
Chapter 4

I'd been through a lot of different kinds of pain...

but now that I think about it, being a burden to my family, yeah...

that was the hardest of all...

Sitting in my wheelchair, I found that I was miserable and full of hate...

However, a ray of sunlight shone on me and suddenly I was...

joyful, strong, fast, unbreakable!

my body continued to absorb the sun's rays just like a sponge, at a crazy speed!

At first, it was easy to control, but very quickly it became difficult as the rapidity with which I absorbed them became faster...

luckily I still had some restraint on them but until when...

''Connor...'' who is that?

''Connor, something unexpected is happening... but you already know that, don't you?

Your cells are feeding off the sun's rays too quickly and you've become stronger than I anticipated...

Connor...your human limitations...are...out...of...control... ''


Opening my eyes to my ceiling, I felt myself falling straight to the ground!



''That voice.'' it was... the being.

''Connor! What's going on?!'' My mother shouted from outside my room.

Finding my bearings quickly enough, I sat up on the side of the bed. ''I... broke the bed...".

Immediately my mother walked in and looked at the split bed and sighed. ''Another one?! Connor... you know we can't...''

''I know mum, can't afford another one... sorry,'' I replied scratching the back of my head in guilt. "I have to sort this out...''

''no, Connor that's out of the question! You can't go off alone like that!" my mother was on the verge of tears.

''Mum..." I tried to plead but she came forward and hugged me.

''I don't want you away from us, you understand? And you have to go to school! You promised us." That's when her tears came...

I hugged her as gently as I could, however, she grunted in pain so I released her immediately as I got up and walked away. '' see! I'm getting too dangerous! Mum, I wasn't supposed to get this strong and this quickly...'' I started to scream but seeing that my voice was uncontrollable I lowered my tone instantly.

''I don't want to hurt you, I don't want to hurt anyone...''

She sighed as she wiped her tears and nodded.

I was about to start talking except when her nod made me realize that she was okay... ''For real?'' I raised an eyebrow.

''yes, if it's so you can control yourself then... okay, anyway your dad is already fine with it...'' she said with a forced smile.

''tonight... when the sun goes down, I'll leave, then once I figure out what's wrong then, I'll come back,'' I said already packing my things.


An indefinite time later.

« another one? » I looked up at the sun, to find that another solar flare was taking place...

a small inaudible laugh escaped my mouth, expelling the last gram of air stored in my lungs...

« Let's go home. » I immediately turned my gaze to my home, Earth...

I had solved my little 'problem' that wasn't really a problem...

a mixture of all sorts of things had awakened in me some things I didn't think possible...

although the sun seemed to be identical in every way to the one in my world, it was not...

And a dormant gene that wasn't supposed to exist had manifested itself in my body waking up from excessive solar radiation...

and finally, several solar flares in a short period of time have...

boosted! Doped up?

I honestly thought there were no mutants here, but I was obviously wrong!

It redefined my whole reality...


« terminus, everyone gets down! » I shouted in my mind as I entered the earth's atmosphere undetected by any technology.

In less than 5 seconds I was flying over the Pacific Ocean, I looked at my reflection in the waves with surprise...

I was taller it seemed, more muscular, and taller there...

my clothes had not survived the sun and the asteroid destruction!

So It was only after borrowing clothes somewhere on the west coast of the USA, that I flew back home...


I knocked on the door of my parent's flat with full control of my strength. ''Two minutes!" my father shouted from inside.

I wondered if he would recognize me...

before that, I was smaller than him...

But now.

the door opened. "Hello? What can I do for you?" my father asked politely.

''Hi, Dad...'' I said, holding back my laugh at the fact that he didn't recognize me.

"Co... Connor?!" he shouted with a more than shocked expression.


my mother held both my shoulders and looked me up and down, she was surprised, though the opposite would have been strange...

''so how was it? The sun...'' my father asked again surprised that I could 'survive' it.

''Hot, even for me... but strangely very comfortable and restful," I replied without hesitation.

My mother sighed. "To think that a few months ago... you were so...''

''weak?" I finished the sentence for her. "What?! No, you idiot! You were never weak, I was going to say fragile...''

''have you met any aliens?'' my father suddenly asked!

"Uh...not yet, but I did find this!'' I laughed at this out-of-the-blue question, and Taking out a pebble from my pocket I lifted it up in front of their eyes...

''What's a rock from... space?!" my mother asked with wide eyes.

A happy smile appeared on my face. ''This... is... Vibranium!''

''Vibrawhat?'' my father asked, which earned him a look from my mother...

''Vibranium, it's a highly coveted metal on the planet due to its rarity, however in space...

it's different!

If you know where to look, and if you have x-ray vision...

then it's not hard to find it in quantity...'' I replied with a smile.

sorry for the delay.

I wanted to announce that my other fanfiction will be posted later tonight and will be updated once a week.

the reason i'm late with this one is because i didn't really like where it was going, i thought it was cliché.

I also saw that a lot of people didn't like the fact that it was nerfed, so I thought of a way to make it stronger naturally.

anyway, thanks for reading!

XAMISIcreators' thoughts