
Marvel: The Spot

[DISCLAIMER] Read the tags. ---- Ethan was once a brilliant scientist, working alongside others to unlock the secrets of the multiverse. But when a critical experiment goes awry, he is betrayed and blamed for the failure. Fired and left with nothing, Ethan seeks revenge, hacking the collider and setting in motion an event that will change everything. In a fateful moment, the collider malfunctions, ripping a hole in space and time, pulling Ethan into the very void of existence. Reborn in a strange new form with white skin covered in swirling black circles, Ethan gains the ability to manipulate these voids, warping reality itself. Now, as "The Spot," Ethan finds himself caught between dimensions, discovering powers far beyond his imagination. But with great power comes great instability, and his thirst for chaos may threaten the entire multiverse. ---- No: Romance, Yaoi, Yuri, Smut, dumb mc. Yes: Villain with an agenda, action, genius mc, marvel multiverse, chaos. AU Novel The updates depends from you.

Concept_Author · Película
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25 Chs

Chapter 11: Threat and X-Men

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The streets were in ruins. Fires burned in the distance, and civilians screamed for help as the heroes struggled to recover from the devastation. Electro was down, captured in Black Panther's vibranium net, but the true threat, the one they hadn't been able to contain, was already gone.


Later that night, Ethan returned to his hotel, his body aching from the toll of the fight. He slipped through a portal and collapsed onto the bed, his mind racing with the events that had unfolded. The rush of battle still pulsed through his veins, but there was something more... satisfaction. He had tested his limits and had come out stronger, even if it had cost him.

Turning on the TV, the news was already buzzing with reports of the chaos in Manhattan. The headline read: "Unknown Villain Unleashes Havoc, Electro Apprehended, New Threat on the Rise."

Ethan smirked as he watched various interviews and reactions flash across the screen.

"We've never seen anything like this," one reporter said, standing in front of the wreckage. "The destruction caused is catastrophic, and we're still gathering details. Authorities believe a new villain, known only as 'The Spot,' is responsible for much of the damage."

Another screen cut to footage of civilians reacting to the battle.

"I saw him open these black holes and just... throw things! It was insane!" a woman said, wide-eyed.

"This guy doesn't care about anything, people got hurt!" another man shouted, his face red with anger.

The camera shifted to a press conference where Nick Fury stood at the podium, his expression cold and calculating. "S.H.I.E.L.D. is on high alert," Fury stated, his voice firm. "We have identified the threat and are working alongside the Avengers to neutralize it. The individual responsible for today's events is highly dangerous, and we are prepared to deal with him."

Back at the Avengers compound, Tony sat at the table with the team, watching the same news footage. His face was set in a grim expression as he leaned forward, folding his hands.

"We underestimated him," he said flatly. "And we paid for it."

Captain Marvel, now out of her battle gear, crossed her arms. "We can't let that happen again."

Black Panther nodded in agreement. "He will return. Next time, we will be ready."

As Ethan watched the broadcast from the safety of his hotel room, a cold smile played on his lips. They were preparing for him, but they had no idea what they were truly up against.

This was only the beginning.


The aftermath of the battle in Manhattan echoed far beyond the destroyed streets. As the footage of Ethan, now known as "The Spot," spread across various media outlets, it quickly made its way to the secluded halls of Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. The tension in the air inside the mansion was palpable, as the main team of the X-Men gathered around their leader, Professor Charles Xavier.

Xavier sat at the head of the conference table, his expression a mix of deep thought and concern. Around him were some of the X-Men's best: Cyclops, Jean Grey, Storm, and Beast, among others. In the center of the table, a holographic display flickered to life, replaying key moments of Ethan's chaotic battle with the Avengers. The vivid imagery of collapsing buildings and swirling portals made the room feel heavy.

Scott Summers, Cyclops, leaned forward, his eyes hidden behind the iconic red visor but his jaw clenched tightly. "This guy… he's dangerous," he said, his voice low but filled with intensity. "You saw what he did. He doesn't care about people, doesn't care about the destruction he's causing."

Jean Grey, standing beside him, nodded. Her face showed concern, but beneath that, there was a layer of intense focus as she mentally reviewed the battle. "He moved through the fight like the civilians weren't even there. That level of detachment is unsettling, even by our standards."

Storm, always calm and collected, folded her arms as she watched the footage replay again. "His powers are unpredictable. Those portals… they're not like anything we've faced before. If he can move between places with that kind of ease, no one is safe. He could be anywhere, at any time."

Beast, who had been quietly studying the quantum readings on another screen, spoke up. "The energy signature is unique. It's unlike any mutation we've encountered before, but the disruption to space-time is very real. If his control over these portals improves, he could destabilize entire regions, or worse."

The room fell into a tense silence as the team absorbed the gravity of the situation. Professor Xavier, his steely gaze fixed on the pitch black portals in the footage, finally spoke. "The Spot's powers are not just dangerous, they are a threat to the very fabric of reality. If he continues unchecked, the chaos he creates could ripple across the world, or even further."

Cyclops leaned back in his chair, his arms crossed tightly over his chest. "We should have been there. The Avengers might be used to dealing with big threats, but this guy... he's different. He's not just another supervillain; he's playing a game they're not ready for."

Jean placed a calming hand on Scott's shoulder, her fingers lightly tracing the tension in his muscles. "We'll get involved, Scott, but we need to be smart about this."

Charles Xavier turned to his team, his voice calm yet resolute. "I agree. The time has come for us to step in. This isn't just the Avengers' problem anymore. The Spot's potential is a threat to everyone, mutants, humans, and beyond. I'll reach out to the Avengers and offer our help."

Cyclops stood, his hands clenched into fists. "This guy already crossed the line, Charles. I'm ready whenever you are."

"Patience," Xavier said gently, his voice holding an air of wisdom. "We must approach this carefully. The Avengers are likely already planning their next move, but they need to understand just how serious this is."

The rest of the X-Men nodded in agreement. The sense of urgency was clear, but the X-Men were used to playing the long game, always watching, always waiting until the right moment to act. Xavier wheeled himself toward the communications room to make contact with the Avengers.


On Patreon i have 20 advanced chapters, if you want more you can visit there.

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