
Marvel: The Half-Blood Prince.

[(AU ) MARVEL X HARRY POTTER] ------ He looked at his masterpiece with an impassive look, one stained in blood, allowing himself to embrace the soothing touch of the rain, surrendering to the serenity of the moment. Memories flooded his mind, vivid recollections of all the lives he has taken. Of the chaos, he had sown. Among these turbulent memories, one memory stood out—the memory of his first sin. The sin that changed him forever. The sin that broke his fate, one that forced him to weave his destiny. The sin paved the path for his journey, marking the birth of 'The Half-Blood Prince.' He, who was once destined to be used and forgotten, must find the strength to sever the Cruel threads of Fate and find his destiny. One that he writes. But can he change his destiny? Will this world let him forge his path or will it crush him? _*_*_*_*_*_*_* (Necromancy) (Smut) (R18) (Shadows) (New magic) (Adaptivity) (Eldritch Magic) (Asgardian Magic) (Sorcery) _*_*_*_*_*_*_* This novel will have gore, sex, and battles, but they will come as the story progresses. Only when they are needed. This is not an instant op or overpowered character story that gets strong from just some training. Neither is Severus weak, to begin with. It will be relatively competent to strong. Like Marvel level strong. But it will take time since this is going to be a long novel. This will explore different magic disciplines in both HP and Marvel since Severus is a passionate researcher at heart for magic. Here I will try, *try* world-building for the Harry Potter universe while merging it with the Marvel universe. You will different types of magical arts of different cultures in the HP universe, so be ready. So, I hope you give this story a try and that I will be able to meet your expectations. _*_*_*_*_*_*_* Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/supes _*_*_*_*_*_*_* Discord Server: https://discord.gg/qSayPnpZ4A _*_*_*_*_*_*_* * The image does not belong to me.

Supes · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
57 Chs

Chapter 12. New Powers -1.

I found an empty room on the ground floor and decided it would serve as the perfect space for me to explore and understand my newfound powers. Once inside, I securely locked the door behind me, ensuring no interruptions during my experimentation.

Settling down at a desk, I summoned parchment, a quill, and ink to document my powers and existing expertise.

With utmost focus, I began listing my new powers one by one:

1) Shadows,

2) Something related to death.

3) Something related to physical change.

4) Something related to Magic.

Next, I detailed my existing areas of expertise:

1) Dark arts.

2) Defense Against Dark Arts,

3) Potions

4) Spell Creation

5) Charms

6) Herbology

7) Transfiguration (not the best, but soon I will be)

8) Arithmancy (soon I will be the best one. I promise)

9) Ancient Runes (I'm quite good at it)

10) Alchemy (self-taught, just began to study)

11) Martial magic (needs some practice.)

12) Occlumency (One year into practice, quite good, too good)

13) Legilimency (trying to do without the help of a wand)

14) Non-Verbal spells.

15) Proficiency in multiple languages.

Examining the comprehensive list, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride at my breadth of knowledge. However, I understood that mere knowledge was not enough—I needed to apply these skills effectively. And so, I resolved to test each power, one by one.

Entry #001

I decided to begin with my first power—SHADOWS.

But how could I properly evaluate this elusive ability? By chance, a starting point presented itself when I entered the room and noticed my own shadow. An idea sparked within me.

Closing my eyes, I focused on the image of two brushes I had thrown into the shadow. Although the room was brightly lit and devoid of any shadows, I could still feel the presence of those brushes.

Opening my eyes, I observed the enchanted lamp and extinguished its glow, casting a Lumos spell in such a way that no shadow was formed.

In the now brightly lit room with no shadows, I closed my eyes once more. Astonishingly, I still felt the brushes and that fucker's body, despite the absence of any visible shadows.

A realization struck me, and I promptly recorded it on the parchment:

"1) I do not require shadows to sense the presence of items stored within them."

Maintaining the illuminated environment, I attempted to summon the brush from the shadows, even though no shadow was presently cast. Initially, no result manifested. However, as I concentrated solely on the brush, it materialized in the palm of my hand.

Noting this development, I transcribed my findings:

"2) Shadows are not necessary to summon objects stored within them. They serve as an interdimensional pocket accessible only to me."

To further explore the capabilities of shadows, I adjusted the direction of the light source and positioned myself in a corner of the room. Placing a large table in such a way that it cast a sizable shadow, I focused my attention on the massive silhouette formed.

With measured steps, I approached the shadow, imagining myself entering its realm.

As my foot touched the shadow, it felt akin to stepping into the water—chilling and cold. Slowly, I placed my other foot within the shadow, allowing myself to be engulfed by its darkness.

Closing my eyes, I embraced the icy sensation that touched my cheeks. When I opened my eyes, I found myself in complete darkness. Clutching my wand tightly, I cast a Lumos spell, illuminating my surroundings. Yet, to my surprise, I saw only myself, the dead body, and the brushes I had left within the shadow—nothing else.

In this obscure realm, I felt adrift, floating with no solid ground beneath me. It was an expanse of unfathomable size, chillingly cold, and eerily silent.

When I wanted to move further into this bottomless abyss, I remained in the same place. No amount of flapping moved my body an inch.

Feeling a sense of familiarity, like this was a part of myself, an extension of my body, I will myself to move forward. Surprisingly, I moved. Then I willed for the body and brushes to switch positions, and they instantly did.

Unsettling as it was, I took note of my observations:

"3) The realm of shadows is vast, frigid, stagnant, and devoid of sound. It is an unpleasant place to reside. It is an extension of the body. For I am the lord of that realm. "

Desiring to return to the realm of light, I closed my eyes once more and concentrated on exiting the shadow realm.

Gradually, I ascended and emerged from the shadows, resurfacing in the familiar room. It was a relief to escape that bleak dimension.

Eager to delve further into my power over shadows, I experimented by creating two distinct shadows within the room. Entering the shadow realm through one and exiting through the other, I confirmed:

"4) Shadows can serve as doorways, though the time it takes to exit the shadow realm depends on my ability to navigate."

To gather more data, I ventured to the kitchen, procuring fruits which I then threw into various shadows within the room. Intrigued, I planned to leave them there for an extended period, along with some potions, to monitor their reactions over several days. Patience would unveil the impact of shadows on these items.

"Dobby," I called upon him, summoning him to my side.

"Yes, master. What can Dobby do for Master?"

"Just stand where you are,"

I tried to make the shadows swallow Dobby using the same method I did but it wasn't working.

My power doesn't seem to have an effect on living except for me. Checked again.

"5) The Realm of Shadows doesn't like the living. Exception: Me."

"What is the wrong master? Did Dobby do anything wrong?" Dobby inquired, in a bit less frightened tone than the last time.

"Do not worry, Dobby. I simply wanted to know your preferred colors. Tomorrow, I intend to purchase new clothes for myself, and I thought I could acquire some for you as well," I reassured him, changing the topic swiftly.

While I possessed the ability to transfigure clothing, I desired to partake in the current fashion trends, freely spending money—a luxury I had never truly experienced.

Dobby seemed taken aback by my words, his wide eyes glistening with a mix of confusion and concern. "Did Dobby do something wrong, sir? Why is Master considering freeing Dobby? Dobby will try harder, Dobby will become a great elf. Please, Master, there is no need to free Dobby."

Oh shit, I cursed inwardly. I had forgotten that giving clothes to house elves was often seen as a symbol of their liberation. I hurriedly corrected the misunderstanding, to allay Dobby's distress.

"No, Dobby, I am not freeing you," I assured him firmly, my tone filled with conviction. "I promised you before that I would transform you into the star of the elven race, did I not? This is just the first step. To fulfill that destiny, it is crucial for you to look presentable. So, tell me, what colors do you prefer? A prince's family elf should look distinguished, different from all other elves."

Dobby's tear-filled eyes widened with joy, his voice quivering slightly as he responded, "Dobby likes blue and white, Master."

"That was simple wasn't it, now leave me to my study and only disturb me once it is dinner time"

With that settled, I dismissed Dobby, instructing him to return only at dinner time. Alone once more, I continued my experiments, discovering that I could manipulate and extend shadows to a certain extent.

The more I practiced, the greater my control over this enigmatic power would become.

Entry #002 The Second Power — DEAD.

I pondered over how to test and explore this power, but the subject matter itself posed a challenge. Death and its mysteries were elusive, and I had only my own experiences to draw from—my father's demise and the burial of my mother.

Yet, these were not sufficient grounds for experimentation. I was determined not to embark on a killing spree, for though I had taken my father's life, I had no intention of becoming another Dark Lord.

Then, an idea struck me like a bolt of lightning: necromancy. It was a field of magic closely tied to the dead, and since I could sense their presence, perhaps there was a connection between necromancy and my own abilities.

Leaving instructions with Dobby, I departed from the mansion and made my way toward the nearby town.

The enchantments on my home rendered it invisible to muggles, diverting their attention as they approached.

It was on the outskirts of the town that I found a well-maintained graveyard, devoid of any visitors at this late hour.

As I stepped into the graveyard, I felt a familiar sensation—akin to the moments when I summoned objects from my shadows or entered into them.

It was an eerie feeling, one that beckoned me to explore further. I wandered among the graves, and some emitted a heavier sensation than others. These were the resting places of those who had recently passed away.

Drawn toward the source of the intense sensation, I eventually discovered the body of a dog, recently deceased and left behind.

My heart went out to the poor creature as I considered burying it properly. As I approached the dog's lifeless form, the intensity of the feeling grew, surpassing anything I had experienced before.

Something caught my attention, and I realized that my shadow had fallen upon the dog's body.

A crazy notion crossed my mind—could it be possible to employ necromantic magic? While I had not yet studied the intricate art, I possessed a rudimentary understanding of its spells and the creation of inferi, which involved dark enchantments and skills.

With a mixture of trepidation and curiosity, I uttered a few incantations that came to mind, trying to invoke the powers of necromancy.

"Wake up,"

"Back to the living,"

"To the land of the living. Necromancia."

Yuck, that was cheesy. Something a Gryffindorr would do. I couldn't help but think my attempts were feeble.

However, I focused my attention on the dog once more, and I felt two distinct sensations—the presence of my shadow and that of the dog.

There was a subtle resistance from the dog within my consciousness, prompting me to close my eyes and concentrate on its essence.

"ARISE!" I command.

When I opened my eyes, something astonishing occurred—the shadows cast by my form slowly engulfed the dog's body, like a living entity wrapping itself around the lifeless form.

After a few moments, the shadows dissipated, leaving the dog's body unharmed. From that lifeless body, a dark figure arose—a dog-shaped creature with an entirely black body and piercing blue eyes.

It crawled out of the dog's remains and approached me, it's tail wagging. It bore none of the mindless aggression or grotesqueness associated with inferi. Instead, it exuded an air of loyalty, its form radiating otherworldly darkness.

Lost in astonishment at my own actions, I failed to notice the dog rubbing its head against my legs.

Startled, I crouched down and hesitantly touched the dark figure.

While I could touch it, I noticed there was a notable difference from interacting with a living being—it lacked fur and warmth, its body soft and hollow, almost like touching air.

Breaking free from my stunned state, I exclaimed with a mix of excitement and disbelief, "I've resurrected a dead dog!"

But the elation soon waned as I realized the limitations of this power—it was not true resurrection.

The shadow creature and its form were intrinsically connected to me, an extension of my own control.

Recognizing the strain on my body from the resurrection, I made note of it as the first observation.

"1) I can resurrect the dead, but it puts a strain on my body."

The second revelation came as I discovered that these shadow beings could be stored within the shadow realm that had been growing inside me.

"2) These shadow beings can be stored in the shadow realm."

Determined to show my respect for the dead, I dug a grave for the deceased dog and laid its body to rest, grateful for the knowledge these experiments had bestowed upon me.

Reflecting on my powers, I acknowledged that they were not true resurrections, but rather a manifestation of my subconscious control over these shadow beings.

"3) It isn't true resurrection. I have a subconscious control over them."

Satisfied with my findings, I apparated back to my manor, where Dobby awaited, preparing dinner.

The weight of my newfound powers still occupied my thoughts, overshadowing the meal.

I sat at the dining table, distracted but unable to ignore the presence of food before me.

"Dinner is ready, sir," Dobby announced, his voice filled with loyalty and concern.

Lost in my own musings, I replied absentmindedly, "Thank you, Dobby." I made a mental note to assign him a room of his own, wanting to ensure his comfort.

As the evening turned into night, I retired to my room.

Seated at a table, I began writing letters to three individuals who could assist me in my quest for knowledge—Tor, Tonks Services, and Alchemist Nicolas Flamel.

I entrusted Tor with strict instructions to safeguard my identity and provided him with detailed tasks to fulfill.

In the letter to Nicolas Flamel, I highlighted the alterations I had made to potions and my expertise in transfiguration and chemistry. Having someone as accomplished as Flamel as a mentor in alchemy would be invaluable.

Under the pen name of Half-blood Prince, I wrote the Potion's book attached to the letters I sent to Tor, along with the necessary attachments and another letter specifically for Tonks Services.

Instructing Tor to deliver the second letter to Nicolas Flamel, I hoped that these correspondences would lead me further on my journey.

With Hermes dispatched to deliver the letters, I returned to my room and laid down to rest for a bit.

The realization that I possessed a power akin to necromancy sent shivers down my spine. It was a formidable ability that could bring about both benefits and dangers.

Uncertain of how these powers would shape me in the future, I resolved to abide by a code—an ethical framework that would prevent me from descending into darkness.

No longer dreaming of power or control over life and death, I closed my eyes and focused on the dog, feeling its presence within my shadow realm.

And just like that, the shadow dog emerged from the darkness, faithfully obeying my commands.





I continued to give it various commands, which it dutifully followed, behaving just like a living dog.

I offered it food, but it declined, affirming my earlier observation. It didn't require sustenance like a living being, but drew power from an unknown source that seemed to emanate from within me.

Another power was awakened—I could see and feel magical energies around me, a gift that warranted separate experimentation.

Observing these phenomena, I documented my findings:

"4) Doesn't need food but requires another source of power to exist in its shadow form, which is growing inside me."

With only two powers left to test, I resolved to delve deeper into understanding their nature and implications. But for now, the night had grown late, and I needed rest.

"Dobby, find yourself a room to stay in. I don't want any argument," I commanded.

"Dobby will do as Master tells," Dobby responded dutifully.

Returning to my room, I settled into bed, my mind still swirling with thoughts of life, death, and the powers I possessed.