
Marvel: The Ghost

Alexander, an average human, died in our modern world, as he floated in nothingness, he met an unknown being who sent him to the MCU as a Kryptonian without his consent. Join Alexander on his extraordinary journey, being the only Kryptonian in the universe as he unravels the secrets and wonders of this vast universe, navigating its intricate tapestry of heroes, villains, and cosmic forces. Prepare to be captivated as the mystery of the universe unfolds before your eyes, immersing you in a thrilling adventure unlike any other. Get your advanced chapters on: patreon.com/hairypotah

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37 Chs

Chapter 30: Chitauri Leviathan

Alex swiftly moved through the building, using his extraordinary speed to blast through walls and obstacles. His focus was solely on rescuing the trapped civilians, one by one, as quickly as possible. The sound of crumbling walls and debris filled the air, a testament to the urgency and determination driving his actions.

Outside, amidst the chaos and panic, people witnessed blurred figures darting in and out of the building. The blurs were Alex, a blur of lightning-fast movement, as he carried the stranded individuals to safety.

Though the sight was indeed peculiar, with people appearing and disappearing in the blink of an eye, the urgency of the situation outweighed any curiosity or disbelief.

Faced with the imminent danger, the terrified onlookers cared more about their own well-being, fleeing the area in a desperate attempt to escape the unfolding catastrophe. The bizarre scene of people being plucked out of the building by an unknown force became a mere backdrop to their fight for survival.

"Thank you for saving me!" A grateful woman in her thirties expressed her gratitude to Alex as she was the last person rescued from the building.

"It's my duty, ma'am," Alex replied with a sense of purpose, knowing that his priority was to ensure the safety of those in need.

Realizing the urgency of the situation, Alex swiftly directed her toward the direction where the police evacuation team was stationed. Pointing the way, he advised, "You better follow the crowd in that direction. They'll guide you to safety."

The woman nodded, her eyes filled with relief and gratitude. Alex added with a final word of encouragement, "Stay with the group, and you'll be alright. Take care."

With that, he turned away, ready to continue his mission of rescuing more people and assisting in any way he could amidst the city's chaos.

Tapping a small communication device in his ear, Alex called out, "Pete? You there?"


Silence greeted him from the other end, causing a hint of worry to creep into Alex's mind.

However, knowing that Peter and his Aunt were likely not in the immediate vicinity of the chaos, he reassured himself that they should have been safely evacuated by now.

He hoped Peter had followed the emergency protocols and taken his Aunt to a secure location, away from the danger looming over the city. He trusted Peter's abilities and quick thinking.

And Alex wasn't really worried about Gwen, as she had informed him earlier that she was accompanying her mom to her relatives' place in Edison.

Knowing that she was out of harm's way provided a slight sense of relief amidst the chaos.

Closing his eyes, Alex concentrated on ignoring those panicking sounds as he tried to assess the situation through commands from the officers' communication devices amidst the chaos.

His enhanced hearing allowed him to pick up on the radio chatter, but he was met with a barrage of garbled and distorted voices instead of clear and coordinated instructions.

"...Fuck, these are too chaotic," Alex muttered under his breath.

The communication channels were overwhelmed with the sheer magnitude of the situation, causing confusion and hindering the coordination of the rescue efforts.

The sheer magnitude of the situation became even more apparent as he caught sight of a colossal Chitauri Leviathan emerging from the portal. Its monstrous form loomed over the city, adding another layer of danger to an already dire situation.

Aware of the urgency of the matter, Alex quickly assessed the situation and made a resolute decision. With a determined expression, he resolved to make his way to the heart of the chaos.

Setting his sights on the center of the turmoil, Alex leaped into action, his agile movements allowing him to navigate through the debris-littered streets with remarkable speed.

As he sprinted towards the impending danger, his mind focused, and his senses heightened to save civilians along the way.


Thor fought fiercely with Loki on the balcony of the Stark Tower, their movements filled with intensity and determination.

With a firm grip, Thor restrained Loki, forcefully turning his head to face the chaotic cityscape below. The echoes of screams and gunfire reached their ears, a haunting reminder of the devastation caused by Loki's actions.

"Look at the havoc you've wrought," Thor shouted, his voice laced with a mix of anger and disappointment.

Loki's gaze fixated on the scene unfolding before him, a somber silence enveloping him. He murmured, almost to himself, "It's too late."

Thor's grip tightened, but his voice softened, filled with a glimmer of hope.

"No, it's never too late. We can put an end to this together, as brothers should."

Despite Loki's penchant for mischief and chaos, Thor's love for his brother ran deep.

At that moment, familial bonds transcended the chaos and strife as Thor longed for reconciliation and a chance to save both their worlds from further destruction.


Thor's eyes widened in shock and disbelief as he felt the searing pain in his stomach.

Taking advantage of the vulnerable moment, Loki mercilessly plunged his dagger into Thor's gut. The betrayal cut deep, igniting a fierce rage within Thor's heart.

Driven by a surge of anger and betrayal, Thor forcefully pushed Loki away, sending him crashing to the ground.

The impact jarred Loki, causing his grip on the scepter to loosen, and the powerful artifact slipped from his hand, clattering to the balcony floor.

Thor stood over Loki, his expression a mix of pain and fury. The weight of their tumultuous history and Loki's treachery bore heavily on him. At that moment, the bond of brotherhood was marred by deceit, and Thor's heart ached with a complex blend of emotions.

Grimacing in agony, Thor clenched his teeth as he slowly withdrew the dagger from his wounded stomach. The pain seared through him, but he pressed on, determined to confront the chaos his brother had unleashed.

As Thor turned his attention back to Loki, he watched in despair as his brother slid off the edge of the building, smoothly landing atop one of the flying Chitauri creatures. Loki had found an escape route, using the chaos as a shield to slip away.

Thor's heart sank as he realized that his brother had slipped through his fingers again, aided by the army they were now battling against.

Helpless to stop Loki's escape, Thor stood there, feeling helpless as he was torn between duty and the deep-rooted bond he shared with his wayward sibling.