
Marvel: The Ghost

Alexander, an average human, died in our modern world, as he floated in nothingness, he met an unknown being who sent him to the MCU as a Kryptonian without his consent. Join Alexander on his extraordinary journey, being the only Kryptonian in the universe as he unravels the secrets and wonders of this vast universe, navigating its intricate tapestry of heroes, villains, and cosmic forces. Prepare to be captivated as the mystery of the universe unfolds before your eyes, immersing you in a thrilling adventure unlike any other. Get your advanced chapters on: patreon.com/hairypotah

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Chapter 33: Shift in Command

Hearing Thor's confirmation, a flicker of relief crossed Alex's eyes.

"Alright, let's divide our tasks accordingly," he began, his voice focused and determined.

"Tony, Hawkeye, I need you to eliminate those soldiers. Your respective weapons should be well-suited for the job," Alex instructed, addressing Tony and Clint.

Clint nodded in agreement, directing his attention to Tony. "Alright, Mr. Stark, can you give me a lift?"

Tony swiftly descended, offering Clint a means of reaching the desired vantage point.

"Let's get to work," he replied, his tone brimming with readiness.

Observing their immediate readiness and cooperation, Alex's nod carried a sense of approval.

Alex shifted his attention to Hulk and Thor, directing their focus to the towering creatures that had emerged from the portal moments ago.

Extending his finger, he emphasized his plan. "The three of us will handle those colossal opponents. Each of us takes down one."

Hulk responded with a resounding roar, his immense form bounding from one building to another, brimming with anticipation to face off against one of the Chitauri Leviathans.

Following Hulk's example, Thor, harnessing the power of Mjolnir, propelled himself into the air, soaring upward with his mighty hammer, prepared to join the fray.

"Cap, I need you to take command in evacuating the civilians." Alex's words pierced the air, directing Steve's attention toward him.

Steve's brows furrowed as he contemplated Alex's request. The sudden shift in command unsettled him as if someone had snatched away his purpose just as it was within his grasp.

Attempting to rationalize his feelings, Steve reminded himself that the team's success was paramount. Swallowing his pride, he reluctantly nodded, acknowledging the importance of protecting innocent lives in the midst of chaos.

Though Steve knew it was the right decision, a twinge of disappointment lingered in his expression.

He had always been a leader, the one to take charge, but now he found himself stepping back. It felt unfamiliar and uncomfortable, like relinquishing a part of his identity.

"Steve, I know you're more than capable of fighting off these soldiers," Alex acknowledged, his voice filled with empathy. "But right now, our priority is to ensure the safety of the civilians. We need your leadership and strategic expertise in coordinating the evacuation."

Meanwhile, Alex shook his head, understanding Steve's internal struggle. He recognized the conflict in Steve's eyes and empathized with the difficulty of the situation.

"But there are officers in charge of that," Steve protested, his voice tinged with frustration.

Alex nodded, acknowledging Steve's concerns. "I understand that, Steve. But the situation is chaotic, and we need someone like you to provide guidance and support on the ground."

Turning to Natasha, he sought a way to ease the tension and refocus their efforts.

"Can you connect us with the police's communication channel?"

Alex's request was direct, his voice tinged with urgency. Natasha swiftly retrieved her communication device, her fingers deftly maneuvering its controls.

Natasha couldn't comprehend the reason behind this sudden need, but the urgency in the air propelled her into action without further clarification.

As the voices from the police officers flooded the channel, Natasha listened intently, her ears picking up fragments of distress and urgency.

"Need backup on the seventeenth street!"

"Wait, the twelfth street also needs more people!"

"We have a few men down, need backup! We--"

The frantic pleas and scattered requests echoed through the communication channel, painting a vivid picture of chaos and danger.

Evidently, the situation on the ground was dire, and the overwhelmed officers desperately needed assistance.

Alex's attention shifted to Steve, who mirrored Natasha's confusion with a deep frown etched upon his face.

"They're panicking," Steve muttered, his voice laced with concern and determination.

He understood that the officers were facing overwhelming odds and needed someone to provide guidance and a steady hand.

Alex locked eyes with Steve, a sense of purpose and confidence emanating from his gaze.

"You're right. That's why they need you, Cap," he declared, acknowledging Steve's unique ability to lead, inspire, and bring order to chaotic situations.

Steve absorbed Alex's words, his expression shifting from confusion to resolve

Steve's gaze shifted from the chaotic communication channel to Alex, his mind processing the significance of maintaining a clear chain of command in times of crisis.

He understood that a well-organized evacuation plan could mean the difference between life and death for the civilians caught in the crossfire.

"Alright, take over the channel, make it one way, and give it to Capt."

Alex's words resonated with Steve, reaffirming the importance of establishing order amidst the chaos.

Steve's sense of duty and natural leadership qualities kicked in, and he accepted the responsibility of taking control of the communication channel.

With a determined nod, Steve took the communication device from Natasha, fully aware of the weight of the task at hand.

He knew that by streamlining the flow of information and providing clear directives, he could help mitigate panic and ensure a more effective response from the officers on the ground.

"Natasha, I also need you to get up there and try to close the portal using the scepter. Dr. Selvig should still be up there as well, try to wake him up and get him to help."

As Steve focused on his new role, Alex approached the group, his voice steady and determined. He outlined their objectives, emphasizing the need to close the portal using the scepter.

Natasha handed over the communication device to Steve, their silent exchange conveying a sense of trust and understanding. Steve took hold of the device, his posture straightening as he prepared to assume his leadership role.

"Great, Avengers! Let's get into action," Alex declared, his words echoing with a blend of urgency and determination.

And just like that, Alex disappeared from their sight, his movements a blur as he swiftly made his way up the buildings, a streak of determination slicing through the chaos.

The Avengers stood together, united in their purpose, ready to face the impending battle and protect the innocent.

Steve took a deep breath, centering himself as he activated the communication device.

Meanwhile, Natasha sprang into action, swiftly moving to fulfill her assigned task of closing the portal. With agility and determination, she maneuvered through the battlefield, weaving past debris and dodging enemy fire.