop him now!"

Reed Richards, stretching his arm toward Ethan, attempted to entangle him, but every attack was met with a portal, redirecting the blows back to the heroes. Sue Storm threw up an invisible force field around Captain Marvel, trying to shield her from the pull of the portals, but Ethan was relentless.

"No one can stop me," Ethan said, his voice unnervingly calm. He raised both hands, and more portals opened, overwhelming the team with sheer force.

Doom, now rising from the devastation Ethan had caused, glared at the scene unfolding before him. "I offered you power, Spot, but now you will only know defeat."

With a snap of his fingers, Doom unleashed a barrage of magical energy, firing at Ethan from multiple angles. But once again, the black circles absorbed every attack. Ethan, growing tired of the interruptions, redirected the magic toward Doom, forcing him back.

In the chaos, Tony Stark frantically worked on his wrist-mounted interface, trying to come up with a countermeasure. "JARVIS, give me options! We need to destabilize those portals."

"Sir," JARVIS responded, "there is no direct way to disrupt the portals without destabilizing Captain Marvel's energy. However, there is an opportunity to overload them, but it will require a precise application of energy-"

"Thor!" Tony interrupted, realizing the solution. "Where's Thor? We need him."

Just as Tony finished speaking, the skies darkened, and a bolt of lightning cracked across the battlefield. From the heavens descended Thor, his eyes glowing with divine power. The air hummed with electricity as he landed with Mjölnir in hand, his cape billowing behind him. His expression was grim, foretelling the weight of what he knew.

"My father," Thor began, his voice low but filled with the authority of the gods, "has seen a future of destruction, a chaos that will tear the universe asunder if this being is not stopped."

Ethan's black circles shifted as he turned to face Thor, his calculating eyes narrowing at the god. "Even you can't stop me, Asgardian."

Thor raised his hammer, electricity coursing through it. "Perhaps not, but you will face the might of Asgard before you take another step."

With a roar, Thor unleashed a bolt of lightning straight at Ethan. But instead of dodging, Ethan opened another portal, sending the lightning bolt careening into the sky. But this wasn't about the attack, it was about the timing. The energy caused Ethan's portal network to ripple, and for a split second, Carol was free.

"Now!" Steve Rogers shouted, signaling the team.

Captain Marvel, with every ounce of strength, surged forward, breaking free of Ethan's grasp, her cosmic energy erupting in a dazzling burst of light. But even with her temporary escape, Ethan wasn't done. He lunged forward, opening a massive portal behind her, preparing to absorb her once and for all.

This was it. He needed her energy.

"She's mine!" Ethan shouted, his calm exterior finally cracking as the desperation to succeed overwhelmed him. But then, he stopped. His circles quivered for a moment, and his power faltered.

Tony and Reed, seeing the opportunity, activated the device they had built to track and manipulate Ethan's quantum disturbances. A concentrated beam shot toward Ethan's portals, causing them to warp and destabilize. The black circles on his body wavered, some of them dissipating as the strain grew too much.

But then Ethan tapped deeper into the spotted dimension, drawing more energy than ever before. The black circles solidified once more, glowing with an otherworldly intensity. His body became an immovable force as the portals expanded.

Captain Marvel had no time to react. With a single motion, Ethan opened a portal around her, and in an instant, she was gone...

Disappeared into the spotted dimension.

"No!" Steve Rogers shouted as he sprinted toward Ethan, but it was too late. Ethan had won this round.

The battlefield fell silent for a brief moment, but the tension was palpable. Thor, still holding Mjölnir high, stared at Ethan, his eyes narrowing. "What have you done?"

Ethan turned to the remaining heroes, his voice cold and confident once again. "She'll be the key to unlocking my true potential."

But before he could make his escape, Doom stepped forward once more, fury in his voice. "You will not leave here with that power, Spot. I warned you."

With a sweep of his hand, Doom summoned a storm of technological and magical might, sending tendrils of energy toward Ethan. The ground cracked beneath the weight of the attack, but Ethan didn't flinch. His black circles absorbed the magic effortlessly, redirecting Doom's own power back at him.

"Fool," Ethan said calmly, his gaze fixed on Doom. "You thought you could control me. But now you'll pay the price."

Thor, Tony, and the others quickly regrouped. They knew the situation was desperate. Captain Marvel was gone, trapped in the spotted dimension, and Ethan was becoming stronger by the second.

But this wasn't the end. Not yet.

"We can't let him leave with Carol's energy," Tony said, his voice hard "If he taps into her power, we're finished."

Thor nodded grimly. "We must stop him, now, before it's too late."

The heroes charged once more, their determination unwavering. But Ethan was no longer interested in playing their game. He had what he needed. With a final glance toward Doom and the Avengers, Ethan opened a massive portal, disappearing into the void, taking Captain Marvel with him.


As Ethan vanished, the battlefield fell into a stunned silence. The heroes, battered and bruised, exchanged glances, knowing the gravity of what had just happened.

Nick Fury's voice cut through the silence, the edge of frustration clear. "We need to find him. Build whatever you need, Stark. We're going after him."

Tony nodded, already formulating a plan in his head. "We'll need a ship, something fast enough to track him through space."

"And I'll be joining you," Thor said, his voice steady. "This battle is far from over."

The race was on. Ethan was heading beyond Earth, and the heroes would have to follow him across the stars.