
Marvel: Rise Of The Sun Monarch

Ronin( MALE ) who has passed through the Marvel, gains the ability of the Eternal Sun and begins his journey to become the God and kick some as....cough cough. As u know... _________________________________________________________________ Notes- * I don't own shit, just my OC (Pic In The Comments) * This is not my original idea, it's based on a Chinese Novel. - Try it cause I am sure that u will like it. * Single Female just kidding..... it will be a fucking HAREM. ( Every hole is a goal... cough cough) ; ) ( also I will try to keep it the girls' minimum like 2-3 or maybe a maximum of 4-5. So, people don't sweat.) * I will try to post at least 3-4 chapters in one week. * Suggestions are welcomed but it will be my choice if I want to implement them or not. * If U Want To Show Support or Read More Chapters Ahead of Webnovel on My Patreon -- patreon.com/RONIN_AROY Extra Chaps Available - patreon.com/RONIN_AROY ( go and read it)( if u want )

RONIN_AROY · Película
Sin suficientes valoraciones
41 Chs

LAB Escape (ch 2)


After saying that, he turned around and ran towards the front passage, leaving behind the group of children who were full of expectant blessings.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Inside the base, there was a wave of excitement. There were roars and screams one after another.

In the main control room above the base, a man in a combat uniform walked in at a quick pace. The room was filled with crowds and noisy voices.

"Hurry, the experimental subject has broken into the second floor. The third team immediately provides support, seals all passages, and activates the defense system."

"The first and second teams have lost contact, and the third team is fighting"

"More than half of them are dead and injured, and they are calling for help."

"what happened."

Looking at the crowd in front of him who were constantly issuing orders and summarizing, the man directly grabbed a man in a white coat who wanted to leave and shouted angrily.

"Sir, there is an experimental subject escaping from the base. Our people are trying to stop it but the casualties are heavy."

The subordinate was shocked and answered with sweat on his head.

"How so?"

The man pushed away his men suddenly and walked to the information desk. He looked up and saw a picture on a large screen composed of thirteen huge LCD screens in front of him that shocked him.

In the picture, he could see a boy wearing white clothes. The little boy in the lab coat fought with dozens of soldiers in the base passage.

But the result was close to a one-sided massacre. The heavily armed soldiers pulled the trigger, but the bullets could not hit the boy at all. The boy seemed to possess something, It was like a superpower, able to turn into golden light and travel through it. Every punch and kick was filled with unparalleled power.

Those warriors were almost slaughtered in less than half a minute. Blood and corpses were scattered all over the corridor.

Only the little boy was left standing among the corpses. As if aware that someone was watching, the little boy turned his back to the camera and looked up at the monitor. What came into the picture was a pair of cold and ruthless eyes.

Originally, there was a chaotic scene. The crowd in the group looked at these eyes and immediately fell into silence.

Everyone's heart was beating wildly, and they saw only one message in these eyes.


The fierce killing intent through the screen was able to penetrate the soul, that full sense of oppression appeared in a boy less than thirteen years old. It was unbelievable, but it really happened.

It's almost indistinguishable from a monster.


The boy turned into a golden light again and disappeared from the screen.

Only then did the man react and cursed loudly.

"Damn it!!"

"Immediately mobilize all your strength to capture that brat for me."

As he spoke, the man's face showed a fanatical look.

Although this was a huge crisis, it also represented an opportunity. The kid suddenly had power beyond ordinary people, which meant that their experiment was successful and they must seize it. That experimental subject will definitely help in creating a super-powered army in the future

"yes, sir." One of the men replied loudly, but then his voice became a little weaker and he whispered: "Sir, most of the soldiers in our base are already dead."

"The man immediately woke up from his beautiful fantasy and turned to look at his men in disbelief: "Are they all dead?"

"Yes, sir, that experimental subject was too fast. He was like a perfect killing machine. Our people were killed just after they met."

"How much armed force is left?"

"There is only one combat team left. We are a test base here and there are not many armed forces, so"

It was obvious both inside and outside the words that the man understood. His brows tightened, feeling that something was wrong.

"What about our devices?"

"All scrapped."The subordinates were even more bitter. Originally, those devices were just to prevent the experimental subject from going wild after its success, but unfortunately, the boy blew it up with a laser beam.

"Does that mean our base has fallen? Just because of a boy under thirteen years old?"

"Although I hate to say this, it is true, sir"

"Damn it. The man cursed and then gave the order in one breath: "Upload all the boy's data immediately, then destroy all data and information in the base, and we will evacuate immediately."

"an automatic explosive device was activated? It will destroy all experimental subjects?" The subordinate said, and then the man scolded him back angrily: "Idiot if we blow up that boy, won't our efforts be in vain?" I will report it to the Baron and have him caught."

After cursing, he turned around and left.

Following the man's order, the rest of the staff in the base evacuated immediately after uploading the data. They acted very quickly, probably taking less than five minutes in total.


Five minutes later, accompanied by a crisp step Sound.

In the information center room, Ronin walked in,

Judging from the rise and fall of his chest, more than half of his physical strength had been consumed. If Ronin hadn't noticed in his memory of the past six months that there were not many guards at the base, then Ronin would not have chosen to break through by violently killing everyone but would have directly chosen to run away.

Elementalization is a bug, that can avoid these ordinary weapons, but it consumes physical strength very quickly.

Looking at the empty and deserted room, and the dark surveillance above, I walked to the information desk, well, I couldn't understand it at all, but the other surveillance screens in the base were empty and no one was looking at them. He also knew that these people must have ran away.


After frowning and thinking for a moment, he turned around and headed towards the bottom of the base where he was being held. To help the children to get out of their prison cells.

It was already midnight, and everyone in the group of children who were startled woke up, but they were holding the iron railings with their hands and listening to the noises.



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