
Chapter 11. Dobby.

[Prince Mansion]

Haunted by recurring nightmares of my mother's brutal demise, I made desperate attempts to find solace in sleep.

Yet, no matter how hard I tried, the same haunting images would jolt me awake, gasping for breath. Seeking respite, I eventually instructed Dobby not to wake me from my sleep. Employing a spell upon myself to induce a deeper sleep, I finally managed to rest undisturbed for a blissful fifteen hours.

As the intense afternoon sunbeams pierced through the window, I awoke with a heavy heart.

I made a vow to focus solely on the cherished moments spent with my mother, I endeavored to bury any thoughts of her tragic end. Alas, try as I might, the painful memories persisted.

"Perhaps I should find a way to erase these memories," a fleeting notion whispered through my mind, but I swiftly dismissed such a notion.

Instead, I found myself pondering the vial of her blood I had collected, now safely tucked away in my pocket. Ensuring its preservation, I had enchanted the flask to prevent its contents from deteriorating, as it held no usefulness beyond a certain timeframe.

Casting off the blanket that had enveloped me, I made my way to the bathroom for a refreshing bath. Emerging cleansed and rejuvenated, I discovered an array of clothes in the closet, a testament to the grandeur of the manor that now stood solely in my possession.

Donning suitable attire, I ventured towards the dining hall, my senses enticed by the aroma of a meal being prepared. There, I found Dobby diligently cooking lunch for me.

The mansion exuded an air of pristine cleanliness as if it had never been unoccupied in recent months.

Tor had seen to it that someone enchanted the manor to maintain its impeccable state following the passing of my grandparents.

I couldn't help but lament the absence of a magical portrait depicting my grandparents, for then I could have relished the opportunity to burn their portrait while mockingly reminding them that their half-blood grandson had inherited their wealth.

Seated at the dining table, I patiently awaited Dobby's culinary endeavors to reach fruition.

With grace and finesse, he served the meal before me, standing dutifully to the side in his white-torn attire. It struck me that I ought to procure some suitable clothing for him.

Breaking the silence, I invited him to join me at the table, insisting,

"Dobby, sit and share this meal with me." It was never in my nature to deny any being, regardless of their species, the basic courtesy they deserved. After all, they should not be treated as sub-human merely due to their dissimilar appearances. I firmly believed that any creature possessing intellect ought not to be relegated to the status of an animal.

House elves, in particular, fascinated me. Despite their inherent nature and outward appearance, they held an undeniable intrigue within the realm of magical research.

It pained me to witness the hypocrisy of wizards, decrying the mistreatment they faced for being different from muggles, yet perpetuating the same mistreatment upon other species.

Coming back to the Elf in question, Dobby hesitated, his wide eyes flickering with a mixture of confusion and gratitude. "But, Dobby is a bad elf, Master. Dobby shouldn't sit with the master," he stammered, his voice barely a whisper.

"Do not defy me, Dobby," I commanded, my tone brooking no argument. "Sit with me and partake in this meal. It is an order." It was the only way to make this subservient Elf do anything normal.

With trepidation, Dobby complied, settling himself upon a chair.

Yet, his gaze remained fixed upon the food before him, untouched and ignored. I sighed, for I had anticipated this behavior from an elf who had suffered under the mistreatment of the Malfoys.

If I wished for Dobby to continue serving me, I needed to effect a change within him. I desired a transformed Dobby, one who could rise above the limitations imposed upon house elves and pave the way for their liberation. I don't need an Elf that cries at the basic courtesy. I need Dobby to become a standard. A standard that could lead other elves out of their dark ages.

"Dobby, do you know why I chose to buy you from the clutches of the Malfoys?" I inquired, my voice gentle yet firm.

"Dobby doesn't know, Master," he replied, his voice a quiet murmur filled with both confusion and curiosity.

I paused, gathering my thoughts before continuing. "Dobby, I did not acquire your service solely for mundane tasks, though I am more than capable of attending to such matters myself. No, I sought you out for a higher purpose," I explained, my eyes gleaming with a glimmer of rebellion.

I have always been fascinated by the extraordinary wandless magic performed by elves and goblins. While goblins have had to adapt to wand usage due to the Ministry's restrictions, elves have wielded their magic without wands since time immemorial, though their knowledge remains limited.

My motivations, of course, extended beyond mere academic curiosity. I desired to exploit the resistance and hesitance that elves like Dobby harbored toward the families they served. If I could harness that reluctance, I might recruit them as my spies, gathering vital information from within the households they inhabited.

I did not wish to foment rebellion out of kindness or altruism, though the notion of doing something morally righteous did hold its appeal. My aim was to secure their freedom by utilizing their innate abilities, all while bolstering my reputation as the greatest wizard—one who championed the cause of the oppressed.

"Dobby, in you, I have seen a spirit of defiance, a spark of rebellion against the Malfoys that set you apart from other elves. You exhibited a reluctance to serve them, a resistance rarely seen in House Elves. And if you want me to set you free, I will let you go." "Dobby is sorry, master. Please forgive Dobby. Dobby likes to serve master prince, Master Prince kind." said Dobby, panicking.

"So, don't behave as you do at Malfoys, I won't hit you or punish you, I want you to change into someone who can help House-elves who are abused by the family they are serving," I revealed, taking a bite from the plate before me, my words laced with bait for Dobby to seize.

While Dobby showed resistance, he also showed that he cared about other Elves too. It seems he wanted to be a free Elf and wants those abused to be free as well. But since I showed him kindness, he is willing to serve me.I would have no problem freeing him, but he is not at that level yet to be someone who can make decisions.

Dobby's demeanor shifted, his panic subsiding, and he spoke with a hint of hope in his voice. "Master Prince, you mean to help house-elves like Dobby?" he questioned, his voice tinged with disbelief.

"Yes, indeed. I intend to aid them," I confirmed, my eyes meeting his gaze steadily. "However, in order to effect true change, you must alter your behavior. You must become an example for other elves, showing them that they too can break free from their chains. You must demonstrate that they can be integral members of society, regarded as equals. Tell me, Dobby, do you wish to continue wearing tattered garments and enduring punishment for insignificant mistakes? Do you desire to witness the heads of your fellow elves hanging as grotesque trophies upon the walls? There are those who treat elves with kindness, but they are a minority. Many ignore. Most lack the courage to advocate for change. Most importantly, Most do not care."

As I spoke, a surge of honesty swelled within me. The mistreatment of house elves struck a personal chord within me, reminding me of my own past struggles. I had chosen to turn a blind eye to the injustices by the purebloods, so consumed was I by my own circumstances.

But now, I had the power to rectify that oversight, to transcend the binary choice between supporting pureblood ideals or advocating for the rights of Muggles. I could forge my own path, one that addressed the wrongs inflicted upon me and others for my benefit as well as theirs.

I finally understand no one can help me if I can't help myself.

"Do you wish those who turned a blind eye, those who lack the courage to stand up for others, to lead a rebellion on behalf of your kin? Or will you be the one to rise above, to save them yourself?" I queried, the intensity of my voice matching the fire of hope rising in Dobby. "If you are willing, I shall lend you my assistance. Teach you to be the person who can lead the House Elves out of their misery. I will teach you to create a land of free Elves. Free from shackles that bind them, free from the abuse, and free from their destined fate. I will teach you freedom."

"Dobby will do as Master says," he declared, his voice filled with determination and hope. "Dobby wants to help other elves, Dobby doesn't like how elves are treated. Dobby becomes an example to other elves as the master says. Dobby thank you, Master. You are truly the greatest. Dobby considers himself lucky to serve you."

With a burst of joy, Dobby clapped his hands together, tears glistening in his eyes. The transformation had begun, and I couldn't help but smile. Yes, I had found my elf champion, and this newfound determination would carry us forward.

"Fear not, Dobby," I assured him, extending a napkin to wipe away his tears. "For I shall make you the most powerful House elf that has ever lived."

Dobby's eyes sparkled with excitement as he danced around, his high-pitched voice filling the room. "Dobby will be the most Powerful Elf. Dobby will free the Elves. Dobby will learn from the master!" he exclaimed, overwhelmed by the basic empathy shown to him.

"The master is truly the greatest. Dobby is happy to serve the master," Dobby replied, his voice filled with genuine gratitude.

I marveled at the notion that power and kindness could coexist, realizing that one did not have to sacrifice their humanity to achieve greatness.

My mind drifted to the words of my mother, the wisdom she had imparted upon me. "Those who bully the weak will never know the strength of the strong," she had said, reminding me of the importance of empathy and compassion.

And Mrs. Evans, who had taught me to be cautious but not let it erode my capacity for kindness. Her words echoed in my mind, "You don't have to be cautious to show kindness, but be prepared to face betrayal and ungratefulness, for this world is filled with rotten scum. Careful not to be one of them. But remember, this world is as beautiful as it is rotten."

I reflected on my choice to not become a Death Eater, realizing that while I sought vengeance against those who had made my life miserable, I also desired personal change.

I wanted to be better than my father, to rise above the darkness that had surrounded me.

The genuine kindness shown to me by Lily and Cissy touched my heart, and I felt grateful for the love and kindness they had bestowed upon me but my darkness clouded me from realizing that I had others who cared for me.

Lost in my thoughts, I realized that I had often distanced myself from others, wary of their motives due to the early prejudice I faced as a Slytherin. While I had made some friends, the friendships didn't compare to the deep connection I had felt with Lily and Cissy. I had let caution dictate my interactions, denying myself the chance to experience the genuine goodness that existed in the world.

I felt grateful Evans Couple, for I have dreamt of them as my parents. For they have shown me the kindness this world had to offer.

With a smile, I looked at Dobby's enthusiastic demeanor, realizing that I needed to embrace these emotions and be more responsive to those who showed genuine goodness.

The grief of losing my mother still lingered, but I knew that with time, I would come to terms with it as I am going to bring her back.

Project Dobby. I will transform Dobby into a shining example for all elves to envy and admire. He will become the star of the Elven race.

"Tell me, how does your magic work?" I asked, bringing the dancing Elf to a halt.

Confusion flickered across Dobby's face. "Dobby doesn't understand," he admitted, his voice tinged with uncertainty, yet he didn't beat himself up. An improvement.

I clarified my question, knowing that Dobby might not possess a deep understanding of the intricacies of magic. "What I mean is, how do you perform magic without a wand or incantation? Were you ever taught how to use magic? What do you think about when you perform magic? Do you think you can perform magic if I give you a wand?"

Dobby shook his head, expressing his lack of knowledge. "Dobby isn't worthy of a wand. Dobby doesn't need one. House-Elves simply think about what we want magic to do, and it happens. Some things we can do, some things we can't. Dobby can apparate but can't create food, for example. Dobby only knows a few specific tasks like washing dishes, cleaning, and levitating plates. Dobby doesn't know how house elves perform magic; we just do. Sorry, master. Dobby feels useless," he explained, his voice laced with a hint of sadness.

I pondered his response, realizing that elves possessed a unique ability to focus their magic but were limited in their range of skills. The Ministry had prohibited elves and goblins from using wands, but many wizards worldwide had developed alternative methods for spellcasting based on their cultural backgrounds.

"No, Dobby, your insight is valuable," I reassured him, continuing to eat my lunch.

After this conversation, I came to the conclusion that the Elves are neither better at magic than wizards nor focused enough to do wandless magic but they are born with the ability to focus magic better than any other wizards or creatures, which is already limited by their inability to be innovative with their magic and as told by Dobby they can't do everything, they too have limitation.

After finishing my lunch, I felt a surge of determination to set up my own potion laboratory and explore the library within the manor.

However, I realized that I had forgotten an important matter I wanted to discuss with Dobby.

"Dobby, you can apparate into Malfoy Manor, can't you?" I inquired, to plan my next move.

"Yes, I can, master," Dobby confirmed, his large eyes fixated on me.

"Good. I want you to apparate into the manor when the Malfoys are not at home and retrieve some books from their library. You must already know their schedule from your time serving them, so you can determine the best moments when they are away or asleep. I understand if this task makes you uncomfortable, but I can brew you an invisibility potion if it would help," I explained, watching as a flicker of fear crossed Dobby's face.

Dobby, showing newfound bravery, responded, "No, master. Dobby will do it."

Relieved by his willingness, I knew that Dobby's ability to apparate would be an advantage in obtaining the books I sought. While the Malfoys possessed a vast library that likely held knowledge on various subjects, including Dark Arts, their library lacked additional safety enchantments due to the manor's existing protections against intruders. Dobby, having recently been freed from their service, still retained access to the library.

In my quest to transform Dobby through Project Dobby, I intended to collect books not only from the Malfoys but also from other pureblood families. Many of these families possessed secret tomes, passed down through generations, containing valuable knowledge that often remained untouched.

While it may seem like theft, I believed that such books should not languish on dusty shelves but instead, be used to further the betterment of magic.

Leaving the dining table behind, I embarked on the search for a suitable room within the manor that could be transformed into a potion laboratory. Eventually, I stumbled upon a room on the second floor with a few tables.

"Dobby, make these tables disappear from this room," I instructed, observing his actions closely.

With a snap of his fingers, the tables gradually vanished, confirming my theory that house elves possessed incredible magical abilities when properly instructed.

I planned to teach Dobby how to harness his magic effectively, knowing that as long as I treated him with care and kindness, he would remain loyal.

"Have you ever attempted to conjure a glass out of thin air before?" I asked, curious to gauge Dobby's abilities.

"No, Master. Dobby has never tried," Dobby replied honestly.

"Give it a go. Visualize the glass and try to conjure it. Only the glass, do not think of anything else." I urged him, presenting a glass as a reference.

Dobby made several attempts, but the structures he conjured were imperfect and shattered. Disheartened, he expressed his belief that he was useless.

"No, keep trying. Look at this glass and try to imagine it," I encouraged him, determined to bolster his confidence.

With a snap of his fingers, Dobby successfully conjured a perfect replica of the glass, surprising both of us.

"That was excellent. From now on, I will be your teacher," I declared, pleased with his progress. Sending Dobby away to set up the laboratory, I transfigured the shelves to my liking and arranged the potion ingredients I had purchased.

As I finished setting up the lab, I retrieved the cauldron I had acquired the previous day from my pouch and placed it on one of the tables. Finally, my laboratory was complete.

With my mother's blood flask safely preserved and stored back in my pouch, I contemplated the need to modernize the mansion for keeping up with the Muggle world, including installing internet access. Perhaps I would seek the assistance of Tonks services to make these arrangements.

Now that my laboratory was prepared, it was time to put my newfound powers to the test and explore their capabilities.


Give me my STONES.

Next chapter