
Marvel Starts with Asking Questions About Iron Man

  This is a translation!!!!! It's not my work. The author is a Star catcher.  A system comes to Marvel out of nowhere. Since then, the whole world has been painted in a different light. Thor: Who released the video of me getting hammered by Hulk? Get your ass out here! Hawkeye: Are you sure you call that a hammer blast? Loki says he has something to say about that. Hulk: I haven't even pushed hard yet and you're all down. Star-Lord: My divine body is comparable to that of a mortal? That's absolutely disinformation! Iron Man: Sorry, but my mortal body is equal to a god's! Captain America: No more pretending, my identity as America's Hip is revealed! Nick Fury: This is an absolute lie! How did my S.H.I.E.L.D. become Snake Shield? !!!!Again!!!! This is a translation! It's not my work. The author is a Star catcher.

Drakienek_Tiren · Película
Sin suficientes valoraciones
233 Chs

Chapter 220: Thor: Damn, Hela, the Goddess of Death, is my sister!

"It's Dr Strange!"

  Although the entirety of that figure was still hidden in the darkness because of the light, looking at the other party's silhouette and the way the cloak kept flickering, everyone in front of the screen also immediately judged who the other party was.

  "Thor Odinson!"

  In the darkness, the man's voice floated out as well.

  Sure enough, it was not beyond everyone's expectation, it was indeed Dr Strange's voice.

  The man's identity was in stone.

  The Thor on the screen obviously did not know Dr Strange, but looking at the other party's pushy appearance, he also knew that the other party was not a simple person, and his face immediately showed a look of caution.

  The umbrella that he was holding tightly in his hand was also slowly lifted, just so, right in front of Dr Strange.

  "That's an umbrella?"

  Dr Banner felt a little strange.

  It was a clear, sunny day on Earth, with not even a single dark cloud, so why would Thor be carrying an umbrella with him?

  And at that moment subconsciously raised the umbrella as if it were a combat weapon.

  "This outfit, this umbrella."

  After Tony Stark thought about it for a while, a look of realization appeared on his face, he had already recalled something.

  But at this point, everyone's attention was on the big screen, watching where the story was going, and Tony Stark didn't say anything more.

  "God of thunder."

  Doctor Strange landed just as slowly next to Thor, sweeping the umbrella in Thor's hand, "You can put it down now."

  Thor sized up Dr Strange for a few more moments before slowly placing his umbrella on the ground.

  Only at that moment, Thor's body stumbled again, and at the same time, the scene around him changed again accordingly.

  Thor surveyed his surroundings in some confusion and found that he had inexplicably appeared from the room he was in and was now in another room.

  "So Earth now, has wizards?" Thor asked as he swept a glance at Dr Strange and spoke.

  "Secret Mage, to be exact."

  "Okay Mage, who are you and what do you want with me?"

  "I'm Dr Stephen Strange and I have some questions I want to ask you." Dr Strange said to Thor, "Please sit down."


  With those words from Dr Strange, Thor stumbled again, and he subconsciously turned his head to see that he was in another room again.

  And he was sitting on a couch.

  Across from him, Dr Strange was also sitting comfortably on the couch.

  "This is Dr Strange, this is the magic?"

  It was the first time Dr Banner had seen Dr Strange's methods, and he couldn't help but exclaim in awe.

  This was too powerful for Dr Strange, to be able to control space so freely, to be able to complete the transfer of space with a single thought, was simply breathtaking.

  Thor is such a powerful man, but in front of Dr Strange, he is like a puppet on a string.

  He was at his "mercy", dazed from start to finish, unable to make any waves.



  Doctor Strange looked at Thor and asked.

  Immediately, Thor felt a weight in his hand, and a distinct touch coming from it, and he subconsciously raised his hand to see that a teacup had appeared in his hand somehow.

  "I don't drink tea!" Thor shook his head instead.

  "Then what do you drink?"

  "Not tea would be fine."

  Just after he had said that Thor found that the teacup in his hand had turned into a large wine glass, which was full of beer.

  Even those who had already seen Dr Strange's methods looked on in amazement.

  It was a real eye-opener, this miraculous trick.

  "I've been keeping an eye on people and things from other worlds because they could be a potential threat to this world."

  After serving Thor a drink, Dr Strange began to explain his purpose to Thor, "And that brother Loki that your family adopted, is one of them."

  "So Loki is adopted!"

  Tony Stark couldn't help but exclaim in surprise.

  Some of the other elderly people on the scene who answered the question were similarly a little surprised.

  There had always been speculation about Loki's birth.

  There was a good chance that he was not the child of Odin and Frigga, that he was born to a mistress, that he was given a phone bill, or that he was not Thor's half-brother.

  But no one had a definite answer.

  But here, unexpectedly, we get this answer, and Dr Strange clarifies Loki's origins for everyone: the other side was adopted by Odin.

  This may also explain why the two brothers' personalities are so different from each other.

  These two brothers, it turns out, are two brothers from different parents.


  Thor finished most of his beer in one gulp and shrugged, agreeing with Dr Strange, "He does deserve it."

  And at that moment, the drink, which had only a little bit of the bottom of the glass left, surprisingly gushed out of the bottom of the glass automatically like a fountain.

  The beer that had been drunk most of the way down once again became a full glass of beer.

  One could only say that Dr Strange's magic was just magical, simply omnipotent in general.

  "So why did you bring him to Earth?" Doctor Strange's voice rang out and he asked, his eyes fixed on Thor.

  "We were looking for our father." Thor was honestly truthful.

  "So ... if I tell you where Odin is, all concerned will return to Asgard?" Dr Strange asked in a pensive voice.

  "Of course, immediately," Thor replied with a straight face.

  "Excellent, then let me help you!" Dr Strange came to this decision very cheerfully.

  "If you know where he is, why didn't you call me?" Thor asked next but so.

  Everyone in front of the screen: "..."

  Calling Asgard from Earth?

  How dare you think, Thor.

  "Let me first make it clear that your father's desire not to be disturbed is so strong that he has chosen a period of self-imposed exile." Dr Strange explained with a straight face, "And secondly, you don't have a phone."

  Self-imposed exile!

  Dr Strange's words did a good job of explaining why Odin had disappeared in Asgard and left Loki to screw around in Asgard.

  It turns out that the old god-king was in self-imposed exile.

  Told you, with Loki, how could he possibly take on Odin?

  "Indeed, I don't have a phone, but you could send me an electronic message, that thing called an email." Thor's voice continued to ring out as he rightfully addressed Dr Strange.

  "And do you have a computer?"

  "No. What's that for?"

  Across the table, Dr Strange gave a heartfelt look to his face.

  "Forget it, my father's banishment ends here, you tell me where he is quick and I'll take him home right away." Thor once again squared his shoulders and said to Dr Strange.

  "No problem, he's in Norway!" Dr Strange said with unparalleled alacrity.

  The next thing he knew, he pulled off a strand of Thor's hair and opened a magical portal, sending the two brothers, Thor and Loki, to Norway, the place where Odin had exiled himself.

  After passing through the portal, Thor and Loki appeared in a turquoise meadow.

  Odin, on the other hand, was standing on the sea at the end of the meadow.

"This place?"

  Some of the older people who had experienced the question in question instantly looked familiar, and many more had already recognised it.

  "This seems to be the same place where Hela appeared! And the two brothers, Thor and Loki, are wearing the same clothes as they did then!"

  Captain America opened his mouth in a deep voice this time.

  With these words, Captain America could be said to have whetted everyone's appetite in the scene.

  Wasn't this a search for Odin's related images, and how did it involve Hela?

  Could it be that Odin's self-imposed exile is related to Hela?

  Could it be that ...

  Many people suddenly remembered something else, Hela had said something like, "So, he must be dead" when he appeared.

  At that time, no one knew who the "he" was that Hela was talking about.

  Now, however, they knew from the image of Odin's death that Hela might exist.

  With this question in mind, everyone continued to focus on the big screen.

  The two brothers, Thor and Loki, were fast approaching Odin's side.

  At this moment, Odin was no longer the dominant and kingly figure of a god-king, but rather an ordinary old man with a dying look about him.

  "It's us, Father!" Thor said heavily to Odin.

  "My sons, I have been waiting for you!" Odin exchanged a greeting with his two sons.

  "Father, we have come to take you home," Thor said once again to Odin.

  "Home, yes, your mother, she is calling me." Odin said so instead, "Do you hear?"

  But there was no sound anywhere on the scene anymore.

  "Loki, undo your magic!" Thor said at once to Loki.

  Loki, however, shook his head to the side, indicating that he was not using magic on Odin.

  "Huh." Odin was laughing at this point, twisting his head and patting Loki on the shoulder, "It's kinda hard to get rid of your magic, Frigga would be proud."

  Here too the point was made unmistakably clear to everyone that the reason Loki was able to become king in Asgard was that he had used a magical device to keep Odin on Earth.

  Only Odin, having escaped Loki's magic, chose to go into self-imposed exile and did not return to Asgard.

  "Sit with me for a while, I don't have much time." Odin greeted his two sons, faced the sea and sat down.

  "I know we have failed you, but we will make it right," Thor said to Odin with a straight face.

  "No, it is I who have failed you!" Odin instead shook his head, "The twilight of the gods, has come."

  The twilight of the gods?

  Apart from Star-Lord's dumbfounded face, everyone else in front of the screen could not help but feel a twitch in their hearts.

  They couldn't imagine that it would happen in reality.

  "I have stopped the Twilight of the Gods, I have ended Surtur." Thor, however, said from the side.

  The bastard had finished off the fire giant Surtur!

  "No, it's all about to begin, she's coming!" Odin shook his head again.


  For a moment, everyone in front of the screen was curious about this.

  Odin thought that "she" was coming, that the Twilight of the Gods was coming and that whoever she was, she was a very important person.

  "I've spent my life trying to stop her, but I'm running out of time." Odin said again, "There is nothing more I can do for her."

  "Father, who exactly are you talking about?" Thor couldn't resist asking off to the side.

  "The Goddess of Death, Hela." Odin came out with that answer.




  Everyone in front of the screen couldn't help but cry out, so to speak, they were all caught off guard and almost fell to the ground from the excitement.

  Hela, the Goddess of Death, was Thor's sister?

  The goddess of death, Hela, who crushed Thor's hammer with her bare hands, made Thor and Loki kneel and call her Queen, and might even invade Asgard in the future, was Thor's sister?

  What the hell!

  Hela, the Goddess of Death, has always been an extremely dangerous and equally extremely mysterious being in everyone's mind.

  Although people did not know exactly what Hela's true strength was, they subconsciously thought of her as a cosmic powerhouse no less powerful than the Exterminator.

  Knowing this, Thor went to great lengths to find out more about him in the stars.

  The result was that he found nothing.

  This made everyone more and more curious about Hela's origins.

  But in the end.

  Hela is Thor's sister!

  Just outrageous, just exaggerated!

  "She was my first child."

Odin's voice continued and began to explain to the two Thor brothers, "Your sister. "

  "Your what?" Thor's entire body was outright confused.

  "Her ambition swelled beyond my control and I couldn't stop her, so I imprisoned her, I kept her locked up."

  Odin, however, ignored Thor and introduced himself there, "Her power originated in Asgard and once she got there, her power was endless."

  "Whatever she is, we can all join forces to stop her!" Thor said heavily to Odin from the side.

  "We can't anymore, I'm already on the other side of the road." Odin said so instead, "You must face it alone now, I love you, my children, look over there."

  Odin pointed distantly in the direction of Asgard, "Remember that place, home."

  After saying these words, Odin, as a whole, turned into a diffuse golden light and disappeared between heaven and earth.

  Although no one on the scene, except for Thor, had seen how the Asgardian died, it was clear that Odin on the screen, for sure, was undoubtedly dead.

  Odin, the first king of the gods, had simply come to the end of his life on Earth.

  The image on the big screen was frozen in the golden light that Odin had turned into.