
Marvel: The Gene Collector

Alex, a seemingly ordinary guy, woke up one fateful day to find himself in a perplexing situation. He had been inexplicably transmigrated into the body of a teenager who shared his own name, Alex, but with a heart-wrenching twist – this Alex had perished in the unforgiving confines of a Nazi concentration camp. As the bewildered Alex tried to make sense of his surreal circumstances, a chance encounter with a boy known as Eric, who also bore the alias of Magneto, thrust him into a world beyond his wildest imagination. To Alex's astonishment, dormant within him was a unique genetic collection system, a latent power that had awakened with his newfound identity. It allowed him to wield an unparalleled advantage in his new world. As long as Alex could obtain a strand of the target's hair or any sample of their DNA, he possessed the uncanny ability to replicate and even enhance their extraordinary talents. With every strand of DNA he collected, Alex's powers grew, and the stakes soared ever higher. In this intricate dance of powers and principles, Alex's journey promised to be an electrifying tale of transformation, redemption, and the relentless pursuit of power and justice in the marvel universe where the extraordinary was the norm. But one profound question always troubled in his mind. "What will happen if I tie up Sebastian Shaw and throw him into an aquarium."

Midnight_Wonder · Película
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135 Chs

News from Bucky

After an extensive conversation with Steve, it was soon time for him to depart from the city and continue his performance in the next one.

Due to Alex's age and appearance, the young ladies of the singing and dancing troupe each took turns holding Alex, their feminine fragrance enveloping him along with their gentle touches. For the first time, Alex found comfort in being seen as a child.

During this time, Steve had risen to become a renowned star in the country. His fame reached far and wide, with Steve's posters gracing military camps and public spaces alike. However, Steve's standing among the soldiers left much to be desired, as they often treated him like a jester.

Two months later, the newly trained recruits were deployed to the front lines, stepping onto the European battlefield.

These two months allowed Alex to gain better control over his body and abilities, unlike the bewildered Magneto in X-Men who struggled without iron. Alex could now expertly manipulate magnetism and magnetic fields for various purposes, making it exceedingly convenient.

Since Howard was also heading to the European battlefield, Alex decided to accompany him. Howard wasn't overly concerned about Alex's safety, believing that as long as Alex didn't harm himself, no one in the world could pose a threat to him.

With his control over magnetic fields and energy absorption, Alex could withstand even a nuclear bomb blast, provided he wasn't at the epicenter of the explosion.

Howard, being both a scientist and an arms dealer, naturally followed the army.

During a military break, Alex once again encountered Steve, the captain of the United States and a popular idol. This time, Steve had come to the front lines to work diligently.

However, his well-prepared speech failed to impress the soldiers. The rugged men, unaccustomed to finer things, preferred the long-legged dancers. Discontented voices erupted among them, some even resorting to crass behavior like baring their bottoms and requesting Steve's autograph.

Laughter rang out as Steve stepped down from the stage with a heavy heart.

Following that, a group of graceful dancers took the stage, captivating the attention of the soldiers. These men had been confined to a barracks with no female presence for several months, and even though the surroundings were far from luxurious, the sight of these dancers seemed like a fairy tale come to life.

Not to mention, these dancers were not just good-looking; they were incredibly talented.

As the performance concluded, rain began to drizzle outside. Alex made his way backstage and observed Steve sketching with a pencil—a monkey riding a unicycle. Ironically, the monkey's costume was identical to Steve's own.

"The artwork is quite impressive," Alex commented as he glanced at the drawing.

"Like me, huh? I suppose I'm now akin to a circus monkey," Steve replied with a helpless smile.

A hint of confusion flickered in his eyes. He was a super soldier, not an entertainer, and he felt his strength should be put to better use.

"Well..." Alex hesitated before replying, "at least your performance is helping these folks earn their keep, right?"

"I feel it's the dancers who truly deserve the credit, not me," Steve stated matter-of-factly. With all those dancers in miniskirts, flaunting their long legs, the audience was more interested in their attire than his performance. Who knows what kind of role he was really portraying?

Alex found some truth in Steve's words.

Just then, Peggy approached, wrapping her arms around both of them. She cleared her throat and asked, "Steve, Alex, am I interrupting something?"

"Why are you here?" Steve inquired, puzzled. As an agent, she shouldn't have had time to visit him.

"I couldn't resist watching your performance," Peggy replied, taking a seat in another chair and adjusting her dress.

"Ah, I had to improvise. My usual audience consists of... ordinary folks and children," Steve explained somewhat cryptically.

Alex couldn't help but curl his lips. It seemed Steve wasn't quite the charmer when it came to socializing with women.

While the two friends conversed, an ambulance siren wailed in the distance, growing louder as it approached.

"They've been through a tough battle," Steve noted, looking at the wounded soldiers.

"These soldiers had it rough. Schmidt sent them to attack the village of Azano. Two hundred soldiers were sent to face the enemy, but fewer than fifty made it back. Among your audience, there are 107 survivors. The rest were either killed or captured..." Peggy explained.

Peggy's intention had been to help Steve understand the significance of his performance, but she was surprised when his expression grew uncertain, and he asked, "You mean the 107th Infantry Regiment?"

Peggy responded with confusion, "What's the matter?"

"My friend, 'Bucky,' served in the 107th," Steve explained as he abruptly stood up and rushed toward headquarters. He needed to find General Philip and learn what had happened.

(End of this chapter)


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