
Marvel: The Spider in Endless Sea of Possibilities

We all know the story of Spider-Man, and most of all we know the famous quote from our childhood that we are still reminded of today, "With great power comes great responsibility," And with these words Spider-Man swears to always protect the innocent from evil, and in every universe or even in every alternate world, Spider-Man is a hero who saves everyone by sacrificing his own happiness for the sake of others... A difficult life, full of sacrifice and pain, never achieving anything he can truly call his own. With a distorted sense of values in which he finds self-worth only by helping people without any compensation, feeling that the very act of "helping people" is he reward... The story of Peter Parker who lost Uncle Ben during one of his many battles, or even because of his double life he cannot make his relationship with MJ or even other women in his long hero's life. But what if this time things would be a little different than usual? A different Spider-Man takes on the mantle, this one a Spider-Man who will not take shit from anyone will not have the cursed luck of any Peter Parker or any other being with the same powers. A boy died, without knowing the cause. That should have been the end, but unfortunately, or maybe fortunately for him, it was only the beginning of something really very big. Having no memory of his past life or any information about why he had been reborn, he had no intention of making a life sacrificing himself to others. This was his story! And he will not allow anyone to decide his path in this universe. Reborn of the world in the Marvel universe, one of the most dangerous worlds in fiction. As the only Spider-Man in that universe, but also with abilities never before seen in any single world that make him unique and much more special than any other spider-shooter. But living in a world with man-eating monsters, people who have the ability to manipulate reality, dimensional beings who try to eat his insides or even kill him... To avoid all this, he will become the strongest Spider-Man in every single alternate universe. "Web of life and fate?" Amused laughter. "Even at the cost of recreating every single reality with my own hands, I will not allow myself to live a miserable life! And I will write with my blood my own history...."

Demon_King22 · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
18 Chs

Chapter - 8


Chapter - 8: Mary Jane Watson


Mary Jane Watson - Pov

As I left the house, I checked my phone and saw a message from Harry, saying he couldn't pick me up in his car today due to a prior engagement with his father.

"Ugh, not again," I muttered to myself, feeling slightly annoyed but not entirely surprised. Harry had been getting busier lately, and it seemed like hanging out with him had become increasingly difficult.

Arriving at the bus stop, I noticed Jason standing, waiting for the same bus.... He was my classmate, but honestly speaking I didn't know much about him.

He had never been very interested in high school social drama or even just other teenagers his age.

Last year when Flash was picking on him. He just looked bored, and he always wore that look like he was looking at a simple bug.... So yeah, this kid really gives zero shit about what other people think. I wish I was more like him.

So my impresion of him. He was all I know beyond the fact is that very smart and a really hot aunt who could give me and my fellow cheerleaders a run for our money.

But memories of our last "meeting" at school flashed through my mind and I couldn't help but have several thoughts about him.

The way he had dealt with Flash was really amazing, his strength and especially his hidden confidence added layers of intrigue to the nerdy guy I thought I knew.

But as I approached him and offered a friendly smile, Jason completely ignored me, and that irritated me a bit. I mean, I was Mary Jane Watson – a popular girl with many friends and admirers.

Being ignored was not something that happened often, and I wasn't sure how to react to it. Feeling a mix of frustration and curiosity, I took a deep breath and decided to engage him in conversation anyway.

Maybe it's because I'm too used to having guys always want to prolong their talk with me or be annoyingly persistent.

Interesting... When did I become such a bitch? Well, high school really did wonders' I shake my head at the thought and, despite myself, chuckle a little.

"Hey, Jason. It's been a while since we talked. How are you doing?" I asked, hoping to break through the invisible barrier he seemed to have put up.

He glanced at me briefly, but his response was short and distant. "I'm fine, thanks," he replied, then turned his attention away, seemingly more interested in something happening on the other side of the street.

My annoyance grew, but I didn't want to let it show. "Alright, well, if you ever want to chat or hang out, you know where to find me," I said, trying to sound nonchalant.

"Sure," was all he said in response, his eyes fixed on the approaching bus.

As the bus arrived, I couldn't shake off the feeling of being brushed aside. After all, I had put myself out there, trying to understand Jason better, and he had practically dismissed me. It was an unfamiliar situation for me, and a part of me didn't like it at all.

Throughout the bus ride, I found myself pondering over the encounter. Maybe Jason was just a naturally reserved person, and I was reading too much into it. Or perhaps he didn't want to get involved with someone like me, given my social circle and reputation.

But despite the irritation I felt, I also found myself drawn to his mysterious side. There was something more to Jason, something deeper, and I couldn't help but be intrigued by that aspect of him.

As the bus ride continued, I couldn't help but observe the other students around us. Despite the recent incident with Flash, no one seemed to approach Jason or even mention what had happened. It was as if the whole confrontation had gone unnoticed, which surprised me.

Normally, in a high school setting, rumors and gossip would spread like wildfire, especially when it involved someone standing up to a notorious bully like Flash.

But there was an air of respect and distance around Jason that made people think twice before engaging with him.

As I watched him sitting there, I couldn't deny the maturity that seemed to radiate from him. It was as if he were an adult surrounded by children, including myself, and that realization left me feeling somewhat embarrassed.

Here I was, a popular girl with many friends, yet I couldn't handle a simple encounter without being slightly affected by it.

It made me wonder what else I had missed about Jason. There was definitely more to him than met the eye, and I couldn't shake off the feeling that I had underestimated him all this time.

As the bus reached our school, the students began to disembark, and I couldn't help but glance at Jason once more. His composure and lack of concern about what others thought of him intrigued me.

I, on the other hand, had always been conscious of how I presented myself and what others thought of me. Being popular came with its own set of expectations, and I couldn't help but wonder if that was why I was drawn to Jason's mysterious aura.

As I arrived at school, I noticed Jason talking to my friend Jessica Jones. They seemed to be engaged in a comfortable conversation, and I couldn't help but watch them from a distance. There was something about the way they interacted that made me feel a twinge of jealousy.

Jessica was known for her outgoing and confident personality, and it seemed like she and Jason were having no trouble conversing. I couldn't help but wonder why he seemed more at ease with her than he had been with me.

As I observed Jessica Jones and Jason from a distance, frustration and jealousy gnawed at me. She had a tall, athletic build that was undoubtedly very sexy, with her biggest feature being her big ass, and even I couldn't help but give her a long look.

Her long, tousled black hair perfectly framed her face, accentuating her piercing blue eyes that seemed to give off a strong, confident attitude that exuded a sense of self-worth.

It was obvious that he did not conform to typical high school stereotypes.

On the contrary, I couldn't help but try to compare myself to her. I had a petite frame, and less muscular, but one that the boys seemed to really like. With long, flowing red hair that ran in waves down my back.

Besides my big ass that was always looked at with intensity, my green eyes had always been considered one of my best features, I did not feel inferior to her at all.

Was it because she was less popular and did not have the same social expectations as me? Or was there something else about her that attracted him?

Feeling like a bit of a pervert for watching them from afar, I shook off the jealousy and tried to focus on my own day. After all, I had my friends and social circle, and there was no reason to get hung up on someone like Jason.

Feeling like an outsider, I decided to retreat to my usual group of friends, Liz Allan and Sally Avril, who were busy chatting and laughing together.

Liz was the epitome of the popular cheerleader, with her perfect brown hair and radiant smile. She was always well put together and effortlessly charismatic.

Sally, on the other hand, had a more eccentric and bubbly vibe. Her blond hair was very often left long to flow and she had a fondness for unique accessories that highlighted her personality.

As I joined them, they welcomed me with warm smiles, and the conversation flowed effortlessly. They were my friends, and I cherished the bond we shared. And the lunch period continued, I tried to push away my jealous thoughts and focus on the present moment with my friends.

My curiosity about Jason and Jessica's interaction continued to nag at me. Unable to contain my thoughts any longer, I finally decided to bring it up with my friends.

"So, um, did you guys notice Jason talking to Jessica earlier?" I asked hesitantly, trying to sound casual.

Liz, with her confident and self-assured demeanor, immediately chimed in, "Oh, I saw them chatting. It was cute, I suppose. But let's be real, Jason doesn't stand a chance with someone like Jessica. She's way out of his league."

Sally, with her artsy and slightly aloof attitude, scoffed, "Seriously, he thinks he stands a chance with her? He's just a typical nerdy guy, and she's way out of his league."

I frowned, feeling a sense of frustration and irritation rising within me. I decided to challenge their arrogant views. "You know, it's not fair to judge Jason like that. He's actually pretty interesting, and you both witnessed how he stood up to Flash the other day."

Liz raised an eyebrow, looking unimpressed. But there was a flicker of fear in her eyes as she responded, "Oh, please. It was probably just a fluke. He's still just a shy nerd, no matter what he did that one time."

Sally nodded in agreement, her aloofness masking a hint of unease. "Seriously, MJ, I don't get why you're even bothered by it. It's not like Jason is anything special. He's just a typical nerdy guy."

I took a deep breath, trying to remain composed despite their condescending remarks. "You're both missing the point. Jason has more to him than you think. He's not just some pushover, and he's not afraid to stand up for himself when he needs to."

A sense of fear became more evident in Liz's eyes, and she tried to change the subject, "Well, if you say so. But let's drop this topic. It's not worth wasting our time on."

Sally added quickly, "Yeah, we're above all that nonsense. Let him deal with his own problems."

They were the ones who truly knew and appreciated me for who I was, and I shouldn't let the situation with Jason and Jessica overshadow that.

Throughout the day, however, I found myself stealing glances at them whenever I could. They seemed to have an effortless rapport, and it bothered me that I couldn't seem to establish the same connection with him.


A/N: New chapter, hope you enjoy it!

A little interlude, from Mary Jane's point of view as the main character, to show her thoughts toward our Jason.

Jessica Jones also makes an appearance!

The next chapter will be about them and then continue with the story.

Tell me what you think of the story with lots of comments to let me know what you think and what you would like to see or even some improvements I could make.

I will use some sources from some good Spider-Man comics, some of you may have already figured it out from some things, but please don't make spoilers for those who have not read the comics. Let the mystery remain.


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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